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Apparently PvP is universally hated...


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Not being as popular doesn't mean being hated.


Arenanet themselves said that around 90% of the playerbase does PvE, while only 30%-40% also engages in PvP content. I'd say it's normal that less people care about PvP.


I'd also suggest taking the stuff on these forums with a grain of salt.

Even if the game mode was perfect, you'd still find these forums full of people complaining of one thing or the other.

Drama is simply par for the course, especially since an expansion that added new specializations was just released.

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There hasn't been a single update or addition to PvP in over two years, disregarding some sporadic routine balance changes. Of course people aren't going to play it when it's been stagnating. And GvG is STILL nowhere to be seen. But nobody cares so...





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I think PvP appears much more hated than it actually is. I know if you asked me whether or not I hate PvP, I'd reply "yep", but that doesn't mean I want it shut down.


I would like the balance patches to come more often than every quarter, and an actual Arena / Team Deathmatch to be implemented. It doesn't make sense that after five years of PvP, we still only have objective-based PvP. I'd love to just get my ass kicked and beat up some people in a good ol' fashion TDM and get ranked for it.

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Honestly it more than likely not even PvP that hated. It's the fact that issues been plaguing it for so long. Then ANet decided to add to major issues. Which in turn compound the whole situation.


I mean who can really hate darn near free ascended and legendary rewards, plus extra gold.


The only people who I can think of that hates GW2's PvP. Are those who uses GW2's PvP are their only competitive outlet. I'm pretty sure those are just reward farming. Are pretty happy with PvP. You don't even have to win in order to get major rewards. Which again bothers the so called competitive players only playing GW2.


I doubt ANet cares to even put in the time, effort, and money into this game mode to get it universally loved, and populated again.

-PvP really does need it's own balance team.

-PvP's match quality needs to rise drastically.

-PvP mode needs more frequent balance patches.

-Rating system needs a adjustment

-Either individual performance need to count for something when rated, or teams need to be balanced at the cost of queue time.


I could go on and on.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> Honestly it more than likely not even PvP that hated. It's the fact that issues been plaguing it for so long. Then ANet decided to add to major issues. Which in turn compound the whole situation.


> I mean who can really hate darn near free ascended and legendary rewards, plus extra gold.


> The only people who I can think of that hates GW2's PvP. Are those who uses GW2's PvP are their only competitive outlet. I'm pretty sure those are just reward farming. Are pretty happy with PvP. You don't even have to win in order to get major rewards. Which again bothers the so called competitive players only playing GW2.


> I doubt ANet cares to even put in the time, effort, and money into this game mode to get it universally loved, and populated again.

> -PvP really does need it's own balance team.

> -PvP's match quality needs to rise drastically.

> -PvP mode needs more frequent balance patches.

> -Rating system needs a adjustment

> -Either individual performance need to count for something when rated, or teams need to be balanced at the cost of queue time.


> I could go on and on.


Well said

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> @Arnox.5128 said:

> There hasn't been a single update or addition to PvP in over two years, disregarding some sporadic routine balance changes. Of course people aren't going to play it when it's been stagnating. And GvG is STILL nowhere to be seen. But nobody cares so...


> "#ShutItDown"


> AlsoMarkdownneedstodie.


Just because you don't get what you want doesn't mean there are no pvp additions. Disingenuous arguments only work IF everyone around is a moron. Anybody that has been paying attention knows that they have been new addition. Whether those additions are good or bad is a dependent on person's preference.


IN any case, if it makes you feel any better, Arena Net will probably never add GvG.

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> @Daharahj.1325 said:

> "It's not a problem for me so it can wait"


> Yeah, what a bunch of a-holes. But that's reddit, sharing badly drawn art is more important than a dying pvp scene.


That's because the sPvP scene isn't important, never was important and never will be important to GW2's health. Even during the whole eSports parade the GW2 streams for the tournaments barely got any viewers. PvE is GW2's main focus, WvW has better appeal to the casual PvE crowd as it's easier to learn, heavily community based and entertaining. sPvP for most is just a confusing mess of imbalance, horribly designed maps and elitism. It never had a healthy population to begin with; it's always been dead.


Stick figure art is more pleasing than sPvP in this game.

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