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Mirage too dodgy for me? (pun intended)

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I have just a bit of experience in raids (mostly trainings). I played only power holo as it was a thing back then and was mostly doing well. But as you know for condi bosses mirage is a thing so I need to step out of my engi camping comfort zone. So I go check SC, read all the skills and traits, but it's a bit hard for me when there's no real rotation and overall limited brain capacity. I pull 17k on golem on average (full ascended and golem set up properly) and I'm frustrated, because I don't know what I'm doing wrong. There's no proper up to date guides, no thorough explanation and I just see comments how easy and fun it is while I'm crying in my designated noob corner that has 0 real experience with mesmer class at all.


I don't even know what exact questions to ask to understand.. but I'll take what I can get as I'm desperate to get into a guild raid group but if I don't pull the numbers no raids for me, I'll get depressed, stop pulling my weight, move back in with my parents, basically my life is over.



I break out in sarcasm, sorry.


Few questions I'm capable of asking:

-Should you only shatter when you got minimum 3 clones? And as you have to do two different shatter skills, is it same exact time or it can be a split second in a row?

-When is the best time to weapon swap (I tend to camp on it because no rotation in my head for it)? (I know I should swap when endurance is below 100%, but I don't really feel the right moment)

-What's the point of doing shatters while casting lingering thoughts? I feel like that makes me really have to direct my attention and micro manage that action.


I watched multiple videos of people doing top dps on the golem and raid bosses in slow motion and I'm just not improving.


Any tips/guidance/enlightenment is welcome.



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Alright so first off OP, we need to make sure you know the basics. Are you running arc dps? You could show us some of your combat logs. We first need to make sure your putting the boons/buffs/food on yourself and the conditions on the golem.


dps logs parsed by dps.report will also show us a limited rotation so we can see what your doing.

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I... am in a similar boat. Condi mirage has always been one of those classes where I magically do lower DPS than everyone else. However, there are a few tricks I've learned while playing the class. This may be unpopular advice, but it is what I've found to work: don't bother with shatters unless you really need them. Just keep the clones alive.


No, really. I did a couple of basic DPS tests, and axe condi mirage can do 21k DPS just by auto attacking while clones are up, using the meta build. That may not seem like much, but it was actually one of the highest base DPS outputs of any class I tested, and was the highest base condi DPS. So, you can do a modified rotation where you avoid a lot of the technical stuff, and still do serviceable DPS. It works like this:


Almost never shatter your axe clones unless really necessary.

Use ambush attacks whenever possible.

Use phantasms when off cooldown.

Try to complete all auto attacks with the axe.

Beware of the ambush bug with the axe auto. If you dodge at the wrong time in the third hit you won't be able to ambush.

(optional) use the chaos/dueling build instead of illusions/dueling


For phantasms, you'll want to start in axe/torch. Use the torch skills, switch to pistol. After using the pistol phantasm twice, switch back to torch. Then repeat this setup of Torch Phantasm -> swap -> Pistol Phantasm x2 -> swap -> Torch Phantasm


Follow these steps and you should do serviceable, reliable damage against any single target.

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Remember that when you benchmark Mirage against Golem, its not about dps there. Its about confusion and torment stacks, ur dps might be low against golem, but against actual Enemy that attacks often and moves those 25stacks of confusion and torment makes ur dps go sky high.


Confusion stacks to aim for is 25 stacks, cant remember torment tho.


Rotation and everything Else that you need to know is behind that link

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> @"Insani.2850" said:

> So I go check SC, read all the skills and traits, but it's a bit hard for me when there's no real rotation and overall limited brain capacity. I pull 17k on golem on average (full ascended and golem set up properly) and I'm frustrated, because I don't know what I'm doing wrong. There's no proper up to date guides, no thorough explanation and I just see comments how easy and fun it is while I'm crying in my designated noob corner that has 0 real experience with mesmer class at all.




Go to the video, now either slow down the video and write out what the person used, or realize they gave a dps report.


Got to the dps report: https://dps.report/uPvN-20190311-230400_golem


Select the player, in this case Hallu Fraus, the only player available




Done, you now have the rotation used in the video (should be self explanatory since the skills have time stamps on them). Use this information combined with the general guide given on the build to make your own rotation if you can't work with a priority system.


Hint: if you don't want to bother with auto attacks, deselect SHOW AUTO ATTACKS at the top to only have skills used listed.

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When playing the shatterspam rotation, the first thing you must know is how to get 3 illusions back up after you shatter immediately. Shattering without the ability to resummon 3 illusions will lead to a DPS loss. Taking that into consideration, the Snow Crows website lists the different shatter sequences you can perform, so make sure to read those.


Then, comes your imaginary axes, whenever you dodge you gain access to [imaginary Axes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes "Imaginary Axes") because you are running the [infinite Horizon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Horizon) trait, your illusions also gain access to imaginary Axes (see why you must keep up 3 illusions at all times?). You want to dodge so you cast Imaginary Axes, give time to your illusions so they cast it as well (casting Imaginary Axes followed by your [Axes of Symmetry](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axes_of_Symmetry) will cancel your clone's cast of Imaginary Axes, so you want to delay it a bit).


Do NOT dodge if you are standing in the same location a [Mirage Mirror](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirage_Mirror) will form after casting your [Crystal Sands](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Sands), doing so will lead to you canceling one of your Imaginary Axes.


You want to try and weapon swap off cd (delaying for 1s or 2s so you get an extra phantasm or dodge once more is fine) while making sure you do it under 50% endurance so you maximize the potential of your [superior Sigil of Energy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Energy).


You should be getting around 3 Imaginary Axes casts per weapon swap (4 if you cast [Crystal Sands](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Sands) ).


Try to maximize the usage of your [signet of the Ether](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_the_Ether), it resets the cooldowns of your phantasm skills, using it when said skills are on a 2s or 3s cooldown is not smart.


And then, comes your [Axes of Symmetry](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axes_of_Symmetry), try to use it off cd.


While talking to [Ryan](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOo_7XVLMH2-s80ZIBMc4qg) ([he's a beast on mirage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IorQ6ZECl_A "he's a beast on mirage")), he explained the rotation to me this way:



> this is a classical piece where bach introduces one melody, then second melody, then a third, then a fourth

> and they're all going at the same time

> first, it's your phantasms, which happen once per weapon swap (twice with ether signet)

> then, it's your ambushes which occur roughly 3 per weapon swap average (4 with mirror)

> then, the shatter loop, then finally axe 3 which is every ~6 seconds

> and they're all going at the same time without holding each other up or slowing each other down

>they're independent but just stacked on top of each other


Hope this helps to clear things out if you have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord (Oxy#3507).


**Edit:** @Xntric.5167 suggested to explain how clone generation works with your deception skills.


Due to the [self-Deception](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Self-Deception) trait, using one of your deception skills ([Crystal Sands](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Sands) and [Jaunt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jaunt) are examples), will generate a clone **IF** you had existing clones. Meaning, if you use your Crystal Sands and Jaunt without any existing clones, those skills will go to waste if your intention was to generate a new clone.


Sometimes, I find mirages using Jaunt too quickly right after they cast [Lingering Thoughts](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lingering_Thoughts) , so they don't get an extra clone from it, as the clone from the Lingering Thoughts hasn't been summoned yet. Something you can do to avoid this is casting Lingering Thoughts -> Crystal Sands -> Jaunt, or simply wait until you see the clone from your Lingering Thoughts.

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