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Soulbeast is most broken!

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Are you guys being serious?


Boonbeast has been arguably the very weakest of any viable side-noder since it got nerfed last time. It has decent sustain but no real burst. Warriors, Mirages, and Holos will feel no pressure and eventually wear Boonbeast down. Chrono and Scrapper will stalemate. Boonbeast's only real burst is Whirling Defense, which requires the enemy to stay in one place for 5 seconds to pull off. If you die 1v1 to a Boonbeast, you simply got outplayed. Also, just about any Necromancer should eat Boonbeast alive or push him away.


As for the OP, that's pretty adorable. You're clearly talking about two separate builds as if they were one.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Pretty sure Deadeyes and others would disagree. In fact, many people don't even realize that Mirage's "profession mechanic" was essentially gutted in the last balance update. [Mirage Cloak](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirage_Cloak "Mirage Cloak") duration was reduced 40% while neither increasing the duration of Superspeed for actually running out of harm's way (since Mirages don't physically move when dodging), nor decreasing the cast times of Ambush skills, the majority of which last 0.5-0.75 seconds longer than the duration of Mirage Cloak. RIP Mirage's profession mechanic of uninterruptible free casting while dodging.


Youre missing my point. Nerfed does not mean useless. Useless is *literally* useless. Pet dies? For the duration of it's death there's nothing you can do with your profession mechanic. Traits and shouts that depend on two will not get its full use, if any.


A deadeye can still F1 no matter how weak, a mirage still has access to mirage cloak. Weak does not mean they're unusable. I cannot think of a single profession where an outside source can outright *disable* the profession mechanic.


Except for the ranger pet.


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> @"kin korn karn.9023" said:

> Are you guys being serious?


> Boonbeast has been arguably the very weakest of any viable side-noder since it got nerfed last time. It has decent sustain but no real burst. Warriors, Mirages, and Holos will feel no pressure and eventually wear Boonbeast down. Chrono and Scrapper will stalemate. Boonbeast's only real burst is Whirling Defense, which requires the enemy to stay in one place for 5 seconds to pull off. If you die 1v1 to a Boonbeast, you simply got outplayed. Also, just about any Necromancer should eat Boonbeast alive or push him away.


> As for the OP, that's pretty adorable. You're clearly talking about two separate builds as if they were one.


I honestly just cant ^

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > Pretty sure Deadeyes and others would disagree. In fact, many people don't even realize that Mirage's "profession mechanic" was essentially gutted in the last balance update. [Mirage Cloak](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirage_Cloak "Mirage Cloak") duration was reduced 40% while neither increasing the duration of Superspeed for actually running out of harm's way (since Mirages don't physically move when dodging), nor decreasing the cast times of Ambush skills, the majority of which last 0.5-0.75 seconds longer than the duration of Mirage Cloak. RIP Mirage's profession mechanic of uninterruptible free casting while dodging.


> Youre missing my point. Nerfed does not mean useless. Useless is *literally* useless. Pet dies? For the duration of it's death there's nothing you can do with your profession mechanic. Traits and shouts that depend on two will not get its full use, if any.


> A deadeye can still F1 no matter how weak, a mirage still has access to mirage cloak. Weak does not mean they're unusable. I cannot think of a single profession where an outside source can outright *disable* the profession mechanic.


> Except for the ranger pet.



Moa a transformed Necro.

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As a marauder geared thief getting downed off one set of rapid fires all while having decent sustain isn't op at all lmao. I love when people use ridiculous arguements to try and defend their blatently OP specs like learn to dodge etc lol. U could have a class that one shots other classes with every skill,so is it balanced due to its attacks being dodgable?

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> @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

> You just described Mesmers except they ALSO have blocks, immunities, most evades, most interrupts, most AI, boon rips, AOE potential, the longest lasting CC, lowest cast times, lowest cooldowns, etc. They can build for anything from condis to bunker to 1-shot.


> All professions need the same build diversity. Soulbeasts and scrappers are overtuned, but there's only one profession that has been OP for over a year AND STILL has 3 builds in the meta.


You forgot, virtually no condi cleanse or stability.

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> @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

> @"kin korn karn.9023" yes mate we are serious getting 15K dmg from a boonbeast semi afk on a top pillar I cant reach plat plays bruddah first of all how dfk ima getting 15K with 2K toughness????

Dude. You're talking about Sic 'Em Sniper build, which barely has 1k toughness. You're combining 2 separate builds' strengths into 1, and even no-DPS Boonbeast doesn't have 2k toughness.


From reading this thread, you'd think there's one single meta Soulbeast build which somehow has 4 weapon sets, 3 pets, 2 sets of heal/utility/elite, and 4 trait lines. (edit: and double rune/amulet to boot)

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> @"kin korn karn.9023" said:

> > @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

> > @"kin korn karn.9023" yes mate we are serious getting 15K dmg from a boonbeast semi afk on a top pillar I cant reach plat plays bruddah first of all how dfk ima getting 15K with 2K toughness????

> Dude. You're talking about Sic 'Em Sniper build, which barely has 1k toughness. You're combining 2 separate builds' strengths into 1, and even no-DPS Boonbeast doesn't have 2k toughness.


> From reading this thread, you'd think there's one single meta Soulbeast build which somehow has 4 weapon sets, 3 pets, 2 sets of heal/utility/elite, and 4 trait lines. (edit: and double rune/amulet to boot)


Exactly. There is either over-exaggerations or nothing at all.

Example: "I got oneshot by a soulbeast this one day from 2000+ range with single rapid fire!"

15+ thumbs ups, tons of comments that say the same, no proofs, because who need them, right? Just crying for the sake of it. Every mention of possible outplay is considered a "filthy soulbeast main defending it's broken class. Only my class is trully balanced (no it's freakin' not.)"

This happens all the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> As a marauder geared thief getting downed off one set of rapid fires all while having decent sustain isn't op at all lmao. I love when people use ridiculous arguements to try and defend their blatently OP specs like learn to dodge etc lol. U could have a class that one shots other classes with every skill,so is it balanced due to its attacks being dodgable?


I think part of the reason people say "learn to dodge" with regards to rapid fire is that its a channeled attack with plenty of time to react and respond. Even if you're hit with the first couple of volleys there's no reason to let the whole channel hit you. Theves have plenty of evasion frames. Throwing up a block/reflect, abusing line of sight, using a teleport/gap closer to interrupt the ranger, moving out of range -- all options with ranging effectiveness depending on the situation.


Now a maul from stealth, that's just lolzy. =)


~ Kovu

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