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[Still no fix] Disconnects & lags since SAB went live

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I was almost done killing all Assassins and collecting all Baubles in SAB W2Z2, **which I spent the past three hours on**, when I suddenly lost connection to the server. :o


Why is ANet ignoring the issue? No official statement yet that it is being worked on, let alone it being fixed by now. This is making me incredibly angry, it really is. :angry:

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Been there 3 years ago and can feel you. First time I got stuck in the infantile clouds at the end when triggering the very last checkpoint and couldn't gg back then. Then disconnected near end in second attempt.


If you need someone to run it with you again quickly (helped people with it over and over by now), let me invite you on NA or EU.

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Hey @"Ray Koopa.2354",


firstly, thanks for the kind offer. :) Not sure we could play together, though, if you are on NA servers, as I am EU. ;) In any case, already finished all the achievements the same night (stayed up, because I am stubborn - regretted it the next morning. :s )


Secondly, I hope this issue will not occur again during the event. Of all events, this is the one where it is most vital to have a stable connection to the server, or else... well, you got it. :'(

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Thank you. **Thank you VERY MUCH, ANet!** Each day around the same time, when the busy hours starts, your EU Amazon servers disconnect me. :angry:


Wasted another couple of hours clearing the path to get the SAB race in World 2, Zone 3 done - and shortly before I reached the last coin: DISCONNECT. Now I am having action delays of over a minute again. (Wait, make that 2 minutes.) Sweet. Makes SAB real fun to play. :-1:


This will be the last time I participated in the SAB festival.


P.S. Ooh, sweet. Lost connection to the server again.

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Can I suggest making a support ticket since they can then identify the issue. There really isn't much they can do from a forum post especially as it appears extremely localised to yourself. If it is a wider problem or is affecting something they can identify, a support ticket will be the way forward and if it is only confined to yourself, they can advise what should be able to fix it as they will be able to obtain direct data from you about the issue.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> And/or use PingPlotter to find exactly where the connection issues lay. The Tech CS Team will ask for a report, anyway.


My ISP sent technicians over the other day to check everything, from my router to the hub on the block, and beyond, and everything is in order, so it must be the server. However, sending a ticket seems pointless. I have been through that last year, and it always ends up nowhere, even when elevated to the highest tech support level. (sighs) The ultimate answer was that connection routes are very complicated and cannot be regulated, so there is a lot of space for error in between my ISP and their servers, ergo there was nothing they could do. I doubt that very much in this case, as the issue started _exactly_ on point with the SAB update, but hey, whatever.

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My gf keeps disconnecting at the end of the tribulation bosses, after she kills it, while you are waiting the excruciating 30 sec to port you to the next area. I remember this happening to me on previous years, and it IS very frustrating cause you don't get the trib token til the 30 sec timer runs out. I've done lots of network troubleshooting on her PC, traceroutes, pathpings, etc and it is not the internet. It is very suspicious that it happens always at that point, and there is no hiccup in her internet. We do a continuous ping (i.e. ping -t and there are no packets lost and there is no increase in the response time. It doesn't point to internet issues at all and more like a bug in the game, which has been there all along cause it happened to me past SABs when I grinded my two collections.

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Been consistently disconnecting on my main char in the Guild Hall and Mistlock Sanctuary instance since tuesday. If I logged in those maps, the game would send me an error report (no error message) systematically after 5 seconds. I managed to log in, change map, and had no further issues... Until I reentered the afforemented maps. It's very hard to figure out, considering the connection to the server is Not lost, I can still act for a while when the error report window shows up. None was in the guild hall with me, and when I entered I only moved 2 paces, so I dont think the crash occurs from actions that me or someone takes in the instance


I believe the issue to be instance based, as in : I'm auto booted from entering those instances, or during my load up to them

Should mention, but not sure it's related honestly, but also playing EU

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > And/or use PingPlotter to find exactly where the connection issues lay. The Tech CS Team will ask for a report, anyway.


> My ISP sent technicians over the other day to check everything, from my router to the hub on the block, and beyond, and everything is in order, so it must be the server. However, sending a ticket seems pointless. I have been through that last year, and it always ends up nowhere, even when elevated to the highest tech support level. (sighs) The ultimate answer was that connection routes are very complicated and cannot be regulated, so there is a lot of space for error in between my ISP and their servers, ergo there was nothing they could do. I doubt that very much in this case, as the issue started _exactly_ on point with the SAB update, but hey, whatever.


Check another connection local to you but not your own network. Ask a friend or family member to use their connection at the times you disconnect/have high pings.

The pingplotter and traceroute will check the hops and tell you exactly where your issues coming from. it could be a hop at an exchange neither on Anet or your ISP's domain.


For example i resolved my own issue by using my phones connection tethered. I'm pretty confident now its just my home network causing problems for me.

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Those who really want to resolve a connectivity issue should work with ANet to track things down. In many cases, ANet will be able to resolve the issue. In some cases, they'll need to work with their ISP or Amazon. In others, they'll give you information you can share with your ISP. And yeah, sometimes, there's not much anyone can do.


The internet is a big place and our demand for bandwidth keeps growing. Unfortunately, the infrastructure isn't keeping up.



> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> My ISP sent technicians over the other day to check everything, from my router to the hub on the block, and beyond, and everything is in order, so it must be the server.

That doesn't rule out "everything," only what your ISP checks that is within their direct control. There's a lot of internet between their equipment and Amazon's.


Unless... they gave you specific details about the route your data is taking, in which case that's well worth sharing with ANet.


> However, sending a ticket seems pointless.

Why wouldn't you want to provide them with details they must learn before they can troubleshoot?



> the issue started _exactly_ on point with the SAB update

On any given day, some fraction of GW2 players will start having an issue that takes X days or Y weeks to resolve. Some of those days are patch days. The fact that your issue started with SAB's code being added to the game is coincidental, at least without any additional evidence.



It could be an issue on ANet's side. It could be (as some hypothesized above) an issue with your home network that isn't triggered except in unusual situations. The point is that there's no way to narrow things down without doing the necessary homework. You've done some; there's more remaining.


Internet connectivity issues have many causes, many of which result in identical or near-identical symptoms. There's really no way to know without investigation.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Those who really want to resolve a connectivity issue should work with ANet to track things down. [...]


Since I wasn't the only one experiencing the issue around the time, I don't see the point, especially when it was a timed issue (circa between 19:00 and 0:00), therefore making it unlikely to be a connectivity issue and more likely to be a server overload issue.

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Except, sometimes, Tier 1 backbone carriers have issues affecting lots of users from all over. Or, a carrier decides to throttle use during certain hours of the day. Or, there's just too much traffic, at times. Etc., etc.

It's really difficult to determine without checking connection hop logs, and even then it can be sporadic.


Regardless, some (such as myself) are no longer having issue; alas, some still are.

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