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Is there some value in story episodes which don't grant access to new maps?

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My assumption is that, as you can buy episodes independently, you can buy only the one you need to get on some new map coming with this particular episode. I haven't tried it yet, so may be mistaken. So, for example, if you need access to some map in episode 3, you can buy just it (without buying episodes 1 and 2) - and still get access to the map. Please correct me otherwise.


So, if my assumption is correct, the question is: whether the rest of episodes do have any value, except from another portion of story? I just come to conclusion that story of LWS 2 and 3 doesn't interest me that much to pay real money for it, and half of its most interesting twists has been spoiled to me anyway already (partly due to how Anets designed certain parts of the game btw). Rewards from the missions also don't seem like anything special.


Am I missing something?

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Can't speak for LW S2, but for S3, they introduced a system where a player farms map specific currency which can then be used to purchase Ascended stat selectable back pieces, amulets and trinkets/rings.


Most maps only offer 2-3 catagories though. For instance, Bloodstone Fen only offers Back Piece, Amulet and Ring. But, because the trinkets are tagged as 'unique', you cannot just buy 2 rings in Bloodstone Fen and equip them to the same character. That is where the other maps have value, enabling you to purchase all the ascended items you could want.


I remember balking at first when I thought of buying LS S3, but it is so well worth it, if for nothing else than easy to acquire ascended accessories. Add to that tons of achievements and titles, a Legendary Trinket, gizmos (gobblers), miniatures, and tonics - I think S3 is definitely worth the money.


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Well fist and foremost the Living World Episodes obviously tell the story.


Second, most episodes (all I believe) come with their own share of achievements and things to do.


This is more valid for later episodes and less relevant in Season 2 (though there still is things unique to season 2). The most obvious requirement for Season 2 would be the Bio-luminescent achievement which requires access to Episodes 5-8 minimum.


For Season 3, each map allows access to a new map currency (which in turn allows for a unique node for the home instance if so desired) and access to again achievements and merchants which allow access to ascended trinkets for different slots. Given the unique nature of ascended trinkets, it requires access to 2 different ones (unless not upgrading a ring fully for example). Finally the legendary trinket Aurora requires access to the entire Living World Season 3 to be able to be completed.


Living World Season 4 is similar to Season 3 in continuing with the unique currencies, but there is less access to ascended trinket merchants. Obviously there is the beetle in Episode 3

>! and likely a new mount with Episode 6.

There is no public information yet if there will be some legendary trinket available similar to Aurora once the season finishes.



If all you care about is specific loot, don't care about, and achievements and access to some specific gear like legendaries (only Aurora so far) or mounts, then no, there is no reason to get anything beyond specific episodes.

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If you aren't interested in the story (for whatever reasons) and you aren't interested in AP and you aren't interested in HoT or PoF currency farms... then no, there's no great reason to spend on more Living World episodes.


FYI currently there's a strict 1:1 correspondence with LS purchases and new maps: every LS3 and LS4 episode unlocks one and only one map; each such map is unlocked only by obtaining the unlock and completing some fraction of the relevant story (on at least one character, after which, you can buy a portal scroll for the rest).


Rather than buying LS3.3 (which would yes, be the most efficient option), I'd recommend waiting until there's something specific you need or are trying to do, and then ask for recommendations on how to get it. The likely answer will be "LS3.3!" However it could easily be something else, depending. For example, the beetle Mount requires LS4.3.

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Thank you all for responses, I'm a bit short on time atm, so will try to follow with some clarifications (as I probably didn't lay out my thoughts clear enough).


1. I understand that some of episodes come with access to new maps - that's the value worth to pay for, imo

2. Some of answers mention new currencies' farm - but isn't the only thing I need to farm those is access to the map? After I'm on the map, I don't need to buy additional episodes to farm it, unless those episodes also come with its own map, right? And if I bought just one episode I need to access the map (like, episode 3, for example ), I don't need to buy eps 1 and 2, is it correct? I'll still be able to go to that map?

3. Yes, that's correct - I'm not interested in achievements, APs and the like, also don't think I'm interested in cosmetics which come with them (matter of taste, but I don't like most cosmetics in the game, and the ones I like I already know how to get ;) ). But if some story rewards include ascension gear, that could be interesting.

4. I could be mistaken, but not every LWS 3 and 4 episode come with its own map, correct? Some of them are "empty" and re-use existing maps, aren't they? So I can safely skip those and only pay for those which come with a new map?

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> 4. I could be mistaken, but not every LWS 3 and 4 episode come with its own map, correct?

Every single LS3 and LS4 episode unlock one map and every new map in the game is locked behind either the expansions or a single episode.

There's a 1:1 correspondence: one map per episode; one episode per map.



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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:


> 2. Some of answers mention new currencies' farm - but isn't the only thing I need to farm those is access to the map? After I'm on the map, I don't need to buy additional episodes to farm it, unless those episodes also come with its own map, right? And if I bought just one episode I need to access the map (like, episode 3, for example ), I don't need to buy eps 1 and 2, is it correct? I'll still be able to go to that map?


LW3 each episode has own map, each map has own currency, each map offers ascended trinkets of some sort.

Saying farm on thos maps is more of gathering, tho doing events ,metas, hearts will give you some as well


scroll to Open World Zones



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The one you'll need least is the Lake Doric one, imo, but it does come with a new map.


Rings are Bloodstone fen and bitterfrost, earrings are ember bay and bitterfrost, amulet siren's landing and draconis mons, backpiece bitterfrost and sirens landing.


I think Bloodstone fen also has an amulet and draconis mons also has a ring.


Bitterfrost also has underwater.


Some of these may have some not listed because I don't enjoy gathering there. Lake Doric also has the leather farm.


You cannot go to the respective map if you don't have the episode unlocked.

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Bloodstone Fen: _Amulet_, **Ring**, Back

Ember Bay: Accessory, Back

Bitter Frost Frontier: **Ring**, Accessory, Back

Lake Doric: _Amulet_, Back

Draconis Mons: _Amulet_, **Ring**

Siren's Landing: _Amulet_, Back


That's only off of Living World Season 3.

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Thanks a bunch, mates. Basically, this is what I missed:

> Every single LS3 and LS4 episode unlock one map and every new map in the game is locked behind either the expansions or a single episode.

I didn't think every episode is linked to its own new map, as I knew already that there are only 2 new maps tied to LWS2, so I though other seasons will be like that. Ok, that's enough value to pay for, for me.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Thanks a bunch, mates. Basically, this is what I missed:

> > Every single LS3 and LS4 episode unlock one map and every new map in the game is locked behind either the expansions or a single episode.

> I didn't think every episode is linked to its own new map, as I knew already that there are only 2 new maps tied to LWS2, so I though other seasons will be like that. Ok, that's enough value to pay for, for me.


Yeah, it was setup differently for LS2: half of the episodes took us to ever-increasing parts of Dry Top and half expanded what we could see of Silverwastes.

Since then, LS3 and LS4 are one episode per map, one map per episode.



As an aside, some people today are saying they like the LS2 system better, in that there was reason to keep returning to the same map, people didn't spread out as much. I think some of those same people forget how bored a lot of folks were after 8-12 months in the same zone, without anything really fresh. (Especially Dry Top: even all these years later, I'm still burnt out from having repeated the same events on the same schedule so many times back when.)


I think both systems have their merits.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Is there some value in story episodes which don't grant access to new maps?


Regardless of material gain, the value is you having fun. Or not. Depends on what you are expecting from a MMO. (Personally, I find story content the most important factor of any RPG, therefore I always hope for highest quality in that department.)

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