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Updated Upcoming Warclaw bug fixes/changes

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > > > > > Maybe they'll go to pvP where they belong :)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > WvW isnt a place to PvP anymore?

> > > > > > your comment makes me sad.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

> > > > > > Guys, is this how you want WvW to be?

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > If people want to duel, they dismount and duel. If they would rather get into bigger fights they ignore you (unless you have "sic em").

> > > > > win win win imho, I've always viewed the permastealth, clone fest, one-shot people as a problem.

> > > > > I have been on servers in the past where seperation from a group on most builds meant sitting in camp and waiting for 4 or 5 to travel with because of the number of gankers haunting the spawns. I personally find the current setup much more enjoyable than _surprise- burst burst burst- oh chit he's alive- stealth run run evade evade evade stealth hide in camp-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > That's apart of open world pvp.

> > > > There should be dangers like that. There should be incentive to pvp above all else.

> > > >

> > > > I love Battlefield for the same reasons, at any moment I can die.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Just to be clear, I'm not saying anyone's opinion is better, I definitely see your point, but, stand by my own as well. Perhaps the "dismount trap" will be a happy middle ground making the "gank" cost something more than time.

> > > The added load to supplies may be interesting too as it will make the gankers need supply for their traps, which will add a whole new element to them of having to take the occasional camp for resuppy or risk generating salt by leeching off the garri.

> >

> > What does ganking have to do with dismounting?

> > Dismount mechanics would heavily favor zergers than anything.. then small man roaming teams.. Gankers would be at the bottom of the food chain.

> >

> > The main reason we need dismounting abilities is simply due to balance.


> Balance between what?


> >

> > Take Celestial gear as an example, extremely time gated to make, has no real use for PvE which means the gear is probably best suited for WvW and yet due to the CC immunity, 3 dodges and extra movement available its literally impossible for a person in Celestial gear to dismount someone.

> > Now what if that person had 30 odd characters and several sets of Celestial gear dedicated to WvW AND missed out on the gear reset due to celestial being a core stat?

> > Theres not even a chance to adapt.

> > Its like 6 years worth of building up characters was just rendered moot and a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge waste of time.

> >

> > I understand we can both like different things too.


> Wut? Because you specced for celestial (and yes, I hate timegates) you are then entitled to dismount people because you can't do enough damage to the mount? Or did I read this wrong? Also there are more avenues to get celestial through stat selection ascended gear in WvW. While it doesn't abolish all of the timegates it still greatly increased the pace to which you can gain them. **And there is a chance to adapt: run something more burst heavy (condi or power) than the celestial stat**. It's not like the mount can cleanse condis...


> Or is that not balanced?


> D:


My full zerker berserker can't dismount either, how much more damage do i need? The thing is bloated and uncatchable if you aren't a ranger.

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Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


And like a heat seeking middle it hits the shiny skinned mounts with more accuracy right?? Right????


One can hope......?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


Can it be dodged with regular Warclaw's endurance leap?

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If we're soliciting feedback what I'd really like is for the skill to result in the two players being joined by a chain and the dismounter swinging dramatically Wile E. Coyote style through a hundred and eighty degree arc as the dismount animation. If a vertical impediment prevents the full arc from completing the two players should both wind around it until they are face to face and be forced to duel at melee to the death, after which the survivor would be forced to wp to extricate themselves . . .


Also ty for update, it really does go a long way :)

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


We now ride Lions with rocket launchers, nice.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


Id like to know more, like range, missile speed, cooldown, number of targets.


Its gonna be important due to triple dodge.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


Any additional details, such as the range on this attack, or if the attack causes knockdown like when you "kill" someone's mount?

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> @"Alukah.2063" said:

> You should make dismount cost 1 supply or something, so it gives people 10-15 charges before they have to capture or visit a camp to recharge.

That makes absolutely no sense. Since the dismount is for your target *and you*, you will always be put in combat. Thats the "recharge". Its not like you will be able to go around on your mount going "**you** get a dismount!" every second while riding away laughing. There no need for any restriction.


As another said, I am more interested in projectile speed, animation, cooldown etc because this is critical to whether its even usable. A dismount with 30s cd and the behavior of engie pistol 5 for example wouldnt dismount anyone. Not even what I presume would be the archetype for a "netshot" (ballista, engie rifle or harpoon shots) would be anywhere *near* good enough vs the dodges of the mount. It would have to have like... 3s cd or something so you get tons of tries. Especially if it has a blatantly obvious projectile.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


Looking forward to it. Personally I still want it's HP pool halved and less evade frames while dodging, in addition.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.



Wait, was this previously mentioned or first confirmation of more warclaw content? And by mastery you mean the WvW points right, not in the mastery system?



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Can it be blocked by aegis (guardian while mounted) & will it put them into combat so that they can't remount.


> @"Lishtenbird.2814" said:

> WvW with Warclaw was fun for new players for a nanosecond before everything was nerfed back to how the Only True Gamemode Veterans vocally want it to stay (and die) as.


Was fun for a nano second while it damaged WvW permanently. Hardly any que ever since, if there's any.


Not looking forward to this addition tbh. It still require players to own the mount, unable to use the skill while contesting (can't be mounted) and the need to chase up to opponents mount (faster in their own territory).

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Was fun for a nano second while it damaged WvW permanently. Hardly any que ever since, if there's any.


When it came out, we had queues on all borders around 50 for 2 weeks. Now it's back to be normal, except all the PvX-players doing scyscale, PvE-Raid-ring and vision collections. We also suffer from an absence of publics at the moment (1-3 guild raids on each border on prime time).

At least for the Abanur-server the effect is not that negative. Personally, I find it rather positive, since movement is faster, lootbags are also returning faster and you can defend a tower even if 20 enemies cam the exit.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> If we're soliciting feedback what I'd really like is for the skill to result in the two players being joined by a chain and the dismounter swinging dramatically Wile E. Coyote style through a hundred and eighty degree arc as the dismount animation. If a vertical impediment prevents the full arc from completing the two players should both wind around it until they are face to face and be forced to duel at melee to the death, after which the survivor would be forced to wp to extricate themselves . . .


> Also ty for update, it really does go a long way :)


Seconded. Loudly, enthusiastically seconded.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


Let the character throw a Spear (like the Dragonsblood Spear). Animations should be there. (And we get more spear action!)

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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:



> make this skill fair:


> * when you successfully ~~ganked~~ dismounted the enemy one guy YOU AND ALL YOUR ~~GANK~~ BUDDYS in a 2000 range are dismounted too.

> * Thank You



By your description of them as gankers, they aren’t going to stay on their mounts once you’re dismounted. Maybe you need to adjust your attempt at hyperbole?


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


I presume the dismount for both parties will be the same as a manual dismount, and not the knockdown effect you get when the mount dies for the target?


EDIT: also assuming the mutual dismount puts both parties into combat?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.


> Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.


Thanks for the update!

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