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Heroes' Ascent - New PvP Mode


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The best thing I enjoyed in GW1 was the Heroes' Ascent ( https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heroes%27_Ascent ) an 8 man premade team game mode with different maps with different objectives which eventually leads to the Hall of Heros, where you you can face another 3 teams (24 players!) .

The only downside is that GW2 does not have player collision which made GW1 unique with its strategic player blocking.

I was think maybe the developers can get some ideas from GW1, I mean its not that hard?

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Heh, you're about 6 years late on this, but yea, the GW2 team unfortunately hasn't really wanted to take too much of GW1's PvP game modes as inspiration in GW2, outside of the Foefire map maybe.


PvP modes with anything beyond conquest tend to get unsupported and scrapped as soon as they get experimented with and any sort of game mode with more than 5 players doesn't get considered at all.


I wish we'd see something like HA or GvG in GW2, but I wouldn't count on seeing any new PvP game modes any time soon.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> Heh, you're about 6 years late on this, but yea, the GW2 team unfortunately hasn't really wanted to take too much of GW1's PvP game modes as inspiration in GW2, outside of the Foefire map maybe.


> PvP modes with anything beyond conquest tend to get unsupported and scrapped as soon as they get experimented with and any sort of game mode with more than 5 players doesn't get considered at all.


> I wish we'd see something like HA or GvG in GW2, but I wouldn't count on seeing any new PvP game modes any time soon.


It sucks that this is very likely the case.


They could see a huge upturn in player population and PvP popularity if they brought back things like an actual GvG mode, HA and even if they made a 2v2 specific Ranked leaderboard for future sPvP Seasons.

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3v3, 1 capture point. And after a few min 2-4 min of the capture point being captured for one side the capture point moves.

This could be fun and balanced. With a 3 man squad you have have a dd, a tank, and a support. All playing there rolls with coordination and cooperation between a tight 3 man squad could be hella fun.


I hate 5v5. This game can not be balanced for it properly. Theres to many skills and traits that make it difficult to do. Mostly because a 5v5 fight ends up becoming an out numbered fight and when 2 or more dpsers are hitting one target, that cant be balanced out.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Imagine if there was a GW3. Would you look back at GW2 (edit)pvp fondly like we do with GW1? For me, hell no


Ehh maybe specific moments, but as a whole? Eh, not really.


I've found no legitimate purpose to put myself into a "hardcore" guild for sPvP or WvW for the purposes of roaming in WvW or ATs for sPvP because I don't feel like there are really many "bragging rights" to work toward. Other than those mAT cosmetic things? Eh, with Conquest how it is and as outdated as it is I just...don't care.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Imagine if there was a GW3. Would you look back at GW2 (edit)pvp fondly like we do with GW1? For me, hell no


Only reason to look back on the good ol days of gw1 was the pvp competitive side was way surpassed any other game at the time We had actual competitive game modes and maps, a balance that was pretty awesome when there was dual classes going, and last of not least we had GVG and HoH. Sadly right now we have been in the wintrader wars for now 12 seasons with duos. It looks very grim for pvp here in gw2 so looking back on the good times with real pvp is fun to do.


Best chance they have is to modify all the maps for TDM otherwise this is ova and all you will have is duo wintrader wars till Guild wars 3

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Imagine if there was a GW3. Would you look back at GW2 (edit)pvp fondly like we do with GW1? For me, hell no


Go back and play GW1 and tell me it's just as good as you remember it. It's clunky, it's dated. Was it good PvP? Yes, it was well designed within its parameters. But it was not fluid, nor as visually interesting.

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The variety of builds and fluxing metas and successfulk off metas as recorded in this website show a much more flavorful pvp across mulitple game modes that were full during GW1 prime.


[https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki](https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki "https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki")


If I got bored of one type of game mode of build, I could swap to the others and find a group and find success.


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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > Imagine if there was a GW3. Would you look back at GW2 (edit)pvp fondly like we do with GW1? For me, hell no

> >

> > # Was it good PvP? Yes, it was well designed within its parameters.



Good PvP =/= Fond memories.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > Imagine if there was a GW3. Would you look back at GW2 (edit)pvp fondly like we do with GW1? For me, hell no

> > >

> > > # Was it good PvP? Yes, it was well designed within its parameters.

> >


> Good PvP =/= Fond memories.


I know, GW1 = Good PvP + Fond Memories

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > > Imagine if there was a GW3. Would you look back at GW2 (edit)pvp fondly like we do with GW1? For me, hell no

> > > >

> > > > # Was it good PvP? Yes, it was well designed within its parameters.

> > >

> >

> > Good PvP =/= Fond memories.


> I know, GW1 = Good PvP + Fond Memories


With the down sizing I'm guessing we wont be getting much more then flashy buyable items for the next few updates. Since you know they are just so important to put out lol.


Gw2 Pvp will forever be just the wintrader ranked then the non wintraders and try hard in unranked. I love the seasons because all the trash people (pve reward afks, wintraders, bots) go to ranked and leave unranked alone :)

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > Imagine if there was a GW3. Would you look back at GW2 (edit)pvp fondly like we do with GW1? For me, hell no


> Go back and play GW1 and tell me it's just as good as you remember it. It's clunky, it's dated. Was it good PvP? Yes, it was well designed within its parameters. But it was not fluid, nor as visually interesting.


I'd still play it if the population was there, I'm merely suggesting the games modes, not everything else.


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