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Giveaway The Best and The Most Fun Build Ever

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A really nice build, good explanations about how and why certain things work. Nowadays so many people just go to metabattle, pick one from the rack and just follow their rotations. The game has so much variety and personal freedom to offer. You can easily adjust your builds, find own rotations and skill-combos and have a lot of fun. There are plenty of synergies throughout all classes. Stuff that can be easily combined, improving both damage and survivability. But nowadays, people just want to be ... efficient, like at work. sigh :S


Really cheers me up to see a self created build like yours, that works out so well. Thanks for sharing.

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  • 3 months later...

It really is fun. You'll probably die a lot before you learn the build like I did, but once you do learn it...


And make sure you switch up your skills and traits when you need to. And carry a pair of daggers. Revenge Counter instead of Magebane Tether and Mending instead of Healing Signet is useful for condi-heavy fights. Or Sun and Moon Style + daggers instead of Slow Counter + axes if you're going to need the extra healing. If you need full-on tankiness, Guard Counter, Defy Pain and Last Stand are your friends.

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> @"WisH.8305" said:

> Is there a mirage version of this?


I assume you mean a build that can do the sort of things Lord Hizen is doing with his spellbreaker in this video (i.e. defeat legendary bosses, etc.)? Yes. In fact, Mirage can do it quite easily because a very high percentage of its damage comes from conditions and conditions require only two stats for damage (Mirage also evades constantly!). This allows you to use Trailblazer gear without sacrificing as much damage as power builds do when they build with passive mitigation stats.


This is a torment-focused build that pairs solid damage with incredible survivability:




This is a confusion-based build. It has stronger damage, especially bursting against enemies that attack quickly. It is still strong on defense, but the torment build is significantly stronger in this area with better passive mitigation, healing, boon generation, clone generation, and mobility:




For an inexpensive beginner variant focused on more general open world play (as opposed to boss solos), try this:




It uses inexpensive exotic dire gear, cheap runes/sigils, and relies on on-kill effects to increase condition damage and restore endurance (increasing both survivability and damage output in the process!). Perfect for handling groups of normal and veteran units, but still capable of handling bosses and very forgiving to play.


You can also use Viper gear or really anything with condition damage on it with these builds. They'll still work, but you lose a lot of passive mitigation and the contribution of power/precision to Mirage damage output in solo play won't necessarily pay off, especially in longer fights where you're being pressured and forced to play defensively.


I'm not going to imbed videos in Lord Hizen's thread, but I have a thread of my own you can check out if you want to know more:




Thanks to Lord Hizen! Great videos and you've been an inspiration since I got my start in GW2!




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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"WisH.8305" said:

> > Is there a mirage version of this?


> I assume you mean a build that can do the sort of things Lord Hizen is doing with his spellbreaker in this video (i.e. defeat legendary bosses, etc.)? Yes. In fact, Mirage can do it quite easily because a very high percentage of its damage comes from conditions and conditions require only two stats for damage (Mirage also evades constantly!). This allows you to use Trailblazer gear without sacrificing as much damage as power builds do when they build with passive mitigation stats.


Thanks! Was looking for a build similar to that. It's frustrating that all players moved on and not many left on PoF maps. Due to time zone differences and stuffs, doing group events especially at certain time is really not plausible at all.

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Thanks for the video. I was looking for a new profession to play for a change of pace and decided to give this a try since it looked interesting. I have a question, why all the toughness stats for this build? I have been testing this but in exotic gear aside from trinkets which are ascended since I didn't want to sink a lot of gold in to the gear in case I didn't like it. I must be doing something wrong because it took me like 5 minutes to take down one champ golem when I was practicing. It seemed I was doing very little damage. Never had to use the heal skill though which was cool. :)


Any advice that isn't already given in the video? Also how do you think this would work with d/d instead of greatsword? Thanks.

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