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Why is Soulbeast so popular in WvW?


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Long ago, pre-balance patch, three specializations ruled roaming: Deadeye, Mirage, and Soulbeast. They were generally well disliked and considered easy faceroll specs. Players of these classes would often try to solo much larger groups, confident they could just zip away if things got rough. For their prideful engagements, and because all the people they terrorized made Youtube videos and forum posts, Anet punished them. Deadeye was stripped of his stealth. Mirage was stripped of his conditions and endurance. Soulbeast **skulked in the mud and somehow avoided any meaningful nerf, leading all the old mirages and deadeyes to flock to him for protection and learn his ways.**

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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> Long ago, pre-balance patch, three specializations ruled roaming: Deadeye, Mirage, and Soulbeast. They were generally well disliked and considered easy faceroll specs. Players of these classes would often try to solo much larger groups, confident they could just zip away if things got rough. For their prideful engagements, and because all the people they terrorized made Youtube videos and forum posts, Anet punished them. Deadeye was stripped of his stealth. Mirage was stripped of his conditions and endurance. Soulbeast **skulked in the mud and somehow avoided any meaningful nerf, leading all the old mirages and deadeyes to flock to him for protection and learn his ways.**


Even after the patch, Deadeyes and Mirage are still pretty potent tbh. They are just less forgiving to play now. Their skill floor has increased somewhat.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > > Because outstanding mobility combined with the ability to 100-0 someone is just a few seconds from extreme range with little risk appeals to a lot of players albeit a "certain type" of player.

> >

> > But the bandwagoners can't keep up with those of us that started playing ranger way before it was good lol


> I would agree with this.

> I've encountered many more soulbeasts in recent weeks but most are average players.

> So many of them, but so few highly skilled ones.


> Since POF was introduced, I can only recall ever meeting 6 highly skilled soulbeasts. (Those that can stand their ground and win, not those shoot and run shoot and run types).


> One was HCM's Kiritsugu. Shame we never fought solo in POF era. Just a few group skirmishes. I would probably have lost solo but would have been a nice challenge.


> One was KYS's Soulbeast roamer. Shame I encountered him only once while I was on my Scourge Zergling. Needless to say, I got wrecked.


> One was RITE's Alex. Shame we never fought solo in POF era while I was on my solo roaming build. I would rate him as highly as Kiritsugu. Perhaps even more dangerous because Alex gives me the feels of a 'dirty, win at all cost' brawler who customises his builds heavily to counter foes. While Kiritsugu feels more like a straightforward and direct fighter.


> One was Hunt's @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" whom I tried fighting his Soulbeast once but our fight was interrupted. Just based on our opening exchanges though, I am 80% certain that I would have lost that fight.


> One was a plat ranked Soulbeast from AR server. He was running guildless though. But based on the skill levels he showed, he isn't too far from Kiritsugu level.


> The last was a BG server Soulbeast roamer. Also guildless. But no less skilful than the others mentioned here. We dueled and I won once out of 10 fights. I cried irl after that win.


> Oh and before I forget, Donnie's Druid is also a force to be reckoned with. Much more suited for roaming compared to soulbeasts imo.


Oh hey, I'm Alex. Surprisingly, I've think all of the rangers you've listed are either extremely skilled with their builds or they run a strong 1 v 1 build like I do.


As for myself, I naturally play multiple builds so I guess you can say i counter foes pretty often. My most well known build is my dagger main hand build on soulbeast. It's the sad truth but it's made to counter power soulbeast builds; including boonbeast builds as well. I guess I am pretty dirty haha.


Ranger's itself is pretty strong. In fact, it's so good I use sic-em for roaming and still maintain decent sustain. I'm not one of those people who originally main ranger. To be honest, at one point I despised rangers for being able to kill me at max range (1500-2000). I randomly picked it up with tips from HCM kiritsugu during HOT era when I have nothing better to do. I'm very safe >_>

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Its popular because they can stand on walls and take more than 50% of it hit points with click of a button if ur unaware of them or in a fight already, they can also send their pet after u from that crazy as well. It's a carry class and people are drawn to it?

Oh oh I met one of those wall hugging soulbeasts the other day. Well not an objective wall but I dont judge which walls they prefer. And he was drawn to me instead.


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