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ANET, please STOP removing our weapon!

Kain Francois.4328

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Im more made they removed the reflect off the staff skill 3; So you can't reflect projectiles you can only induce blindness which is kind of sad. We are loosing more of our block skills than we are anything else. Shield is still trash tier, so it can't compincate and sword off hand no longer blocks at all so we can't use that as well its burst was nerfed into the ground. (Axe is better to take for an off-hand than sword even on a power build.)


Inducing blindness in a cone infront of you is not as cool to me, as reflected a rangers pew pew back in their face from their long bow. Some good plays could come from that So R.I.P Revenant counter skills.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Im more made they removed the reflect off the staff skill 3; So you can't reflect projectiles you can only induce blindness which is kind of sad. We are loosing more of our block skills than we are anything else. Shield is still trash tier, so it can't compincate and sword off hand no longer blocks at all so we can't use that as well its burst was nerfed into the ground. (Axe is better to take for an off-hand than sword even on a power build.)


> Inducing blindness in a cone infront of you is not as cool to me, as reflected a rangers pew pew back in their face from their long bow. Some good plays could come from that So R.I.P Revenant counter skills.


Ummm what Revenant have you been playing the past 4 years?? The class has 0 reflect skills and has always had 0 reflect skills. The blinding projectiles you’re referencing were always created as long there was an enemy around; it had nothing to do with blocking projectiles during the duration of the block. Staff 3 has never been a reflect.



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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Im more made they removed the reflect off the staff skill 3; So you can't reflect projectiles you can only induce blindness which is kind of sad. We are loosing more of our block skills than we are anything else. Shield is still trash tier, so it can't compincate and sword off hand no longer blocks at all so we can't use that as well its burst was nerfed into the ground. (Axe is better to take for an off-hand than sword even on a power build.)

> >

> > Inducing blindness in a cone infront of you is not as cool to me, as reflected a rangers pew pew back in their face from their long bow. Some good plays could come from that So R.I.P Revenant counter skills.


> Ummm what Revenant have you been playing the past 4 years?? The class has 0 reflect skills and has always had 0 reflect skills. The blinding projectiles you’re referencing were always created as long there was an enemy around; it had nothing to do with blocking projectiles during the duration of the block. Staff 3 has never been a reflect.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warding_Rift/history


It always prevented projectiles and sent them back, I didn't realize it only applied blind but it still stopped their projectiles and would prevent the damage. Now the blindness is liked to a cone and I just feel like the cone doesn't really offer much in the grand scheme of things. (My bad)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > Im more made they removed the reflect off the staff skill 3; So you can't reflect projectiles you can only induce blindness which is kind of sad. We are loosing more of our block skills than we are anything else. Shield is still trash tier, so it can't compincate and sword off hand no longer blocks at all so we can't use that as well its burst was nerfed into the ground. (Axe is better to take for an off-hand than sword even on a power build.)

> > >

> > > Inducing blindness in a cone infront of you is not as cool to me, as reflected a rangers pew pew back in their face from their long bow. Some good plays could come from that So R.I.P Revenant counter skills.

> >

> > Ummm what Revenant have you been playing the past 4 years?? The class has 0 reflect skills and has always had 0 reflect skills. The blinding projectiles you’re referencing were always created as long there was an enemy around; it had nothing to do with blocking projectiles during the duration of the block. Staff 3 has never been a reflect.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warding_Rift/history


> It always prevented projectiles and sent them back, I didn't realize it only applied blind but it still stopped their projectiles and would prevent the damage. Now the blindness is liked to a cone and I just feel like the cone doesn't really offer much in the grand scheme of things. (My bad)


It still blocks projectiles (and other attacks) and prevents damage... The only thing that changed is that the blind is now an AoE cone instead of three separate 600 range projectiles.


Not saying that the new Warding Rift is better... But it's definitely not worse--it's just different. And different will always seem worse at first since you haven't adjusted to how to use the skill again. Here's a few examples in both directions of how it's better or worse:


- Blind is now 5 target, which makes it much more usable versus Mirages or when fighting around inanimate-WvW Objects that each your skill uses. Good.

- You can only blind people from melee range. Bad.

- Blind is no longer a projectile so you can use it around things like WoD/CPC/Ventari Bubble/Feedback. Good.

- You can no longer use the bugged projectiles to track people in stealth. Bad (But also kind of whatever, cuz that was destined to be fixed anyways.)

- Uncontrollable projectiles no longer inadvertently trigger retaliation or full counter immediately after you come out of your block. Good.

- Have to be facing your target to blind them, and again, the range is really short. Bad.


Like I said, not necessarily better or worse, just different--but the core use of the skill remains the same.

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If the nex weapon to come brings a block and a mobility skill to the table no one would ever touch the staff again, because is a weapon which neither provides damage for power or condition builds. Really hate this weapon; the block and the interrupt is so crucial that you need it in almost every build, but a the same time every time you swap to staff you have 10 seconds in which you barely can do damage... and still, replacing it essentailly turns you in a glass cannon with 0 sustain.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> If the nex weapon to come brings a block and a mobility skill to the table no one would ever touch the staff again, because is a weapon which neither provides damage for power or condition builds. Really hate this weapon; the block and the interrupt is so crucial that you need it in almost every build, but a the same time every time you swap to staff you have 10 seconds in which you barely can do damage... and still, replacing it essentailly turns you in a glass cannon with 0 sustain.


But what if the new weapon is good but the new legend and specialization is horrible. Will people still rock with that good weapon on the elite spec?

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> If the nex weapon to come brings a block and a mobility skill to the table no one would ever touch the staff again, because is a weapon which neither provides damage for power or condition builds. Really hate this weapon; the block and the interrupt is so crucial that you need it in almost every build, but a the same time every time you swap to staff you have 10 seconds in which you barely can do damage... and still, replacing it essentailly turns you in a glass cannon with 0 sustain.


I gotta ask, have you even tried staff since the changes? I know you forum hated on the OH sword rework for like three months without ever even playing it, so just wondering...


With the new staff2, staff's damage is actually a lot better than it used to be... Hits for like 6-12k in the WvW roaming scene (depending on toughness), only costs 5 energy, and has a somewhat spammable cooldown. Of course it's not like a great dps/burst weapon now or anything, but you can realistically put together successful combos with it now beyond just kiting until you could SotM+swap to sword.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:


> But what if the new weapon is good but the new legend and specialization is horrible. Will people still rock with that good weapon on the elite spec?


Renegade answers that question.


@Narcx: of course I'm using it. I mean: the class has a single build for PvP, and uses the same weapons since its inception. And even playing crapy tanky builds with Jalis or condi ones with Renegade you still need the staff. The only reason to even ditch the staff would be if becomes even worse than the shield, which seems pretty much impossible.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Staff isnt meant to be a dps weapon, its support, nothing more. And they are not removing staff at all, just reaffirming its role as support.


Do you have proof this was the original design by any chance? You said it was not meant to be a dps weapon so I can only assume you have some information the rest of us are unaware of. Thats like saying the ele ice attacks are only support yet they do dps to or the mesmer weapons are only support lol.

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> @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Staff isnt meant to be a dps weapon, its support, nothing more. And they are not removing staff at all, just reaffirming its role as support.


> Do you have proof this was the original design by any chance? You said it was not meant to be a dps weapon so I can only assume you have some information the rest of us are unaware of. Thats like saying the ele ice attacks are only support yet they do dps to or the mesmer weapons are only support lol.


This argument is completely pointless.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Staff isnt meant to be a dps weapon, its support, nothing more. And they are not removing staff at all, just reaffirming its role as support.

> >

> > Do you have proof this was the original design by any chance? You said it was not meant to be a dps weapon so I can only assume you have some information the rest of us are unaware of. Thats like saying the ele ice attacks are only support yet they do dps to or the mesmer weapons are only support lol.


> This argument is completely pointless.


But your the one who created this argument either, but as I can see its only pointless when you cannot prove it thats all I needed to know thank you.

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