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GW2 is not dying or ending.

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> @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> > > > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > > > > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> > > > > I mean, if the game was in such a good place, would this thread be even needed?

> > > >

> > > > To be blunt about it: Competitive players would complain about a sunny day.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm talking game in general. Layoffs. People leaving. etc...

> > >

> > > If the game was in such a good place, why is this thread even needed?

> > >

> >

> > This is a strawman argument. People insist on things all the time. The moon landing was faked. The Earth is Flat (look up flat earther society). Just because people say stuff, doesn't make it true.

> >

> > This thread (which I don't think is necessary or helpful anyway) is a response to people saying something they can't prove. Nothing to do with whether the game is in a good or bad place. Only has to do with people talking without really knowing.


> > @"Lahemic.6097" said:


> > 3. The layoffs were nothing more than an investment decision on Arenas part. Just because a corporation lays off employees doesn't mean that they're in danger. If walmart lays off cashiers, it doesn't mean that the franchise is going down. It's just a business practice.

> >



> Strawman what? He's making wild claims that spontaneously removing 143 people was an investment decision from arenanet. What? NCSoft decided to fire those people. A simple google search for arenanet glassdoor will tell you that things are in a rocky spot. Lots of reviews pointing out mismanagement and leadership issues.


> 143 people were fired. Mike left and took 8 devs with him. 4 other devs have quit for other jobs in the last 8 months.


> So things are definitely not in a good way. As is obvious with whats been happening in the last year alone.


> Do I think the game is dying overall, no, but when 2/3rds of the game modes are having MAJOR issues, those people that exclusively play those game modes will consider it such.




You've got some facts and ignore other facts. The game started with only 300 employees and hired about 100 more employees. They had other projects and not all the devs were working on Guild Wars 2 anyway. Until you have knowledge of who was working on what, all we have to go on is what has been told. What has been told is that Anet had other projects that didn't get off the ground. We know from quarterly reports that Guild Wars 2 is roughly stable, even outperforming the game's quarterly income in three consecutive months in the aftermath of HoT. Sales are stable. At no time in any stock call did NcSoft say that Guild Wars 2 was not meeting expectations. That did happen, once, a long time ago. It wasn't repeated.


Sure, there are people gone. We also know some of the people working on other projects were moved back to Guild Wars 2 and we know that Anet is hiring. There's plenty of information out there, but the game is roughly stable. Anet <> Guild Wars 2 even if that's the only project of theirs that's currently available.

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And you are making the same assumptions the OP is making, without any proof.


It's easy to be dismissive and say the game isn't dying or dead, but neither you, nor the OP of this thread know exactly what the population of the game is. If it's in decline or not, etc...


You point at revenue and profits, but if the game was so stable and profitable why would NCsoft fire 143 people, why did all the founding members of anet leave?


The only metric we have as to what the playerbase is doing is world population in WvW, which is in heavy decline since the same time as last year, and other people's observations. Claiming the size of the playerbase is larger than other games without having any way to prove it, while actively dismissing other people's observations is hypocritical.


This thread is factually useless and shouldn't exist.

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I went through the past couple weeks of posts related to GW3 and the OP (mine included) have not dealt with closing GW2 in favor of GW3.


The posts were started by asking what people would want in a new platform (new races, updated graphics, etc), if you would leave GW2 for GW3, or does the events of this year mean ANET is taking the game in a new direction ( i.e. GW3).


Threads seem to morph into for or against scrapping the current for a new game because it's on people's minds.

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I believe the population is slowly dwindling day by day and I believe most of this revolves around the people growing up/ getting older. Lets face it Anet is doing next to nothing in getting "New Players" to the game. For those of you that have been playing for all 7 years. Think back on how old you were when you started. Some of us were old/older when we started playing so our day to day does not change much and allows us to keep a steady routine and keep playing the game. But think for a minute about the younger population who are now in their early 20's now trying to balance college with a social life. Its very understandable why they are gone. Of course there are other outlaying reason why people leave and sure there will be people upset with one thing or the other but I think it has a lot to do with ANET not trying to get new players to the game in the 13 to 18 age range.


I believe in time if the game can stay a float that the players that have left the game for reasons other than being upset with one thing or the other will be back once their life settles down. But we have to make it to that point. ANET if you read this put some television ads together and try to refresh your player base.

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