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don't throw me off the mount!


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is it possible for Anet make changes to mount that makes it possible for us to sell item, view vista and talk with Npc etc without the mount throwing us off /force dismounting us? it is very annoying when every time i do above activities the mount throw us off and we have to remount to continue. i know its minor issue but it is kinda annoying. any thoughts???

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Ehh, I don't think so, OP.


This is to avoid blobs at the vendors/banks/tp.


They will literally hide every NPC there and you won't be able to see anything, not to mention the lag/frame rate drop.


We all know that a lot of people are standing there.


If it is a change only affecting outside of towns' areas, it is ok... but in towns, I prefer to dismount people when interacting with any NPC.

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ya that already exist with or without mount, for example the banks npc in any big city, on peak hours when there couple of norns and charr and few human u can barely see anything, same for world bosses, for example during taidha covington or the new bounties there are so many people around them , you barely see anything , u just shoot in general direction.

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> @Oogo.4083 said:

> ya that already exist with or without mount, for example the banks npc in any big city, on peak hours when there couple of norns and charr and few human u can barely see anything, same for world bosses, for example during taidha covington or the new bounties there are so many people around them , you barely see anything , u just shoot in general direction.


Exactly, so why make it worse for a very minor convenience?

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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> > @Oogo.4083 said:

> > ya that already exist with or without mount, for example the banks npc in any big city, on peak hours when there couple of norns and charr and few human u can barely see anything, same for world bosses, for example during taidha covington or the new bounties there are so many people around them , you barely see anything , u just shoot in general direction.


> Exactly, so why make it worse for a very minor convenience?


Fully agree with this. Forced dismounts are a good thing, they prevent the existing problem form getting worse.

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Sure it is a bit tedious that you dismount and have to mount again after interaction but I rather have that that people blocking the npcs and stuff. I can thing of trolling things to do as it is. Use a portable npc beside a bank or trading npc and then you and someone else mounts up on each skimmer or griffin. Good luck click on your desired npc.


I would even like for anet to make it even more strict so that you cannot mount while interacting with something.

And even disallow mounts in towns.

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> @EdgarMTanaka.7291 said:

> Sure it is a bit tedious that you dismount and have to mount again after interaction but I rather have that that people blocking the npcs and stuff. I can thing of trolling things to do as it is. Use a portable npc beside a bank or trading npc and then you and someone else mounts up on each skimmer or griffin. Good luck click on your desired npc.


> I would even like for anet to make it even more strict so that you cannot mount while interacting with something.

> And even disallow mounts in towns.


For what reason? Restricting the freedom of players is a terrible thing to do and you need damn good reasons to even think about it.

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> @Adenin.5973 said:

> > @EdgarMTanaka.7291 said:

> > Sure it is a bit tedious that you dismount and have to mount again after interaction but I rather have that that people blocking the npcs and stuff. I can thing of trolling things to do as it is. Use a portable npc beside a bank or trading npc and then you and someone else mounts up on each skimmer or griffin. Good luck click on your desired npc.

> >

> > I would even like for anet to make it even more strict so that you cannot mount while interacting with something.

> > And even disallow mounts in towns.


> For what reason? Restricting the freedom of players is a terrible thing to do and you need kitten good reasons to even think about it.


Restricting the freedom is sometimes good istead.


But the problem is that is "hard" when you remove something to players, so it's way better to think before give players something, cause you should be forced to remove it from em somehow in the future ( it's not the case with mounts, imho, but still when players have something they are tend to being selfish when that something must be removed ).



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Other than visual clutter I feel it kinda feels natural to me. It makes it so mounts are mostly for moving around rather than standing around glued to your mount forever.


The same is the case for gathering node interacting with anything etc.


Also you have to dismount before you mount a different mount. (Unless its one of the heart borrowed mounts curiously enough)

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> @Adenin.5973 said:

> For what reason? Restricting the freedom of players is a terrible thing to do and you need kitten good reasons to even think about it.


Because "restricting the freedom of players" leads to a better designed game in this specific case. More clarity, less huge meshes of mounts standing in your way.

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lol people complaining about blobs. Oh lord. You are already blobs of people around vendors, etc. Also, with so many maps now, the "newness" has worn off and players are now spreading out again across the whole of the world. You aren't going to be blobbing so many vendors that this irritating design choice is going to be more inconvenient than just staying mounted. Being dismounted so often trumps your slippery slope fallacy. Dismount in trade posts and banks, etc, sure, those are high traffic areas everywhere. We're already dismounted hard enough in 90% of the maps. I'll take not being dismounted every single thing.

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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> > @Abakk.9176 said:

> > > @Oogo.4083 said:

> > > ya that already exist with or without mount, for example the banks npc in any big city, on peak hours when there couple of norns and charr and few human u can barely see anything, same for world bosses, for example during taidha covington or the new bounties there are so many people around them , you barely see anything , u just shoot in general direction.

> >

> > Exactly, so why make it worse for a very minor convenience?


> Fully agree with this. Forced dismounts are a good thing, they prevent the existing problem form getting worse.


Unless the auto dismount throws you off the cliff you just worked10 minutes to get yourself to. Besides all you need to do is hit "F" to interact with anything in the is game, why do need to actually see the NPC? If that was such a problem bank npc in cities wouldn't look a Taylor Swift autograph signing.


Also, Do you actually click on the NPC you want to attack? lol. Have you heard of the key on your keyboard named "TAB"? it targets NPC that are attackable you know. You don't have to click on them.

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I think it's good that mounted players are forced to interact with the game. Once you have dismounted, you have to deal with environmental conditions like attacking monsters. Mounts already speed up farming and make it incredibly less frustrating, I don't think it's in the spirit of the game to make it so that you can simply run around collecting loot for hours without interruption..

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> @Vanive.3804 said:

> > @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> > > @Abakk.9176 said:

> > > > @Oogo.4083 said:

> > > > ya that already exist with or without mount, for example the banks npc in any big city, on peak hours when there couple of norns and charr and few human u can barely see anything, same for world bosses, for example during taidha covington or the new bounties there are so many people around them , you barely see anything , u just shoot in general direction.

> > >

> > > Exactly, so why make it worse for a very minor convenience?

> >

> > Fully agree with this. Forced dismounts are a good thing, they prevent the existing problem form getting worse.


> Unless the auto dismount throws you off the cliff you just worked10 minutes to get yourself to. Besides all you need to do is hit "F" to interact with anything in the is game, why do need to actually see the NPC? If that was such a problem bank npc in cites wouldn't look Taylor Swift autograph signing.


> Also, Do you actually click on the NPC you want to attack? lol. Have you heard of the key on your keyboard named "TAB"? it targets NPC that are attackable you know. You don't have to click on them.



Visual clutter isn't about selecting or targeting NPCs, it's about how cluttered and horrid places end up looking. There are quite a lot of players who would actually like to see the environment, and to some having NPCs buried under a stack of mounts isn't exactly nice for immersion in the game world. There's zero reason to stay mounted when talking to NPCs / interacting in cites etc.


Incidentally you can avoid dismounts throwing you off a cliff by pressing the back button as the character is thrown up into the air from the dismount process. That compensates for the forward momentum of the dismount and you'll land exactly where your mount was standing. So your problem can be fixed by just pressing one button as well. That or just positioning your mount a bit further back from the edge to start with.

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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> i ones already comment about this very issue a week ago, this is what i said (give or take):

> any and all interaction with NPC's and chest should dismount you, things like vista's and other interaction where dismounting would be unnecessary are fine mounted.


I think that's a fine idea - vistas shouldn't need dismounting. They're not a place where players congregate and it would be luvely to see our mounts int he picturesque panorama that vistas show.

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