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[IDEA] Implement of Collectible Monster Cards ?

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Hello, I just came with an idea like this, I met this in other MMORPG where you can collect from drop a Monster Cards for each avaiable mob in the game. I think it's a realy fun idea and something very nice for "collector type players" specially like me ^^ The cards can be pure collection only or give some small stats each like for ex. +2 Power, +3 Condi dmg, +5 Healing, etc, not big boost but also good enough to collect and they can be sorted also by rarity like gear, Basic, Fine, Masterwork, and even more with Elite and World Boss, with diffrent drop rate (some extremely rare) etc. I would like to know what community thinks of idea like that, please share your opinions :)

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Or they could take a part of that idea and finally implement (an improved) [Polymock](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Polymock "Guild Wars Wiki") into Guild Wars 2. Let us collect pieces from say hunting down enemies, then battle not only NPC's for perhaps unique or upgraded pieces and such, but also other players for achievements with small rewards like titles tied to them. I don't think the collected pieces should affect your stats at all though, but rather be used within their own contained minigame aspect of the main game.

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While I loved card hunting in I think the same game as you played... I don't find it fitting in this game. It would become extremely grindy and this system uses no gear progression with stats (not their philosophy). Next to that, if youre talking bout same game, those cards became buggy over time (where mobs changed and you couldn't obtain them no more) and was heavily rng based too. I didn't leave that old game I played for years for nothing ;) (Still happy GW2 is casual, no gear tredmill and no grind chores). Also keep in mind that in GW2 not every player has access to all expansions and living worlds.


I do like the polymock minigame idea but those play pieces should be tied to a collection to unlock them all, or like how they did the unlock of Belcher's Bluff Skills.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'd love some kind of system where we can collect lore and info on monsters in the world. I think they had something like that planned before launch, and doing it in the form of trading cards could be fun. But I don't think it would be a good idea to include stat bonuses.

Or integrate this into a library system like many players are asking for. Add a library to your home instance (or wherever) that allows you to read all the books and stuff we've collected, but also add an encyclopedia of monsters and let us pick up pages for that encyclopedia from killing different enemies.


I suspect it would need somebody at Anet willing to put in a lot of work for fluff though, as somebody has to come up with all of the different pages. A bare-boned automated "lives here, does these attacks" addition would somehow feel out of place in this game (to me at least).

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I'm all for a very exostive collection of foes/allies cards for lore sake. It can be pretty cool and interesting, involving every region. Can bring some details on the item itself (flavour text) like:

Choya: A kind of cactus imbued with ley energies, nobody know what they are saying. But at least, avoid its thorns.

Can even have researchers all around tyria researching infos and selling you some very rare cards again some other..

"Skritt give you shiny paper with drawing if you give skritt a paper about floppy ears (asura)."

Or another example with a cub:

"I love ghosts! If you can bring me some cards about them, I will give you mine!"


Can be a good reason to return in old maps/ls maps. Title: The collector

Description: Gonna trade them all!



Fractal cards edition: Temporal collector

Raids cards edition: Valiant collector

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Just adding those cards doesn't make any sense for me, though I'm not interested in collectibles in the first place. Making them a part of in-game card game, on the other hand, like Gwent in Witcher 3, which you can play with other players as well, betting your ingame currencies on it - is a brilliant idea I would like to see implemented. But right, probably won't ever happen, as that would be effectively creating a new game, and Anet can't even sort out all issues with the current one.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> ...but we can already collect minis of pretty much every creature in the game. What would also having "trading cards" accomplish that that doesn't?

Scratch the itch for compulsive hoarders and collectors ;) .


Is it worth the effort to implement such a system? I doubt it (even though I enjoy all kinds of collections very much), but it's ANet's call in the end. Putting a suggestion before them certainly doesn't hurt.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Just adding those cards doesn't make any sense for me, though I'm not interested in collectibles in the first place. Making them a part of in-game card game, on the other hand, like Gwent in Witcher 3, which you can play with other players as well, betting your ingame currencies on it - is a brilliant idea I would like to see implemented. But right, probably won't ever happen, as that would be effectively creating a new game, and Anet can't even sort out all issues with the current one.


They could use it as a basis for Polymock. In GW1 you collected models of monsters rather than cards, but now Tyria has holographic magitech, so it could easily be cards which are put into a device to project a hologram of the monster.


That would combine several requests into one - adding cards with info on different monsters for collectors to find and lore enthusiasts to read, adding Polymock (which is a commonly requested mini game), and new drops which would be a reason for at least some players to return to old maps and content (even more if they're tradable and so people could farm cards to sell on the TP) and there could be new achievements and titles associated with collecting cards and playing polymock.

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