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what are some goals to have in gw2?


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I haven't been playing the last few months because I can't really find some goals I'd enjoy to do.

There are a few that i aim for, like the beetle mount or maybe the griffon (although I doubt i'll ever get the necessary gold for it). Of course i finished the story. I don't really care for legendaries, as it takes way too long and i don't really like any of them that much to be honest.

i love this game, but i feel like there's not much to do, i mean why do events? what do i get from them that are useful if i'm not interested in legendaries?

I'd appreciate if you guys could give me some ideas on what to aim for :D

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You are not the only one having this problem with the current pace of content delivery. You could always work towards fully equipping a character with ascended gear. And if you already have that or not interested in crafting, you can sell the mats earned from metas like SW to get gold for your griffon.

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Achievements or collections for themselves don't really interest me, unless they unlock something.

Ascender armor could be interesting, I'd need to check how to get it. Also finishing skill lines, I've yet to complete a lot of them, I guess events would be useful for that.

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Ascended gear for all of your characters, and maybe max out all of your crafting professions. Get involved with a new guild and help build them up. Hopefully you have full traits on all your characters, too.


After you get ascended gear you can work on trying to get into raids. Start doing your T1 fractals and accrue agony resistance, then buy the +7 or +9 infusions one by one. The more you do your daily fractals the quicker you'll find you have the gold to get your Griffon achievements completed.


If you already have, and also played, all of the story content available to the game, then start going through your achievement list one by one and tackle them all :D it helps to look at the smaller pictures and not thinking about the longer term so much.


(especially when it comes to making legendaries... ;) )

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> I only have 1 char I play.

> How do we get Ascender equipment? Crafting it?


The best way to get first Ascended is to craft it, yes. Its not quick or easy but best, guaranteed.

What fractals give you? They are fun, you get that progression feel while you work you way to t4s, you get bit loo t(its isn't bad tho) and chances for ascended chest drops.

It's a text book example of instanced PvE but they are short unlike any other dungeons or raids you might have seen in other games.

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some of my personal goals right now are:

get enough shadow seals for the portal finisher

work on acquiring central tyrian mastery points in order to complete the final mastery line and start getting spirit shards (more for the sake of no longer having the bar be full than anything else)

find interesting skins for armour and/or weapons and complete related content and/or achievements. just yesterday i got this achievement https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodstone_Harvest and with it the bloodstone visage helm skin. i'm also slowly working on the season 4 episode 2 and 5 meta achievements for the olmakhan shoulder skin and the corsair pants.

eventually play enough wvw to get all the warclaw skills just for the fun of it.

eventually try out a raid, if for nothing else than to get the heart of thorns mastery raid line.

work up the motivation to level up crafting so that i can eventually get 30 slot bags on all my characters and easier access to ascended equipment. I don't find crafting fun but not worrying about bagspace is gonna be even more fun, so i'm willing to dip my toes into it.


i also have a small plan of rp walking around major cities and level 1 areas to just talk to npcs and watch the world. that might not appeal to everyone, but there's some beautiful moments in the world if you slow down a bit, things i'm absolutely guilty of missing when i normally play.

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Gearing up your main and alt characters you would be interested in swapping too when needed, in Ascended stats. If you don't got all classes at Lv.80, maybe over time create and level up every class? It gives you some insight into fighting them in PvP too. You could incorporate some Legendaries into this for the functionality of stats swapping, Infusion and Rune/Sigil hotswapping, which you can quickly move around with the Shared Inventory once made. There's plenty of achievements to hunt for, Exotic Hunter and Treasure Hunter comes to mind which will take you on a journey to various (meta) events, or you could have a goal of becoming one of the best Structured PvP'ers in the game by training and competing in the tournaments with a team you over time build up with others. Set your sights on one of the gizmos from the monthly tournament? Maybe dedicate yourself a bit to World vs. World and see if you want anything out of that as a goal, perhaps the Rank 2000 armor, [sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigadine](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sublime_Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_Brigandine "GW2 Wiki"), with the tendrils coming out when you draw your weapon?


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> @"coso.9173" said:

> Map competition is ready to me. At least the parts I can make without the beetle mount. I have never given crafting much thought. Thanks for the idea. And fractals? I enjoy them but what do we earn by doing them?

If your only question at the end of everything is "what do I earn by doing it?" then I recommend just farming gold.


GW2 is otherwise extremely wide with what to do when you simply want to do something, there is metric ton of achievements. When you say "map completion is ready"... that probably just means you havent even scratched the surface yet. Map completion is simple. Today for example, sorrows embrace daily. I noticed i hadnt done one of the paths in my achievements. So I decided to solo it. Took 1.5h lol (well, it would have taken half that had I known how the bosses worked beforehand). But, another achievement completed that I didnt even know I had going.


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There are a couple of different approaches to addressing the underlying question of: "what makes the game worth playing regularly." Here are just some:

* **Take a break:** if the game isn't calling you, it's not calling you; do something else (it's Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, so maybe something ... outdoors).

* **GW2 with Friends:** Find others to play with: a lot of people return for the social aspects, long after they've accomplished any in-game goals.

* **Hunt Achievement Points, version 1:** completionists get a kick out of crossing stuff off the list (doesn't sound like the OP's thing tho)

* **Hunt for AP, version 2:** I use the AP list as an excuse to try different stuff. Legendary collections returned me to older maps/events, or different parts of the game. Sometimes, that reintroduction catalyzes me to spend more time in something new.

* **Artificial Challenges:** soloing dungeons or fractals, iron man (starting a new character and forcing yourself to re-roll on any death), and other self-imposed restrictions change the way we look at the game.

* **History tours:** find a party of the story (or read one of the GW1 wiki history articles or listen to Wooden Potatoes on lore) and try to find all the locations. Find _that shaman_'s map of historical Tyria and try to find the old GW1 sites.

* **Helping others:** make a point of showing up in areas that newbies (to the game or to the zone/story) tend to have trouble and pop up a mentor tag.



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i have been away from the game for months now, and i do want to come back, I still think it's one of the best MMOs around, but the lack of things to do is what makes coming back difficult to me, thats why I'm asking :)

I've got quite some good advice in this topic though, thans everyone!

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> the lack of things to do

There's no end to the list of "things to do." The issue is: you don't like a lot of what's on that list. Which is fine; ANet can only produce so much content, so they are bound to fall short in providing the right things for a large swath of veterans.


It might turn out that the game doesn't offer the right mix _for you_. So coming back 2-3x/year and catching up on the new stories might be all that makes sense for you.



> I've got quite some good advice in this topic though, thans everyone!

You're quite welcome.



If (when?) you do end up returning, please let us know what you end up doing. Good luck.

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part of my issue with ascended crafting is that i have no idea on how to do it, or what items I need for it, so i mostly end up selling everything so i don't get flooded with items, if you have a good guide for it (and also for fractals) i'd really appreciate it

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> @"user does exist.6483" said:

> There are several crafting guides that take you to max. Along the way you find what is needed for ascended armour. Otherwise read the GW2 wiki on any specific armour you want and it will list out the mats.


and how do i know which armor do i need for my character? it only depends on the class? or there's more i should know?

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"user does exist.6483" said:

> > There are several crafting guides that take you to max. Along the way you find what is needed for ascended armour. Otherwise read the GW2 wiki on any specific armour you want and it will list out the mats.


> and how do i know which armor do i need for my character? it only depends on the class? or there's more i should know?


Class and build, check https://discretize.eu , https://metabattle.com/wiki/Fractal

For fractals guide there is series on tube from /KING/ guild

its bit overtuned for extra-pro runs with skips etc but will give good knowledge on boss mechanics

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Here are a few long-term goals to start with. You should not try to complete any of those in a single run. Once in a while, when you are bored or looking for a task, continue with any of these. You will also get some reasons to do events and bounties:

- Funerary Armor: As always, you have 3 sets of armor to unlock. Each of them needs one piece of: helmet, shoulders, chest, leggings, gloves and boots. To get anything started, you need to get the six core-achievements completed:

Washing the Brow

Recitation of the Litany of Deeds

Glorify the Golden Heart

Exaltation of the Guardians

The Collection of Tribute

Walk the Land

Each of those tasks takes a while to complete. At the end you get a specific armor box for the Funerary Armor. Once you have unlocked 1 piece of Helmet, Shoulders, Chest, Leggings, Gloves & Boots the real fun begins. The other pieces can be unlocked by purchasing more Armor Boxes from the Pirmeval Steward NPC in the Tombs of the Primeval Kings in Desert Highlands. To make things a little more challenging, you cannot purchase those boxes for gold alone. You also need Elgy Mosaic which drop from Legendary Bounties. So whenever you are bored, you can either try to finish any of the above 6 tasks or join any legendary bounty train. This keeps you busy for a while. Oh and the Primeval Steward also sells a nice set of Funerary Weapons, also for Mosaics ^^.

- Bounty Hunter Armor: When you do the **Recitation of the Litany of Deeds** (see above) you will come across Priory Historian Elisa. Aside of exchanging your Mosaics, she will also function as a vendor for recipes for the bounty-hunter armor. As you can see from the vendor list, the recipes eat tons of trade-contracts. You will not get enough from the bounties alone, so it is a good strategy to participate in events if you come across one.

- Warbeast Armor: Yet another armor-set hidden in Path of Fire, isn't that nice? The recipes are only rare drops from bounties, luckyly they are trade-able. If you farm enough money, you can buy the recipes from TP. Some pieces of that armor-set also drop as named exotic pieces, those are tradeable as well. But they sell for 300-500 gold on TP - crafting is cheaper.


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