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What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?


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The list:


1. Individual Player Agency

2. Zerg-centric reward scheme

3. AoE

4. Profession Balance

5. Map populations


This about sums it up, and hits all the major concerns really. Individual player impact is extremely low, a roamer flipping camps is a minor annoyance and has little impact on what is achieved by the Zerg or Blob running about taking everything else. There is little that a single player can do against any number of enemies more than a couple enemies against them, thus holding anything is always a matter of numbers. This leads to everyone grouping up into massive groups to roll over everything. AoE makes this possible as point and click, after a short cast time a field appears and boom everyone is taking damage or crowd control in that field, no time to react, cannot see casts. The balance of each profession is thus centered on what they can bring to the Zerg, as roamers have little impact at all. Contrary to popular opinion, a full map is not very interesting, there are far too many outnumbered fights taking place, and individual agency is even further reduced on a full map, medium populations create situations where everyone grouping together is the best choice but here roamers can have some marginal impact.


Individual and small group impact on the mode needs to be more highly rewarded, and not taking about loot, but actually the impact they make on the mode, maybe longer flips for groups consisting of 5 or less. To enhance the value of having small groups taking camps and towers while larger groups are focused on bigger targets (keeps and garrisons). An individual in a group of 5 is way more impactful, and feels so, and roamers and soloists being able to force longer camp flips increases the value of their contribution by a lot. Maybe individual players running a dolyak provide extra speed to it, or a bonus to defending a tower while outnumbered by double the enemies, handicaps and stuff.


Also, minor point, but Warclaw should be something that can be rented by players without one or that are still working on the achievement, cost some Badges of Honor or something cheap so basically everyone can at least run with the team/friends without penalizing them for getting back into the game. Mount is a bit of an annoyance, without a dismount capability (bar a few ranged damage options).

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