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The maps are not rewarding enough to justify replaying them.

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My time to gold ratio has tanked, I was hoping that there was going to be some repeatable metas and champs, something like Silver Wastes, hell even the Season 3 maps seem to be designed better for gold to time ratio and organized circuits, I felt like there was more exciting content in Cursed Shore back in the day with massive zergs, something exciting ffs. I'm hoping that the rewards get buffed and that some creative commanders come up with some active lucrative event trains be cause if not I see my self leaving after I finish map completion and I've been playing steady for 4 years.


I can't do my alts because I had to strip mine them of bags and gear just to bank roll my main since the event rewards are weak sauce, and even then I'm still short gold for the Griffin quest.

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> @PyrateSilly.4710 said:

> No matter what reward they add or introduce, in just a few days after it being put into the game it will become a 'trash reward'. Even if it's an Exotic or Legendary or Precursor. Because what people are really asking for is a unique reward that no one has (or very few people have). If everyone has it then it's no longer a unique reward.


You know, I've thought about that very thing. What if there were unique items in the game that only one person could possess at a time? What if they were weren't account/soul bound and could be passed on/sold? How would it feel to find one, perhaps tucked away in a secret cave somewhere? How would it feel to see someone else with one? How would it feel to know there was a special item out there somewhere and have somebody else find it first?

Yes, I've thought about it a lot. The idea has some appeal.... but it would also cause a kitten storm the likes Tyria has never seen, so it's best not implemented. But I still dream of finding that one ring.... somewhere under a mountain... precious....

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> @Embered.5089 said:

> I like the desert. It's enjoyable because I'm just exploring, travelling, and engaging in whatever I want to engage. I'm not looking for "special rewards" or anything like that--the moment you stop appreciating the small things, you stop appreciating everything there is to offer.

> And the devs were all over the "joy of movement" for this zone. So try to enjoy the mounts and the vast desert areas that you can run around in.


Totally agree. That "joy of movement" has me addicted to the expac. I hunger to get home after work, log on and mount up as soon as possible. I've become a mount junkie. The other day I went to get the poi out in Amnoon harbour and coming back on my skimmer between the harbour gates of Amnoon I was struck by the beauty of the scene. At other times, I'd be riding my raptor over the desert dunes, between giant mesas reminiscent of the old west of sphagetti westerns, nobody else in sight and I'd unconciously start humming the "ecstacy of gold" theme or rawhide. Riding the sulpherous rivers of the Desolation on the Skimmer reminds me of that excellent Pod Racer Star Wars game from long ago! Jumping to the tallest peak on the bunny! Then soaring off on the skimmer!! So. Many. Awesome. Adventures!


Oh yeah, and there are the umpteen collections and achievements to complete, 9 classes to map, story to do. There's enough to keep me busy for a while.


EDIT: Not to mention re-experiencing all the core maps with the mounts!!!! I remember running over every square inch of those maps on foot. Doing it again from mount-back is a whole new experience.

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The below average rewards on the new maps is absolutely intended at this point.

There is no problem getting people on the maps at the moment, with people doing story, map completion, specialisation collections and achievements. In fact there was more worry about other maps being dead.

Anyone who enjoyed PoF but returns to other maps, like HoT, for better loot is good news at this point. I'm sure rewards will be tweaked up at some point, to sustain them, as happened with HoT.

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> @Jong.5937 said:

> The below average rewards on the new maps is absolutely intended at this point.

> There is no problem getting people on the maps at the moment, with people doing story, map completion, specialisation collections and achievements. In fact there was more worry about other maps being dead.

> Anyone who enjoyed PoF but returns to other maps, like HoT, for better loot is good news at this point. I'm sure rewards will be tweaked up at some point, to sustain them, as happened with HoT.


Heres the thing I'm sick of HoT maps, I would be fine with these new maps as long as I'm averaging 2.5g per hour, and the bounties/events offer at least as much action as a Living Story map with its bosses and events.


If they're more laid back then that then what's the point, I play this game because I want to kill some champs or world bosses with loot stick style events like Plix


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They were built to be a "One and Done" type of content, so you can get in and get all your shit done and then move back to whatever you were doing before. Be that legendary crafting for armor, trinket or weapons or whatever else. Your normal raids or other collections your working on, its not an Expansion its an end to the story thread with balth and the set up for LS4.


HoT's story was short, and the map content was vast and had alot going for it... which is why it is so easy to go back and do those events because not only are they fun but they are objectively repayable and give you GOOD rewards. The dev's are not to blame for the expansion we have now being this way, we as the community are because we openly will pay for content like this rather then saying "Nah Ill pass till you give me something worth my money". They want to stand up with Games like WoW and old school mmo's, and be those guys who have a solid rep without putting in the effort. They want to make "Content" patch level content and get paid like its an expansion, which is why im glad that PoF was not the full price of an average game.


Sixty dollars would of been absurd for this content and they knew it so they had to dumb it down to around roughly thirty for the base, which is fair though I could argue it was worth twenty based on other expansions from other games. They need to stop giving us little tid bits of content and give us a good LOAD of content and a solid story, they can do it I know they can and they have before. Now that mounts are here what is next for the future expansion you have ALREADY said your working on to some degree? I dont think we need more "Joy of movement" shit, we have mounts and gliding and everything else ( mounts can be used for each expansion via the mastery system so new mounts for new zones?) but thats not enough to justify and expansion. This is especially true if your going to be handing us MORE mounts via Living story season 4, as then why would I pay for three.. four or even five new mounts?


New race, new class or something else that you HAVE NOT DONE as of yet is what your gonna have to do. Because Elite specs are not gonna be enough to justify a full expansion price, and like five maps that are huge and empty ( PoF) Or even meta event filled ones (HoT) without something new wont draw anyone in. Im kind of sad that its alot of "One and Done" this expansion, I was hoping to get alot more out of it and thats my fault. I just hope they learn that this is NOT the way to fully go, some of the aspects of this expansion paired with HoT and core would be a good way to focus a next expansion. Have it be a good in the middle with a new shiny thing that can hype up Non-guild wars 2 players and vets alike. While also bringing back all the stuff we as the players love, and none of what we 100% hate with a passion of a trillion smoldering suns.


New world boss's, Map meta's, Fully flushed out enviorments, some GOOD looking armor, a solid story, a new race/class, decent collections/rewards, and ABOVE all else more than only a few maps. Give us the whole damn region and be done with it so we can get through THIS map and see the rest of tyria as we are on a VERY small portion of the actual world. Let's move on from the shit we are familar with and start moving outwards toward parts of the world, left untouched in the first game and its expansions and guild wars 2 as a whole.


Here are the maps of the full tyria as we know. The second screen is a picture of the Priory's map which was discovered a long time ago, you can see where our map fits and see very well that we are very small in comparison and have MANY many many places to go.




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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> GW2, as a game, lacks compelling rewards in literally all of its post launch content.


> The people to blame are the ones buying gem store skins and chests.


> GW2's entire reward structure is built around cosmetic items. Gearing up is intentionally quick and easy from a power standpoint, just like GW1. You're supposed to want to kill things to get drops to look cool. The problem is that a solid 80% of post-release rewards can't be acquired by playing the game. They must be purchased from the gem store. This means you have no incentive to play anything but the content that makes the highest amount of gold per hour (which will only ever be a small slice of content) or whip out your credit card and literally not play the game at all.


> Cosmetic microtransactions are fine in a game that doesn't place cosmetics as its only reward system. GW2's cosmetic cash shop is, in effect, the same thing as paying for power in a stat based system. Power is the goal in systems like WoW or Diablo, and as such you don't see those systems straight up selling the thing you're supposed to be playing the game to get. Cosmetics are the goal in GW2, and the majority of them aren't earned by actually playing content.


> That's why GW2 has kitten replay value.


So much this, although you can farm BL keys and get some of the gem store skins from BL chests (with a lot uf RNG involved)

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> @Jong.5937 said:

> The below average rewards on the new maps is absolutely intended at this point.

> There is no problem getting people on the maps at the moment, with people doing story, map completion, specialisation collections and achievements. In fact there was more worry about other maps being dead.

> Anyone who enjoyed PoF but returns to other maps, like HoT, for better loot is good news at this point. I'm sure rewards will be tweaked up at some point, to sustain them, as happened with HoT.


So do new content for a few days to a week then go back to old content for a few months. Yep seemsgood.

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I did some event in Desert highlands, forgot the name.


First we had to clear a area of awakened.


Then we had to take out three Elite awakened abominations and then some.


Finally we had to taken down a champ.


Don't know why, but I didn't even get a champ bag, I got like 3 blue unidentified gear.

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> @PyrateSilly.4710 said:

> I have seen this over and over in MMO's, no matter what reward is added in just a few it becomes trash as then everyone has it. I have played games since the old BBS days and this not a new thing, everyone wants something unique from doing something and the first few are happy and then whatever reward it is becomes less because more and more people get it over time and then it's just another piece of trash dropped and then they ask the devs for better rewards. Again this is nothing new from an MMO perspective, rewards are fine until more and more get it and then it's not fine.


If they added legendaries and precursors to map rewards, I'd replay them each day. I'd even do so just for collection parts to finish any of the collections I'm currently working for, but that obviously won't happen. Don't you think you're confusing in-game valuables a bit by calling **everything** a "trash reward"?


Many people I've spoken to would do the same in a heartbeat. There's already a lot of rewards given in paltry sums where as if precursors and legendaries were to be handed out would blow people's minds.

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I myself don't call everything trash. To me it's possible gold, that's why I put it in quotes, I have heard in game and on here about all the "trash" and why bother killing anything cause it's just "trash" quite often.

I harvest and kill everything I can. Why? Because I have had precursors drop from so called 'trash mobs' and when my bags are about full I will see what things sell for on the TP. I have seen some white/blue/green things go for 6x or more than what you can get from a merch for it so I sell it on the TP and make gold that way a lot of times. If not then in the mystic toilet it goes for maybe a skin I didn't have or maybe another item that I can sell for more on the TP. So to me nothing is trash but to a lot of others yes it is "trash".

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Actually I saw a little difference in event rewards - sometimes you'll get a junk item or rare, that is worth 25s, 50s etc. I think there is a solution for rewards - something like reward system from Vanilla GW2 - getting different item after completing events - like Giant Eye in Orr maps or some kind of Lodestone. I think it would be great if there will be more variety of rewards from map events in PoF, LS3.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Go play 10 minut AB meta and after this switch to 1 hour Serpent's Ire.


> Which of them give you more value for time spent?


Neither. 10 minutes flipping burgers at your local Macca's gets you more gold, while 10 minutes volunteering at your local SPCA gets you more karma.

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> @sigur.9453 said:


> these super rare items which exists for more than 2 years are far beyond trash tier if you look at the tp prizes. some may not like it because "i have seen at least 2 people wearing it" but they will be rewarded with a huge (!) amount of gold.

> The problem with the POF maps is, you don´t get any of it


Do we know that for sure? There have been hidden items before. Even the mount was a hidden reward to some extent.



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