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* Working now :)- SAB Wooden Whistle Not Working

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I have opened all the SAB skills on my main character and now I want to open SAB skills for one of my alts. I have repeatedly tried but it won't let me open the last door with my wooden whistle for Motos Finger. I have learned all 3 songs and have played the song through many times correctly but it won't open. I have danced around on the last 3 clouds forever playing it over and over and that doesn't even work. I even played the first note and waited a couple of seconds for the note to start before finishing the rest of the notes. Nothing works. What could I be doing wrong??? HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!


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I do know that all skills have to be completed again for each and every alt. I have all the skills for my alt, the last thing I need is Motos Finger. I have learned all the songs and even learned the 332331 song over again. I have tried 3(pause)32331 and just tried 3(pause)332331. NOTHING works. I guess my lil Asura alt is broked lol.

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