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Thief Changes (buffs)


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Our signets are lagging behind compared to the buffs received by other classes regarding "Signets"


thus, i propose modest changes to revitalize the effectiveness of our own signets


1. Signet of malice

passive: when landing a critical hit, the healing output is doubled

active: for 4 secs blood thirst is activated, when you inflict a critical damage, 50% of the damage is returned as HP


on this change thief will be more aggressive in stalking opponents to actively gain and replenish HP

so that it can compete with other healing options of thieves


2. Infiltrators signet

passive: reduce the internal cool down of initiative regen to 3 secs from 10 secs

active: in addition to its previous effect, when activated 3 initiative is restored


3. signet of agility

active: increase condition cleanse from 3 to 5


Skelk venom and Basilisk Venom:

Removal of casting time to make thieves more deceptive in its usage while in a heated combat



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Yeah I'd be up for a trap update instead of signets as right now thier little aoe strips of useless. Small aoe trap that Mark's enemies who trigger it allowing u to tele to it lmao how niche can somthin be really? Thief really does need some love or arenet needs to hard tone down the other classes across the board

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S/D Thief is doing pretty well comparatively due to the unblockables and mobility of the set.


Outside of that stealth based builds have been suffering due to higher anti-stealth potential on a number of professions.


Melee thief’s suffer if they don’t use a lot of evades to counter the high AoE damage spam.


Ranged builds suffer from anti-projectile issues. This is made worse by the fact that most ranged skills outside rifle don’t hit that hard and can be reflected or obstructed or may not even hit the target at certain ranges.


Overall, what thief needs buffed is sustain rather than damage. Unless other professions get nerfed the “if you can’t beat them join them” comes to mind.


To do that we need to have preparedness made baseline. We need to have certain heals buffed. We need to make a few more of our attacks apply weakness. We could also use unblockable on a few ranged attacks so we can mitigate the proliferation of anti-projectile abilities and bugs. Maybe Dancing Dagger could use some love?

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Signets got a change not too long ago, traps however has more or less been the same since forever. If anything they need a look at, especially shadow trap since it barely works 99% of the time in maps due to how the maps are built. It should have the same mechanic as portal but only for thief and it could be great.

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aside from using a teleport akin to a portal i would also like a visual for the thief showing how long it still lasts, while you have the destroy shadowtrap skill.


..i think one reason not to do it is so that thieves cant use it in WvW to mark an enemy going inside a tower and porting in. so they might be only willing to change the teleport of 'destory shadow trap' - at least in WvW.



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> @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:

> Our signets are lagging behind compared to the buffs received by other classes regarding "Signets"


> thus, i propose modest changes to revitalize the effectiveness of our own signets


> 1. Signet of malice

> 2. Infiltrators signet

> 3. signet of agility


The only problem I have with the signets are the CD. They all should have 20s CD.


SoM should remove conditions that hinders the Thief from attacking;

- Confusion, Torment, Blind, Slow, and Weakness.


> Skelk venom and Basilisk Venom:

> Removal of casting time to make thieves more deceptive in its usage while in a heated combat



We should be allowed to activate more than one venom at a time. Spider Devourer Venom should be possible.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Signets got a change not too long ago, traps however has more or less been the same since forever. If anything they need a look at, especially shadow trap since it barely works 99% of the time in maps due to how the maps are built. It should have the same mechanic as portal but only for thief and it could be great.


This... only a handful of Thieves utilities actually get used. Which is kinda sad given that we are a class that changes our utilities based on our fights, as everything is specific to a case.


I don't think a buff would be enough on a lot of them. A complete rework might be necessary.


Our Traps have always been incredibly lack luster. I mean, look at the Dragon Hunter's traps. They are freaking amazing. So are Rangers. And here we are as a thief.

Two traps that might as well do the same things, One that doesn't function very well, and the other that is relatively worthless due to AI limitations.


I'd keep the Tripwire trap. but I'd extend the length of it a bit, and give it an AOE explosion. We're thieves. We use guns, smoke bombs, and stuff. It makes perfect sense that our Tripwire would have a friggen bomb attached to it. The effect is no longer a trip, but a radial launch. Deals heavy damage through Bleed or Power. Effects up to 5 and has a diameter equal to the length of the trap.


Replace Needle Trap with Smoke Trap.

Smoke trap is a growing AOE smoke field. Applies confusion, blindness. Projectiles entering it fails. Mobility skills fails. Deals no damage.


Fix Shadow Trap.


Assassin Trap?

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