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Upcoming balance pass - DAGGER BUFFS


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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> **These aura changes do make me wonder if Anet are working on a new auramancer elite spec for some other profession**. I wouldn't be surprised if there was one in the works that mainly focused on the non-elemental auras. On another note, snce they made a brand new aura does this mean that they might try making an arcane aura eventually as well? Maybe if there is some sort of arcanist elite spec?

That's an interesting observation. Perhaps for a Revenant, Necromancer, Thief or Mesmer elite spec.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Demented Yak.6105" said:

> > Cone of Cold: Useless change. The healing from this has never been truly useful.

> > Cleansing Wave: Not bad. Nothing special though.

> > Evasive Arcana: Useless change. The healing from this has never been truly useful.

> > Arcane Abatement: Cleansing Wave: Useless change. The healing from this has never been truly useful.

> > Swirling Winds: Nerfed.

> > Vapor Form: Just a fix.

> > Dragon's Claw: Useless.

> > Ring of Earth: Could be good.

> > Magnetic Leap, Earthen Rush: Could be good.

> > Lightning Whip: What the kitten? Nerfed. Range is very important to me.

> > Lightning Touch, Convergence: I appreciate this. This is good.

> > Invoke Lightning: Just a fix.

> > Glyph of Storms (Air): Just a fix.

> > Imbued Melodies: Nerfed.

> >

> > Overall, this seems more like a nerf. I could do without it.


> Swirling winds just got the name of the effect changed. Functionality is still the same.


The radius of swirling winds was nerfed to 360. The change to block was definitely not a nerf though. If anything you could consider it being a block somewhat of a minor buff if you like to keep track of enemy ability usage, since you will be able to see the block message.


I should also add a correction to the post that you are replying to. The imbued melodies change is not a nerf. The sand squall from this trait is still the old unbuffed version of the skill. All this change does is make it obvious that this is intended by renaming it to lesser sand squall.

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I'm really going to like the new Earth 3, gives a reason to rotate into earth as a non-weaver. If it counts as a blast finisher on impact we're golden. Curious about the Earth 2 change in terms of how it works in practice and if it'll effect the functionality of the sigil.


Lightning 1 change is meh but it's not such a major nerf that most of us won't adjust fairly quickly, and we get an awesome new Lightning 2 to go with it that works as a PBAoE as opposed to a cone that functions in the same range. It'll be easy to relearn. If 2 can hit, I can whip.


I can see it being used to stack long duration fury in a mess of enemies. I can see some superior synergy there with Tempest D/W. I think one of the more underrated changes is Fire 1. Dragon's Claw being able to pierce is going to at the very least pick up what the Lightning 1 nerf incurs, at least in PvE.


It's nice to see ele dagger getting some QoL. They aren't just numbers either, we're getting new skills and functionality changes. I think these changes are going to dramatically change the rotation but in the end I believe dagger ele comes out for the better. We'll see soon.

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Lightning Touch/Convergence - A much needed source of fury after Arcane Fury/Arcane Prowess nerf, but I don't like it if it relies on hitting something to get what is probably a very short duration of fury. The 1s delay basically adds to the cast time but at least you can do other things while waiting for it to go off.

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Anyone noticed:


> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> (...)

> - Gravedigger: Increased the range from 170 to 180 to make **the range a standard multiple of 60**.


> (...)


Why do I think we will get more range nerfs to sword skills? They all have 130 range. :lol:


Thank god Anet just ignores ele. Maybe it won't come.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> Anyone noticed:


> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > (...)

> > - Gravedigger: Increased the range from 170 to 180 to make **the range a standard multiple of 60**.

> >

> > (...)


> Why do I think we will get more range nerfs to sword skills? They all have 130 range. :lol:


> Thank god Anet just ignores ele. Maybe it won't come.




You're right !!! It's not a standard multiple of 60.


- decrease the range of sword from 130 to 120.

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> @"kornfanxxx.9143" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> Weaver doesn't have issues with dagger. people who don't know what they are doing have issues with dagger.

> Your comments on cleansing wave are not accurate & general pessimistic views are really off-putting.


The main issue with dagger is that it's just useless, comparing to the sword, outside of a few niches in PvP. It holds no place in PvE except in "for fun" builds, as Sword will come on top of it in terms of DPS any day, and it's not just some 10% difference, it's 2+ times more. And with such DPS difference, any other benefits it has (if any, as you may still use off-hand dagger with sword for part of its CC and mobility) are of no importance in PvE.

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This is untruie, condi d/d is around 32k and condi or power sword/d 34~35K

But anyway this is true d/d is less convenient because of leap (fire#3) that ask very good placement to hit and don't land in a aoe or something, cast time of fire #2 to no interrupt etc. Sword, you have auto-focus, you stay at melee, it's easy.

This is a bit same issue in pvp, less sustain, leaps that land you out of cap, unravel near mandatory in the skill bar, and it asks also more skill, more knowledge about combos/rotation.

In WvW /roaming, it works really fine; first because people don't know anymore about d/d and less about d/d weaver; second because you can do whatever about armor and stats, and because you have strong hits, better range, better cleave/multitarget.... I'm berserker armor, celestial trinkets ; In duel I play Sw/D, but roaming often I take d/d because I can handle more foes in the same time and always leap out of melee. Even Swoord weaver vs sword weaver that are boring and endless, you can outplay them with d/d, because of cc, because of range.

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