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Whirling Defense - Axe (5)


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I just have a simple request, let the Whirling Defense skill (5) be able to move the character a bit without the skill disabling, just like the Warrior skill -Whirling Axe- (5) is able to move position while the skill stays active.

Even if its for 250-500 (weapon) range, many time I accidently disable it because I move.. a little bit of room would be nice, this skill has a high cool down of 25 !

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> I just have a simple request, let the Whirling Defense skill (5) be able to move the character a bit without the skill disabling, just like the Warrior skill -Whirling Axe- (5) is able to move position while the skill stays active.

> Even if its for 250-500 (weapon) range, many time I accidently disable it because I move.. a little bit of room would be nice, this skill has a high cool down of 25 !


i dont think they can let you move a "little bit". either you can move, or you cant. and youre not gonna be allowed to move around on ranger with a skill like that. no way.

I suggest you try to improve muscle memory so you dont accidentally tap the movement buttons on your keyboard after popping the skill. not really much else to do. everyone else are getting along with it just fine so im sure you will too. good luck

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if you give warrior axe 5 projectile denial, i'd happy switch with ranger axe 5.


if you give warrior axe 5 the same love as thief stolen warrior skill (reflects, at cost of lower dmg) i'd also be happy


but nope


oh and warrior axe 5 is broken: the 50% increased movement in trooltip doesn't work

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > I just have a simple request, let the Whirling Defense skill (5) be able to move the character a bit without the skill disabling, just like the Warrior skill -Whirling Axe- (5) is able to move position while the skill stays active.

> > Even if its for 250-500 (weapon) range, many time I accidently disable it because I move.. a little bit of room would be nice, this skill has a high cool down of 25 !


> i dont think they can let you move a "little bit". either you can move, or you cant. and youre not gonna be allowed to move around on ranger with a skill like that. no way.

> I suggest you try to improve muscle memory so you dont accidentally tap the movement buttons on your keyboard after popping the skill. not really much else to do. everyone else are getting along with it just fine so im sure you will too. good luck


What do you mean with a skill like that.. it's not more powerful then then Warriors Whirling Axe.. I know so because I play a Dual Axe Warrior regularly.

And with a *little bit* I mean to let this skill be able to move a few feet or so.. not chase a mob/player halfway around the map.

In PvE you can get away with the stationary thing, but in PvP for example it's useless .. players will be out of range while you stand there hitting air for 5 seconds.

And 5 seconds is a long time in PvP.

I don't care if anyone else is getting away with it.. I simply ask for some movement with the skill active. good luck to you too.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > > I just have a simple request, let the Whirling Defense skill (5) be able to move the character a bit without the skill disabling, just like the Warrior skill -Whirling Axe- (5) is able to move position while the skill stays active.

> > > Even if its for 250-500 (weapon) range, many time I accidently disable it because I move.. a little bit of room would be nice, this skill has a high cool down of 25 !

> >

> > i dont think they can let you move a "little bit". either you can move, or you cant. and youre not gonna be allowed to move around on ranger with a skill like that. no way.

> > I suggest you try to improve muscle memory so you dont accidentally tap the movement buttons on your keyboard after popping the skill. not really much else to do. everyone else are getting along with it just fine so im sure you will too. good luck


> What do you mean with a skill like that.. it's not more powerful then then Warriors Whirling Axe.. I know so because I play a Dual Axe Warrior regularly.

> And with a *little bit* I mean to let this skill be able to move a few feet or so.. not chase a mob/player halfway around the map.

> In PvE you can get away with the stationary thing, but in PvP for example it's useless .. players will be out of range while you stand there hitting air for 5 seconds.

> And 5 seconds is a long time in PvP.

> I don't care if anyone else is getting away with it.. I simply ask for some movement with the skill active. good luck to you too.


The trick is to CC them and then pop axe 5. Like use your heal skill so they are rooted by the trait, then pop it. Or stun.. or cast soulbeast root.. etc. Lots of ways to make it work.

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> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> It is not useless in PvP if you set it up properly. Whirling Defense is strong as it is and in no need of any buffs.


You should be able to differentiate from buffs to QoL.

* Ask to increase dps, adding condi, biggers radius is a buff .

* Ask for a reduced movement speed (some skills have that effect) while chanelling is a QoL. If does not imply an increase of dps if the other player is moving.


Wirling deffense need that QoL simply because you hit the left arrow in the keyboard and you cancel the skill. Which is a problem with the lag there is in wvw. And your reference to the preparation required to lock you in place is actual active gameplay which should be encouraged in oposition to have access to 5 stuns as warrior.


Also because it is really sad how other players interact with that skill, and simply goes against the general design of the ranger class . Sitting ducks goes against the general design of the ranger, period.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Yes let's buff it by adding movement, soulbeast isn't already considered op enough lol


I would actually strip it from vuln, retail and some dmg (in pvp/WvW atleast) to balance that out. But it would make the skill way better to use and would give it a more fluent feel too.


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I like the whirling defense as it is... No movement is needed... I'll execute WD after disabling the target...

If anet decides to make it a movement skill, they'll most probably remove retal, reflect and vulnerability... Then no one will use axe offhand at all... Only reflect skill for ranger... Only retal after they eliminated retal from dolyak stance(I like to hear my norn say "I'll return the favor!) :p


But if it does happen and anet decides to nerf it a bit, they can reduce the number of targets to 2

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> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> Allowing movement on a skill that would previously root the player is a buff. Period. Accidentially canceling it or getting killed while channeling is a L2P issue and not an issue with this skill.


So the similar warrior (5) whirling Axe is a buffed skill (?) .. no, it's just ONE skill, one that allows movement when channeling.

Just because movement is added doesn't mean it has been *buffed*.. it simply means the skill has been improved (QoL) or maybe even *completed* is the word.

Buff is when it gets (x)% more damage, or hit 6 mobs instead of 5, or reflect 1500 damage instead of 1000.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > It is not useless in PvP if you set it up properly. Whirling Defense is strong as it is and in no need of any buffs.


> You should be able to differentiate from buffs to QoL.

> * Ask to increase dps, adding condi, biggers radius is a buff .

> * Ask for a reduced movement speed (some skills have that effect) while chanelling is a QoL. If does not imply an increase of dps if the other player is moving.


> Wirling deffense need that QoL simply because you hit the left arrow in the keyboard and you cancel the skill. Which is a problem with the lag there is in wvw. And your reference to the preparation required to lock you in place is actual active gameplay which should be encouraged in oposition to have access to 5 stuns as warrior.


> Also because it is really sad how other players interact with that skill, and simply goes against the general design of the ranger class . Sitting ducks goes against the general design of the ranger, period.


That's a bandaid fix. L2p stop cancelling your own skills. If you complain about skill lag, then it's the lag, not the skill. Warrior doesn't have nearly as many stuns as soulbeast does. Ever tried running GS?

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > "Whirling Defense should be mobile!"

> >

> > Every single time this neverendng debate comes up...

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5Ym3lfS.png "")

> >


> Haven't seen @"Dragonzhunter.8506" on the debate yet. So it's not exactly the same debate...



> ... yet^^

> (your welcome)


InsaneQR, I don't use this skill anymore, neither in sPVP or WvW. For me those 25 CD and rooten sitting duck way are just garbage. All the times when I fought vs a WD Ranger on the point, I went back 2 steps and still I was in the circle point. He waste 1 big skill, I didn't lose nothing. Maybe 1 brake stun skill, if he did a stun/knock to me before he starts his WD. I saw very few rangers using this skill in last months. Anyway, I am tired to argue anymore on this subject. It is up to Anet to do or not to do something regarding this skill. I'll enjoy the game and my class as it is atm.




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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > > "Whirling Defense should be mobile!"

> > >

> > > Every single time this neverendng debate comes up...

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5Ym3lfS.png "")

> > >

> >

> > Haven't seen @"Dragonzhunter.8506" on the debate yet. So it's not exactly the same debate...

> >

> >

> > ... yet^^

> > (your welcome)


> InsaneQR, I don't use this skill anymore, neither in sPVP or WvW. For me those 25 CD and rooten sitting duck way are just garbage. All the times when I fought vs a WD Ranger on the point, I went back 2 steps and still I was in the circle point. He waste 1 big skill, I didn't lose nothing. Maybe 1 brake stun skill, if he did a stun/knock to me before he starts his WD. I saw very few rangers using this skill in last months. Anyway, I am tired to argue anymore on this subject. It is up to Anet to do or not to do something regarding this skill. I'll enjoy the game and my class as it is atm.


> Regards,

> Dragonzhunter


Yeah i don't wanna argue anymore either.

Sure WD isn't a bad skill per se. Just outdated and non reflective for the state of the game.

Maybe one day my friend. Maybe one day.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > > > "Whirling Defense should be mobile!"

> > > >

> > > > Every single time this neverendng debate comes up...

> > > >

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5Ym3lfS.png "")

> > > >

> > >

> > > Haven't seen @"Dragonzhunter.8506" on the debate yet. So it's not exactly the same debate...

> > >

> > >

> > > ... yet^^

> > > (your welcome)

> >

> > InsaneQR, I don't use this skill anymore, neither in sPVP or WvW. For me those 25 CD and rooten sitting duck way are just garbage. All the times when I fought vs a WD Ranger on the point, I went back 2 steps and still I was in the circle point. He waste 1 big skill, I didn't lose nothing. Maybe 1 brake stun skill, if he did a stun/knock to me before he starts his WD. I saw very few rangers using this skill in last months. Anyway, I am tired to argue anymore on this subject. It is up to Anet to do or not to do something regarding this skill. I'll enjoy the game and my class as it is atm.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Dragonzhunter


> Yeah i don't wanna argue anymore either.

> Sure WD isn't a bad skill per se. Just outdated and non reflective for the state of the game.

> Maybe one day my friend. Maybe one day.


unless you run a control pet, i found warhorn and the damage buff the traitline brings more effective in wvw.

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