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Birds and Slippery Slope Have Been Removed!

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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"squallaus.8321" said:

> >

> > > My personal opinion on this is either CM mode or give more rewards by default for clearing certain harder instability combinations for certain fractals. So player will feel that its more worth their time investment to improve.

> >

> > So what is harder instabilities in your opinion?


> Harder instability combinations you mean?


> Hmm. For an extra mystic coin for clearing maybe something like ....

> Slippery slope, outflanked and we breath fire for Siren's Reef.

> Outflanked, Social Awkwardness, Toxic trail for Nightmare.

> Slippery slope, we breath fire, fractal vindicator for shattered observatory.

> Afflicted, flux bomb, fractal vindicator for Twilight


> Just to name a few.


Ah, so its about the reward. I'm sure Arena would be happy to create another mode for another level of elitism in game

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> I really wish they wouldn’t have removed them, they weren’t bad at all and slippery slope was definitely one of the more fun instabilities.


On certain fractals sure they where fun I agree, maybe for some newer fractals where you can slide down it would be awesome..

But on already challenging fractals or tricky map designed maps, those instabilities are a pain to complete


If you want them, Areanet can bring them back in a 4th/5th extra daily/CM fractal specially for you people....

Me and a large portion of the players base rather not have these instabilities as they are now


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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> what will you cry for next?


> outflanked?


> "the harpies in uncategorized hit to hard when i try to skim them, outflanked needs to be removed"

> "siegemaster dulfy is too hard in urban battleground with outflanked i die even before i reach gate"

> " the adds in volcanic fractal are too strong with outflanked"

> " ..."




thats not even close the same.

Birds and slippery were only annoying and add nothing to the overall gameplay.

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Slippery Slope just felt very buggy with its interaction with player movement skills. (Using Ancestral Grace took you half of the distance you'd expect, for example) Slippery Slope also played very poorly with movement-impairing skills; if you were crippled or chilled it was much slower to gain momentum. The problems came when you'd have these conditions removed and your velocity suddenly changed and you moved in ways you didn't expect. It doesn't help that there is another Instability which affects movement speed. (Hamstring) In general, it's a silly instability when you just need to get from Point A to Point B, but if you need to move and then stand still and then move again it felt fairly awful.


As for the birds, I'm not surprised these got removed as well since it was easier to do that then salvage it. There were a number of issues with them, such as the sudden and unexpected Blindness. I've had many Temporal Curtains fail because I'd get birds on me a split second before I activated my pull. What's funny is, if you wait for the birds and dodge it off, the Birds that spawn take up the 5-target cap and end up ruining pulls anyways. They played really poorly with We Bleed Fire, as well as keeping people in combat frequently in between bosses. (Other Instabilities do this as well, but this one did it very often)


I'm sure they made their decision based on metrics as well, not player feedback.

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> @"Nokaru.7831" said:

> Slippery Slope just felt very buggy with its interaction with player movement skills. (Using Ancestral Grace took you half of the distance you'd expect, for example)


They definitely needed to fix the interactions of some of the movement skills with slippery slope. I think one of the ways that they could have done this better without necessarily modifying the movement skills themselves to suit slippery slope is to temporarily disable slippery slope when players used these movement skills. This would then put movement skills on par, and in some cases more advantageous, to how dodging and teleports countered, circumvented and overcame the negative movement effect of slippery slope.


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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> I really wish they wouldn’t have removed them, they weren’t bad at all and slippery slope was definitely one of the more fun instabilities.


I agree with you. It was great in so many ways. But it did require people to focus on footing more & required you to be far far more spontaneous in your game play. Though I know I complained about it, after awhile it became a running joke the birds were the worst instability. It was the worst because they made it the hardest, and that meant diversity and strategy.


Certainly the birds will be missed by many of us.


And slippery slope was my favourite of all instabilities by far.

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> @"Arosa.2647" said:

> This change surprised me a lot. Were there that many complaints? Birds and Flux bomb were very similar at their core :/. Never had problems with those particular two :S



Try birds in uncategorized jp...

Try birds with slippery in uncategorized

Try birds with social awkward and slippery in any jp like fracs


Try birds with afflicted you'll soon get overwhelmed by conditions


Biggest problem is the frequency of birds... When compared to other instabs, birds appear often and the sound they make while killing them, ugh annnnnooyyyiiinngg


On the second thought, maybe slippery slope shouldn't be removed... Birds frequency shouldve been reduced...


Or... If birds arrive, bird food bundle skill should be made available on ground and if bird food is aoe targeted on specific area, birds go there and attack whoever's there(players/boss) or .. birds should become allies after dodging them...

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> what will you cry for next?


> outflanked?


> "the harpies in uncategorized hit to hard when i try to skim them, outflanked needs to be removed"

> "siegemaster dulfy is too hard in urban battleground with outflanked i die even before i reach gate"

> " the adds in volcanic fractal are too strong with outflanked"

> " ..."




quoting myself:


today 95 mai trin with outflanked, i had 3 parties wipe on it time fter time untill i just left each group myself

the skill of pugs is low, they think "oh we have a healer, i don't have to move at all"


wrong buddy you move when i move or no heal for you.

they literally stand in every possible aoe (which is affected by outflanked) and die in 3 hits then "blame bad healer" :p

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> today 95 mai trin with outflanked, i had 3 parties wipe on it time fter time untill i just left each group myself

> the skill of pugs is low, they think "oh we have a healer, i don't have to move at all"


> wrong buddy you move when i move or no heal for you.

> they literally stand in every possible aoe (which is affected by outflanked) and die in 3 hits then "blame bad healer" :p

I only play support roles Druid, Renegade, or Scourge and it's always the healers fault when a group wipes. Even though its obvious some do not know the mechanic or just lazy. Its like you constantly play with an additional hidden instability "Sticky Feet" - unable to dodge... I get this instab every night I play.


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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > today 95 mai trin with outflanked, i had 3 parties wipe on it time fter time untill i just left each group myself

> > the skill of pugs is low, they think "oh we have a healer, i don't have to move at all"

> >

> > wrong buddy you move when i move or no heal for you.

> > they literally stand in every possible aoe (which is affected by outflanked) and die in 3 hits then "blame bad healer" :p

> I only play support roles Druid, Renegade, or Scourge and it's always the healers fault when a group wipes. Even though its obvious some do not know the mechanic or just lazy. Its like you constantly play with an additional hidden instability "Sticky Feet" - unable to dodge... I get this instab every night I play.



Yeah. I missed old days, when tanks dead was healers fault, healers dead was tank's bad and dps had no one to blame cus dps dies from own faults

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > > today 95 mai trin with outflanked, i had 3 parties wipe on it time fter time untill i just left each group myself

> > > the skill of pugs is low, they think "oh we have a healer, i don't have to move at all"

> > >

> > > wrong buddy you move when i move or no heal for you.

> > > they literally stand in every possible aoe (which is affected by outflanked) and die in 3 hits then "blame bad healer" :p

> > I only play support roles Druid, Renegade, or Scourge and it's always the healers fault when a group wipes. Even though its obvious some do not know the mechanic or just lazy. Its like you constantly play with an additional hidden instability "Sticky Feet" - unable to dodge... I get this instab every night I play.

> >


> Yeah. I missed old days, when tanks dead was healers fault, healers dead was tank's bad and dps had no one to blame cus dps dies from own faults


Pssh. DPS would blame the tank for not taunting or the healer for not sustaining them / invul them when they pulled aggro. DPS have blamed everyone / anyone else since EQ :sunglasses:

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"melandru.3876" said:

> > today 95 mai trin with outflanked, i had 3 parties wipe on it time fter time untill i just left each group myself

> > the skill of pugs is low, they think "oh we have a healer, i don't have to move at all"

> >

> > wrong buddy you move when i move or no heal for you.

> > they literally stand in every possible aoe (which is affected by outflanked) and die in 3 hits then "blame bad healer" :p

> I only play support roles Druid, Renegade, or Scourge and it's always the healers fault when a group wipes. Even though its obvious some do not know the mechanic or just lazy. Its like you constantly play with an additional hidden instability "Sticky Feet" - unable to dodge... I get this instab every night I play.



it's exactly this. every ground targetted aoe is affected by outflanked (300% dmg) not sure if this is a bug or not, but that's how it is

squishy peeps like thief/ele/dh's just die to 2 hits while they could have walked out, or dodges out


they do not "mah dps needs to be high" then seconds later they are dead "wtf our healer afk??"

no your healer is still standing


it's even worse when you play dps yourself (bs in my cae) and there is a heal scourge, people will literally facetank everything because you can't possibly wipe aslong as the scourge is good

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