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A problem with gem purchases

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Hi, new player here (couple of weeks or so) and having a great time so far. Enough so that I decided to support the game a bit more, and buy some gems from the in game store using a credit card. Now this is not gems that come with the Ultimate Package; just gems by themselves. So they should be immediately delivered according to the purchase interface. Did the deed, confirmed everything, and ... Nothing. No gems, no email confirmation, and no transaction related to said purchase when checking my bank account.


So I figure, hmm, I must have botched something. Redid the entire process, carefully monitoring my each and every step through the transaction. And, same result as the first time. Annoying at best, imo. Some questions: is this typical of stand alone gem purchases? Is the interface incorrect, and it takes 72 hours as it does for gems that come with xpacs? Should I submit a ticket, and if so, how long should I wait before doing so?


At this point it would seem I'm not out anything, but I do feel some frustration regardless. I take it this is a major part of their business model, so I find this sort of hassle frankly surprising. I really do enjoy the game, and I really want the things I plan to use those gems for while I continue my time in Tyria.


Thanks for any info, suggestions, etc. !

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short story: contact support by filing a ticket (link in the upper left of this page); they'll work it out


It seems as if something is going wrong during the process, which could be... well, it turns out, it could be any number of things. It's not typical and most people buying gems don't run across it. Those who do _and contact support_ are often able to get to buying gems quickly. Those who troubleshoot on their own... not necessarily as quickly.


If it happens you miss out on a discount, Support is often able to refund the difference (after you get the gems and make another purchase). My memory is that they usually can't help if it's a limited-availability item. Still, it's worth asking.


Finally, "tomorrow" is Easter Sunday where ANet is located, which is a holiday for some, so expect greater delays than usual.

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That's definitely not normal. Even if there was a delay in processing it as with the ultimate edition gems you should still get the confirmation right away so you know it worked.


I agree that you should contact Support and ask them to fix it. Also let them know whether you want both purchases to go through or only one.

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