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A build I enjoy


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So hear me out on this wonky thing.

Insta-7k heal from Blood Bond. Dagger #2 capable of 10k heals. Exiting Shroud 3k heal when below 50% health + consumes condtions + with cleansing, clears 3. Passive near 800 heal when hit both in and out of Shroud (near 7k heal if conditions are on you when Signet activated). Bleeding yourself with BiP increases the effect of Dagger #2's heal or can help for proc'ing Blood Bond if you're not in Scepter. Absurdly high armor + Shroud's baseline damage reduction + all the heals both small and massive make this build disgustingly tanky.


_This is from a solo/small scale WvW perspective._

Objectively, it's crappy. Really not advocating that this is a secret OP soon to be meta build or something. But I enjoy it greatly and especially in 1v1's (rare as they might be) you should hardly drop below 90% health. And even if you do, you can literally heal from 1% to full in a second or two. It's fun to play an attrition Necro as it was "designed" to be by wearing people down and constantly recovering.


If you want to criticize, share your own builds or give tips, by all means. But in regards to it's weaknesses, I really don't need to be told twice, lol. Just wanted to share for those who are looking for something fun to play that's very forgiving.

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Just some of my thoughts.

I don't want to make this a bad build:


think that build can work. I played something similar long time ago, but with a different build (stats and rune)


I'd just change some things:

Drop 400-600 toughness and get vitality instead. Does have something to do how scaling of toughness compared to damage reduction works.


Also me personally: I really don't like the signet trait +the healing signet. If you could reach the numbers shown in the build editor (920 passive heal) it would be good. But it's not these numbers in-game. Especially only taking the trait for SoV seems extremely like wasting a trait. As well as you won't be able to process the passive that often, as fights nowadays are 95% short fights: burst or get bursted or run away and try again.


The healing well gives insane amounts of healing while often baiting the opponent to not go near you, while standing inside the well. Or consume conditions that benefits from healing power (on both instances)


Also you might want to drop some condicleanses. spectral walk + the bloodmagic trait should be enough. There are only very few Condi roamers nowadays, at least what I experienced over the past few months of roaming.

Most roamers are power.

Also if you play in a group you might want one player playing a pure support spec (which would make healing power on core-necro almost completely unnecessary).


Also pure Condi necro got pretty bad with the most recent changes of scrapper and it's insane capabilities of cleansing condis.


Also I do not like the dagger offhand. It gives you almost no value. Dagger 5 is hard to hit, against literally every class and dagger 4 is easy dodgable.

I prefer focus over dagger, even though the focus 4 is almost completely useless.


As I said. Just some thought inputs.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Just some of my thoughts.

> I don't want to make this a bad build:


> think that build can work. I played something similar long time ago, but with a different build (stats and rune)


> I'd just change some things:

> Drop 400-600 toughness and get vitality instead. Does have something to do how scaling of toughness compared to damage reduction works.


> Also me personally: I really don't like the signet trait +the healing signet. If you could reach the numbers shown in the build editor (920 passive heal) it would be good. But it's not these numbers in-game. Especially only taking the trait for SoV seems extremely like wasting a trait. As well as you won't be able to process the passive that often, as fights nowadays are 95% short fights: burst or get bursted or run away and try again.


> The healing well gives insane amounts of healing while often baiting the opponent to not go near you, while standing inside the well. Or consume conditions that benefits from healing power (on both instances)


> Also you might want to drop some condicleanses. spectral walk + the bloodmagic trait should be enough. There are only very few Condi roamers nowadays, at least what I experienced over the past few months of roaming.

> Most roamers are power.

> Also if you play in a group you might want one player playing a pure support spec (which would make healing power on core-necro almost completely unnecessary).


> Also pure Condi necro got pretty bad with the most recent changes of scrapper and it's insane capabilities of cleansing condis.


> Also I do not like the dagger offhand. It gives you almost no value. Dagger 5 is hard to hit, against literally every class and dagger 4 is easy dodgable.

> I prefer focus over dagger, even though the focus 4 is almost completely useless.


> As I said. Just some thought inputs.


Hm, I'll have to give Well of Blood a go. I forgot it had been changed a while back, it probably _would_ do some insane healing wouldn't it?


The signet trait also benefits Blood Bond which means it can proc more often so it's not totally wasted. But yeah overall, it is pretty wasteful. Still, I enjoy the signet heal just for the fact that it adds to my overall durability by pseudo-reducing damage.


I do play in a small group sometimes (2 - 4) but it's role isn't as a healer. None of us really have roles anyway, we just play what ever and YOLO :P. This build is nice for soaking damage an reviving friends though. Dropping Plague Lands on downed, friend or foe, secures the kill/revive pretty much every time. I usually wait for someone to try to revive then we'll all lock them down in the well and everyone melts.


Think I might drop Vamp Signet and BiP for Well of Blood and Well of Corruption + Vampiric Rituals for the well buffer and see how that works. Also means I could drop Spite for Curses so I can take Parasitic Contagion. Thanks for the feedback.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> Bloodbreaker

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vREQRBLRhG2JNiQtNY1NgxNA/N4AXoodRb8Fw2MAWg5YX29LA-jlSHQBlR/gAOBAKRZAFVCeQleA4gAQgjAQiU/BG7PwsHAQAAEgZWmlZZGM0hO0hO0h21lZyMZOzZmUALqTD-w


> So hear me out on this wonky thing.

> Insta-7k heal from Blood Bond. Dagger #2 capable of 10k heals. Exiting Shroud 3k heal when below 50% health + consumes condtions + with cleansing, clears 3. Passive near 800 heal when hit both in and out of Shroud (near 7k heal if conditions are on you when Signet activated). Bleeding yourself with BiP increases the effect of Dagger #2's heal or can help for proc'ing Blood Bond if you're not in Scepter. Absurdly high armor + Shroud's baseline damage reduction + all the heals both small and massive make this build disgustingly tanky.


Blood bond is a bug and by the way ;)

Its not suppose to heal you for 6-7k as if you actually used the real Vamp signet. How anet has let this slip by for this long is surprising to me though. Probably only because most people take the well trait if they take blood magic.


if it ever does become meta it wont be for long. This bug has existed for quite some time and slowly people are starting to pick up on it as of recent



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > Bloodbreaker

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vREQRBLRhG2JNiQtNY1NgxNA/N4AXoodRb8Fw2MAWg5YX29LA-jlSHQBlR/gAOBAKRZAFVCeQleA4gAQgjAQiU/BG7PwsHAQAAEgZWmlZZGM0hO0hO0h21lZyMZOzZmUALqTD-w

> >

> > So hear me out on this wonky thing.

> > Insta-7k heal from Blood Bond. Dagger #2 capable of 10k heals. Exiting Shroud 3k heal when below 50% health + consumes condtions + with cleansing, clears 3. Passive near 800 heal when hit both in and out of Shroud (near 7k heal if conditions are on you when Signet activated). Bleeding yourself with BiP increases the effect of Dagger #2's heal or can help for proc'ing Blood Bond if you're not in Scepter. Absurdly high armor + Shroud's baseline damage reduction + all the heals both small and massive make this build disgustingly tanky.


> Blood bond is a bug and by the way ;)

> Its not suppose to heal you for 6-7k as if you actually used the real Vamp signet. How anet has let this slip by for this long is surprising to me though. Probably only because most people take the well trait if they take blood magic.


> if it ever does become meta it wont be for long. This bug has existed for quite some time and slowly people are starting to pick up on it as of recent




Oh I know. I've been using it for a long time and I've thought the same. I've been starting to question whether it's intentional or not because it's been bugged for longer than I can remember. Still, it can heal you in Shroud because of the trait and with this build, that's pretty well a fight reset so I enjoy it, lol.

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I like the build a lot. Very nice stat distribution. I can imagine it being tough to kill in a one on one fight even in this current high damage spike meta.


I hold a different view from Nimon on toughness as I think your concentrating on toughness for a core necro is good because condi foes are fewer in this meta and core shroud is naturally more tanky than the other specs and can cover us decently.


Personally I would drop spectral armor for wurm for more kiting in a group fight because sadly no amount of defence or sustain is going to carry us through a hard focus by the enemy group. I would also consider dropping bip for signet of locust to increase survivability in a group fight. If your group likes to go deep into enemy territory, I would also drop the plague lands for norn racial elite leopard transform for more disengage options.


Your build looks great for solo fights but personally I would prefer more mobility for group fights.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I like the build a lot. Very nice stat distribution. I can imagine it being tough to kill in a one on one fight even in this current high damage spike meta.


> I hold a different view from Nimon on toughness as I think your concentrating on toughness for a core necro is good because condi foes are fewer in this meta and core shroud is naturally more tanky than the other specs and can cover us decently.


> Personally I would drop spectral armor for wurm for more kiting in a group fight because sadly no amount of defence or sustain is going to carry us through a hard focus by the enemy group. I would also consider dropping bip for signet of locust to increase survivability in a group fight. If your group likes to go deep into enemy territory, I would also drop the plague lands for norn racial elite leopard transform for more disengage options.


> Your build looks great for solo fights but personally I would prefer more mobility for group fights.


I actually changed it up a little bit from the suggestion @"Nimon.7840" gave regarding Well of Blood. It now uses Curses/Soul Reaping/Blood Magic instead with Parasitic Contagion.


Although it's a little less tanky in the sense that it doesn't heal when hit (or in Shroud) it does now have kind of an absurdly strong active heal. Standing in that Well is practically a damage immunity with the amount of armor and Healing Power this build has, lol.


But I do still enjoy the Signet heal + Spite variant as well. They both serve their purpose, which is attrition. In 1v1's against the majority of builds, unless the player is very skilled, it's pretty facerolly. It just tanks through everything and constantly self heals for enormous amounts while corrupting and condition stacking.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > I like the build a lot. Very nice stat distribution. I can imagine it being tough to kill in a one on one fight even in this current high damage spike meta.

> >

> > I hold a different view from Nimon on toughness as I think your concentrating on toughness for a core necro is good because condi foes are fewer in this meta and core shroud is naturally more tanky than the other specs and can cover us decently.

> >

> > Personally I would drop spectral armor for wurm for more kiting in a group fight because sadly no amount of defence or sustain is going to carry us through a hard focus by the enemy group. I would also consider dropping bip for signet of locust to increase survivability in a group fight. If your group likes to go deep into enemy territory, I would also drop the plague lands for norn racial elite leopard transform for more disengage options.

> >

> > Your build looks great for solo fights but personally I would prefer more mobility for group fights.


> I actually changed it up a little bit from the suggestion @"Nimon.7840" gave regarding Well of Blood. It now uses Curses/Soul Reaping/Blood Magic instead with Parasitic Contagion.


> Although it's a little less tanky in the sense that it doesn't heal when hit (or in Shroud) it does now have kind of an absurdly strong active heal. Standing in that Well is practically a damage immunity with the amount of armor and Healing Power this build has, lol.


> But I do still enjoy the Signet heal + Spite variant as well. They both serve their purpose, which is attrition. In 1v1's against the majority of builds, unless the player is very skilled, it's pretty facerolly. It just tanks through everything and constantly self heals for enormous amounts while corrupting and condition stacking.


I fought a Scourge once who was built with the same theme as yours and I never brought him down below 50% HP throughout the fight.

Very attrition, sustain and tough build.

I tried to replicate his build but never really managed to.

Still don't know how he did it lol...

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You play this in a small group or solo?


I ask because it seems like opponents would underestimate how tanky it is and think they can single you out first for an easy bag. A teammate of yours with high mobility and burst might like picking off opponents that you entangle.


With allies, you might also convert this to a tanky shout-Reaper and equip Rune of the Reaper (maybe not greatsword, though) and go for chill, cripple, stun, bind, and fear relying on partners to make quick work of opponents under heavy condi pressure to their mobility.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> You play this in a small group or solo?


> I ask because it seems like opponents would underestimate how tanky it is and think they can single you out first for an easy bag. A teammate of yours with high mobility and burst might like picking off opponents that you entangle.


> With allies, you might also convert this to a tanky shout-Reaper and equip Rune of the Reaper (maybe not greatsword, though) and go for chill, cripple, stun, bind, and fear relying on partners to make quick work of opponents under heavy condi pressure to their mobility.


Both solo and small scale and yes, it does often work out as you've said. People will hard focus me while 1 - 2 friends (usually don't roam with more than 3 of us total) are left mostly untouched. Because it has such high armor and healing power people usually end up over committing from the get go and are either killed in the process or forced to retreat leaving me to rapidly recover. Being that it is Necromancer after all, it's still possible to lay enough damage or CC's on me to get me out of the way but most times, it'll simply take too long before people put themselves in a vulnerable position.


When I'm solo, it's a different story. I have a lot of success in 1v1's or 1vX but because I'm a little like Sword/Dagger Weaver, I only usually kill people who commit to the fight. Mind you, since I have quite a few corrupts and more sustained pressure than an S/D Weaver, I can kill people a lot faster.


The offhand weapon set with Dagger/Warhorn really isn't necessary and I usually go with Staff instead. But because Dagger #2 can literally full heal you and Warhorn #4 is unblockable, it's still a nice option.

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Thank you for the explanation and for proving that not all Necromancers are free bags.


Necro is easy to get started in the game with. It has more health, it has shroud the go-to emergency shelter button, it has a full rack of AI pets, and it has DoTs - lots of DoTs.


I suspect many players use Necro for tagging in WvW but good zerg support builds tend to be a free bag when caught out of position. I think being forced to trade 1v1 capability for 1vMany is fair and hope Arenanet continues to keep that in mind when balancing. The counter to Transfusion is a nice example of how because you can do a thing does not mean it is a smart thing to do.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780"


> Thank you for the explanation and for proving that not all Necromancers are free bags.


> Necro is easy to get started in the game with. It has more health, it has shroud the go-to emergency shelter button, it has a full rack of AI pets, and it has DoTs - lots of DoTs.


> I suspect many players use Necro for tagging in WvW but good zerg support builds tend to be a free bag when caught out of position. I think being forced to trade 1v1 capability for 1vMany is fair and hope Arenanet continues to keep that in mind when balancing. The counter to Transfusion is a nice example of how because you can do a thing does not mean it is a smart thing to do.


Absolutely. I believe it to be one of the easiest classes to pick up and go with. You don't need much understanding for how it works to see moderate success be it solo or in a group. But the smarter your opponent(s) or the more chaotic the situation is the more demanding Necromancer becomes for the user to understand awareness, positioning and skill usage. Similar to Warrior, it gets exponentially more difficult to play it well the better your opponent is. That's why I believe it has an extremely low entry level but also an extremely high skill ceiling as well. Which is probably why in my experience, skilled Necromancers are one of the rarest things to come by.


But yes, if you build properly or if you have strong awareness, Necro's are absolutely not free bags. I don't always play this goofy super heal tank build and even when I'm a glassy Reaper I manage to catch people off guard with how hard I can be to kill. That's not to say that I'm incredibly good however (far from), just that I'm very hard to... Force out of position or sneak up on? Years of playing Necro have given me kind of a spidey sense for when someone is preparing to attack me or when I'm about to be outnumbered, lol.

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Sharing a core build I've been playing around with in a Zerg.

Its a Diviners / 25 Might stack / Master of Corruption build.


Purpose of build is to run with the Zerg and snipe enemy's stray DPS classes like Scourge/Rev.

Also to counter-snipe enemy zerg's snipers like Deadeyes/Soulbeasts.

Play-style is to drop CPC to deny enemy range snipers and BiP to get 25 Might stacks before camping Shroud to auto enemy Snipers/DPSers down.


This is something like Necro's version of a sniper role in a Zerg.

Probably not the most effective use of a Necro and not the best sniper class but its kinda fun XD

Ways to improve the build welcomed.



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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"EarthlySaint.4523" said:

> OP, can you post your latest build? I'm intrigued with playing core necro for a change!


Condition or Power? The condition build is basically the same as it was in the OP, although I usually use Staff instead of Dagger/Warhorn. Dagger/Warhorn is just for extra heal memes because with the amount of Healing Power the build has, Dagger #2 can full heal you.


Updated condition build with Wells:



For Power I use this build:



I made the Power build similarly to PvP Demolisher Amulet so it's a good mix of durable and offensive. You can afford to trade hits and don't hit like a wet noodle. When entering Shroud it gets additional critical hit chance + Fury which brings the crit chance to 96%. With a few conditions on your target, which is easy enough to do, it can reach 100% crit chance.


You can swap the weapons around to your liking but I believe a melee weapon and a ranged weapon are mandatory. Sometimes I like to use Axe/Dagger + Dagger/Focus depending on what kind of fights I'm having but typically, I go Axe/Focus + Dagger/Warhon.


It fares quite well in the majority of fights but being core Necro, it still suffers from the usual weakness to Blinds and CC's. You just have to play it skillfully and you should be fine. I've won many outnumbered fights with this build with relative ease and don't have too much trouble against "better" builds if I play well.

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