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How to earn the warclaw after the initial rush is done?


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> @"jaif.3518" said:

> I'm in your situation - recently returned, just now cluing in to the mount. I disagree with you on several fronts.


> 1) keeping up isn't bad as long as you've built for mobility. If you haven't, you had troubles in the old days anyways. Yes, sometimes you get left behind, and some of those times you get gobbled up. No big deal


> 2) taking keeps was always a rare event, long before mounts were a thing. These aren't towers.


> So, prioritize a build with mobility and escapes, and join a server that is active at your times. It'll be a wait for that keep regardless.




The mounts are far faster than swiftness and you'll burn your mobility cooldowns and then what.. lag behind as they recharge.

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Burning cooldowns is not a mortal sin. :)


I'm talking from personal experience. My thief, revenant (herald), and engineer were all able to keep up most of the time, and caught up most of the others.


I did die in a retreat a couple of times - life went on. I died far more from being rusty with my positioning.

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It occurs to me as I read this that we really need to baseline here. There's a big difference between following a mounted havoc group all the way to North camp, versus raiding and defending nearby towers in EB.


I didn't try to follow a havok group around the borderlands, but I could see that being an issue.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > > Edge of the Mists is lowly used. Better get the achievement steps in regular WvW. Just follow a commander with an open tag. Be prepared to die and have to walk back all the way. This is part of WvW. If you want to capture a keep, you will have higher chances on the borderland maps. Keep an eye on the chat to see if any group is going for any of the keeps. Grab supplies and join.

> > > >

> > > > Most groups are fairly casual in my experience. Open tag, everyone can join by self inviting. Or just follow the tag without joining it. You don't need to bring sieges, just help build the siege weapons that the commander places. Kill the guards. Defeat enemy defenders if any and stand in the ring to capture. You don't even have to use the siege weapons if you are uncomfortable with them. Usually other players will immediately use them.

> > > >

> > > > If you happen to like WvW, you can always learn more about battle mechanics and strategy, but this is all optional. You will learn as you play anyways.

> > > > Don't let any elitism of others get in your way.

> > >

> > > *eyeroll* I"m aware of this, I'm not an idiot (really, you make it sound like I've never done wvw before. I'm a returning player not a new player). You can't really follow a group on foot that is on mounts. They leave you behind and roamers eat you alive.

> >

> > Hey, I just try to be helpful here.

> > I'm not going to remember the history of all players here. I'm just answering the question in my best ability.

> > Thank you.


> Sorry but your "advice" is like saying "have you tried plugging the computer in?"



The Warclaw is fairly easy to get. Intermediate and advanced WvW players will have no trouble obtaining it. This leaves beginners, for which my comment was tailored.

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> @"jaif.3518" said:

> It occurs to me as I read this that we really need to baseline here. There's a big difference between following a mounted havoc group all the way to North camp, versus raiding and defending nearby towers in EB.


> I didn't try to follow a havok group around the borderlands, but I could see that being an issue.


This would be following a group of about 10-15 people (for most servers a havok group... for TC our "zerg") from spawn to keeps. About 3x or more further away than the nearest towers to spawn. So enough distance for them to arrive a solid minute ahead of anyone on foot. If they have to break walls and encounter resistance then you can catch up I suppose but if the only way your server is taking things is some ninja breaking down the walls undetected and then calling in the calvalry to swoop in and cap, then you're SOL


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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"jaif.3518" said:

> > It occurs to me as I read this that we really need to baseline here. There's a big difference between following a mounted havoc group all the way to North camp, versus raiding and defending nearby towers in EB.

> >

> > I didn't try to follow a havok group around the borderlands, but I could see that being an issue.


> This would be following a group of about 10-15 people (for most servers a havok group... for TC our "zerg") from spawn to keeps. About 3x or more further away than the nearest towers to spawn. So enough distance for them to arrive a solid minute ahead of anyone on foot. If they have to break walls and encounter resistance then you can catch up I suppose but if the only way your server is taking things is some ninja breaking down the walls undetected and then calling in the calvalry to swoop in and cap, then you're SOL



Just run with TORK for a night. Either them or uh, WL

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> @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > @"jaif.3518" said:

> > > It occurs to me as I read this that we really need to baseline here. There's a big difference between following a mounted havoc group all the way to North camp, versus raiding and defending nearby towers in EB.

> > >

> > > I didn't try to follow a havok group around the borderlands, but I could see that being an issue.

> >

> > This would be following a group of about 10-15 people (for most servers a havok group... for TC our "zerg") from spawn to keeps. About 3x or more further away than the nearest towers to spawn. So enough distance for them to arrive a solid minute ahead of anyone on foot. If they have to break walls and encounter resistance then you can catch up I suppose but if the only way your server is taking things is some ninja breaking down the walls undetected and then calling in the calvalry to swoop in and cap, then you're SOL

> >


> Just run with TORK for a night. Either them or uh, WL


TORK is the group that got wiped at a keep, got called back to Garri after Bay was capped by YB, and then didn't bother to back cap Bay. I think they're more interested in fights than PPT or capping things.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > > @"jaif.3518" said:

> > > > It occurs to me as I read this that we really need to baseline here. There's a big difference between following a mounted havoc group all the way to North camp, versus raiding and defending nearby towers in EB.

> > > >

> > > > I didn't try to follow a havok group around the borderlands, but I could see that being an issue.

> > >

> > > This would be following a group of about 10-15 people (for most servers a havok group... for TC our "zerg") from spawn to keeps. About 3x or more further away than the nearest towers to spawn. So enough distance for them to arrive a solid minute ahead of anyone on foot. If they have to break walls and encounter resistance then you can catch up I suppose but if the only way your server is taking things is some ninja breaking down the walls undetected and then calling in the calvalry to swoop in and cap, then you're SOL

> > >

> >

> > Just run with TORK for a night. Either them or uh, WL


> TORK is the group that got wiped at a keep, got called back to Garri after Bay was capped by YB, and then didn't bother to back cap Bay. I think they're more interested in fights than PPT or capping things.


Ah. All I know as a HoD player is that TORK never runs small. Figured they could manage a keep cap.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> I hadn't played since before the warclaw came out and am trying to earn it now, but the initial rush is over. Some of the things required are just not possible on my own and since a lot of people have it already trying to follow a group I'm left in the dust, unable to get to a keep before it's already taken. Some people said try EotM but everytime I go there there's no tags, no groups, nobody even talking in the map like it's completely dead. Even taking a tower I just happened to stumble into one as it was about to be taken but I just can't keep up with groups to do it normally.


You have 3 possible variants:

1. After the reset, go in your bordeland map and take a keep (if your server squad operates there).

2. Wait a day with "capture a keep" as a daily reward and try at that day (if 1 and 2 are combined, the chances are even higher)

3. Indeed, go EoTM. For me it is hard to believe you play the game without having any friend willing to spend 10 minutes in EoTm to help you. You need to be only 2 (or 3) according to your supply carry ability) - to build one siege engine - a catapult or a ram. The fact that you cannot find anyone in that map is an advantage for your team - nobody will disturb you when taking the keep. This is a 10 minutes task.

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> surely by now he would have it right?


There is always a new / returning playing around the corner.


Thinking of it now, I wonder if maybe ANET didn't plan the method of acquisition of the mount correctly. Not sure if they would look at changing it in the future, but it occurs to me that it might be better to just be able to zone in, buy the mount from the vendor for 8g, then complete the collection to allow access to all the advanced abilities such as faster run speed, sniff, etc.


PvE players who just want the mount skin can zone in and out, no muss no fuss.

New / Returning players would have the base mount immediately, which gives them at least a slight boost in movement speed vs standard/swiftness, and would help them to keep up with other players while they completed the collection and reward track.



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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> For keep, is matter of coverage war. You just need to find a timing where your server able to cap keep easily. I am sure reset is one such timing


I mentioned earlier I was a returning player in the same boat. Last night was reset, so I played selfish and bounced around a couple of times until I found a group taking bay and jumped in.


I do see this as an issue for new players - they'll have to learn a lot, and it will be harder because they don't have a warclaw. We need 2-seat warclaws. :-)



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