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"Trade-Off" a bit Disingenuous With Thief?


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It's strange IMO to add more "trade offs" for thief when thief is one of the classes with the most "trade-offs" baked into the class already.


DD was meant to be more of a brawler (substitue tankyness for dodgeyness) and it was even said several times that it was a departure from stealth. Moreover, many classes got reveal abilities and this further solidified DD as being very little stealth. We can all agree that Stealth is Core thief's main ability and yet it was considerably hindered with a DD swap.


Compare this to mesmer where its main ability is clones. Clones/Phantasms are still viable and even integral to both Chrono and Mirage builds. The Staff was a complete change to thief core mechanics. The DD Trait line also reflects that. As an example, 2 of the 3 grandmaster abilities knock you out of stealth if it hits a target. In other words DD is already the Epitome of "Trade-Off".


So you can derive two conclusions from this.

1. DD traits are not synergistic with Stealth and considered a trade off already.

2. Many thief wep sets are gimped and are anti-assassin.



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> You don't main thief then... at least not from the beginning. Oh you must play circus acrobat


This dumb "you're not a tRuE aSsASsIn" purism is hillarious because stealth-spammy builds are by far the easier and simpler to play, and those who only play them end up being mediocre thieves that get their asses handed to themselves when they find another thief that has some decent level of skill.


In my experience, thief ends being way more enjoyable with stuff like s/d that employs both dodges/mobility and stealth without being reliant on spamming the latter.


No dude you're not a "true thief" for backstabbing lowies from stealth with other 2 thieves on party in an average tier WvW server.



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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > >Stealth is Core thief's main ability

> > no

> > >DD traits are not synergistic with Stealth and considered a trade off already.

> > also no

> >


> You don't main thief then... at least not from the beginning. Oh you must play circus acrobat


i've been playing thief since back when dungeons were still being supported and i mostly play steath builds (i miss my WvW stealth rez build)

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > >Stealth is Core thief's main ability

> > no

> > >DD traits are not synergistic with Stealth and considered a trade off already.

> > also no

> >


> You don't main thief then... at least not from the beginning. Oh you must play circus acrobat


He does. He's been on the Thief forums for a very long time. As long as I can remember actually...

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> >Stealth is Core thief's main ability

> no

> >DD traits are not synergistic with Stealth and considered a trade off already.

> also no



It *was* Core thieves main ability once. A very, *very* long time ago. Before stealth and stealth attacks were nerfed so hard theyre useless in combat. But it was once part of thief.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > >Stealth is Core thief's main ability

> > no

> > >DD traits are not synergistic with Stealth and considered a trade off already.

> > also no

> >


> It *was* Core thieves main ability once. A very, *very* long time ago. Before stealth and stealth attacks were nerfed so hard theyre useless in combat. But it was once part of thief.


stealth is an big part of thief's identity but it's not it's *main* mechanic. (similar to how minions aren't necro's main mechanic)

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Steal is thiefs main mechanic. Stealth was just somthing relevant to a rogue class so they got it just like mesmer,ranger/druid and aperantly scrapper who has best stealth skill imo with stealth gyro. With stealth nerd on DE and ini cost perma stealth builds are annoying to play because the constant need to stealth stack,u literally spend 90% of ur play time stacking stealth if ur running a stealth build,fun!

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Steal is thiefs main mechanic. Stealth was just somthing relevant to a rogue class so they got it just like mesmer,ranger/druid and aperantly scrapper who has best stealth skill imo with stealth gyro. With stealth nerd on DE and ini cost perma stealth builds are annoying to play because the constant need to stealth stack,u literally spend 90% of ur play time stacking stealth if ur running a stealth build,fun!


what about Initiative?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Steal is thiefs main mechanic. Stealth was just somthing relevant to a rogue class so they got it just like mesmer,ranger/druid and aperantly scrapper who has best stealth skill imo with stealth gyro. With stealth nerf on DE and ini cost perma stealth builds are annoying to play because the constant need to stealth stack,u literally spend 90% of ur play time stacking stealth if ur running a stealth build,fun!


> what about Initiative?


Very true my bad that and steal lol. If u mean why I brought up ini? Because u less u are against wall u burn all of it heart seeking thru smoke field.between constantly using all my ini on stealth stacking and the act of doing it it feels like that's all I'm doing lol some of that is my fault as I dont usually use stealth utility skills.

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> @"Neurion.4086" said:

> Taking any Specialisation over Core class -be it Thief, Necro, Ranger, etc.- is already a freaking **trade-off**: you **exchange** one core trait line for the Specialisation one. I don't know why you all fall for "Balance Team" 's nonsense and play their game.


that's a trade-off with every traitline, not just especs.


took shadow arts, acrobatics and trickery then you can't have daredevil, dead-eye, critical strikes or deadly arts.

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I'd find thief a cool stealth assassin if it had a skill like gyro that pulsed stealth 12-15 seconds total that followed u even if it didnt apply to aly's so I could be visible but when get in position close enough pop it than attack from stealth without having to jump 3 times thru field using all ini than pop invisibility utility than if have enough ini jump again however many times ini allows me to than if enemy moves maybe pop another invisibility utity if spotted than jump another 3 times through field or blast with sb5 eyc is annoying to upkeep stealth or to stack a useful amount.stealth gyro be alot less anoying lol just personal opinion

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