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IMO I would prefer more focus on open world content for both large groups of people, and smaller ones. I was never overly impressed with the dungeons, I'm tired of fractals, and raids are not all that accessible to the average player. This franchises strength is in it's world and lore.

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I dislike dungeons and raids. FotM is just a dungeon/raid. It isn't anything new simply because it has a different name.


Alan Partridge: "I'm not driving a Mini-Metro, I'm not driving a Mini-Metro, I'm not driving a Mini-Metro."

Lynn Benfield: "No, no, no, it's different. It's called a Rover Metro now."

Alan Partridge: "They've rebadged it, you fool!"

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> @Fermi.2409 said:

> I'd like more instanced content in general. I'm not huge on open world stuff, it's generally not really challenging and it's less repeatable then a good instance


Yeah, this is my same issue. I'm surprised by the number of people indicating they prefer open world stuff.

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> @andyMak.6985 said:

> Open world content is better.. Bigger groups trains are fun and no kicking for your build or class choice


I don't think the open world can simulate the same level of immersion and camaraderie that dungeons can, frankly. It's sort of an apples and oranges thing, though - the open world provides a different type of fun and I think the game needs both. I kind of wish I'd left it out of the survey so the focus of the conversation could have been the dev balance between fractals, raids, and dungeons.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @Fermi.2409 said:

> > I'd like more instanced content in general. I'm not huge on open world stuff, it's generally not really challenging and it's less repeatable then a good instance


> Yeah, this is my same issue. I'm surprised by the number of people indicating they prefer open world stuff.


Why? _This_ . . . _is_ . . . _GUILDWARS!_ 2.


>I don't think the open world can simulate the same level of immersion and camaraderie that dungeons can, frankly.


True, but most Guild Wars players don't care about that. They want casual, drop in, drop out, no waiting around, no interdependency, just to be able to do what they want around other players, and dungeons are terrible for that. Fractals and Raids even worse.


>I kind of wish I'd left it out of the survey so the focus of the conversation could have been the dev balance between fractals, raids, and dungeons.


The people want what the people want, and the developer resources should be allocated accordingly.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> I would prefer they bring dungeons back, but I fear the "meta" attitude would ruin for a lot of people for speed runs. *Sigh* Why can't people just play for fun anymore. Everything has to be speed cleared.


Because those kind of people are blinded by the proverbial carrot on a stick. They're in it for the rewards. Very few people know how to have fun for the sake of having fun anymore or find personal goals to work towards. There's gotta be some kind of "reward" tied to it or it's "dead content". :neutral:

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @Fermi.2409 said:

> > > I'd like more instanced content in general. I'm not huge on open world stuff, it's generally not really challenging and it's less repeatable then a good instance

> >

> > Yeah, this is my same issue. I'm surprised by the number of people indicating they prefer open world stuff.


> Why? _This_ . . . _is_ . . . _GUILDWARS!_ 2.


> >I don't think the open world can simulate the same level of immersion and camaraderie that dungeons can, frankly.


> True, but most Guild Wars players don't care about that. They want casual, drop in, drop out, no waiting around, no interdependency, just to be able to do what they want around other players, and dungeons are terrible for that. Fractals and Raids even worse.


> >I kind of wish I'd left it out of the survey so the focus of the conversation could have been the dev balance between fractals, raids, and dungeons.


> The people want what the people want, and the developer resources should be allocated accordingly.


Yeah but Anet isn't going to stop all development on instanced content because having none of it would be bad for the game - a sizable chunk of players _do_ care about that, and it's arguable that the game suffered immensely by not doing it better from the beginning (many of those players have left the game).


Since instanced vs open world content is apples vs oranges, I should have left the open world out of it because I'm more curious about what people think about the balance between raids, regular dungeons, and FoTM.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

>Yeah but Anet isn't going to stop all development on instanced content because having none of it would be bad for the game - a sizable chunk of players do care about that, and it's arguable that the game suffered immensely by not doing it better from the beginning (many of those players have left the game).


Why not stop entirely? If the bulk of the players want something different, why not provide the content that the community wants? At the very least, they can certainly provide LESS emphasis on instance content than they have been doing. They certainly need to have a way for open world PvEers to unlock Envoy armor, at minimum.

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My wishlist,

I have never done a Raid really, I tried Fractals once, never went back in.

Solo-able Dungeon/Raid Levels (Reduce the rewards, but let me poke around and learn the place because its all speed runs and you must be this or that spec now. I find this irritating)

I like stories, I like exploring, wouldn't mind a random (Soloable) dungeon crawl with waypoints here and there and deeper you go the more challenging the enemies get.

I would like a Guildhall I could purchase like in GW1 rather than having to build a guild up, Having to WvW, Having to PvP, I would like Chairs and Tables you can actually sit in and around for RP or general chat, I mean come on Airships, Charr Copters, Golems, Gliders, Gods, Lasers, Cannons Kneeling and Dancing.....

Yet, basic sitting technology eludes us.

Oh, I will still play, I will still pay for the expansions and gripe at things I wish I had or don't like.

All in all, though, love this game.

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I want to see more focus on FoTM *and* raids. Dungeons are finished. Get over it. And open-world content is garbage because there's no limit on how many people can get involved in the encounter (making the chance of failure, basically zero). Focus on making content that's actually engaging and challenging... that gives you goals to work up to.


Please, no more ridiculous Tequatl-style face-rolls, or bounty-train face-rolls, or Dragon's Stand face-rolls.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @andyMak.6985 said:

> > Open world content is better.. Bigger groups trains are fun and no kicking for your build or class choice


> I don't think the open world can simulate the same level of immersion and camaraderie that dungeons can, frankly. It's sort of an apples and oranges thing, though - the open world provides a different type of fun and I think the game needs both. I kind of wish I'd left it out of the survey so the focus of the conversation could have been the dev balance between fractals, raids, and dungeons.


So you get an answer you don´t like and probably only added for giggles, and now you have to lie in the bed you made for yourself. Poetic, nice.^^


First and foremost, an MMO is not about forming a commando unit. Of course you can do so and it is also fun if it stays in a lose formation, but it not the main reason these games are made.


And speaking of immersion:

*Immersion in dungeons died in the second where some joker found out that you win the fights if you stack in the corner. In any other scenario where the opponent has weapons of mass destruction, this would be a total bloodbath.

*Immersion in raids died in the second when a group of jokers defeated a raid boss in blues or with only half power and five seats sold to people less good at playing.

*Immersion in the storyline died in the second the first revenant stepped foot in the personal story or already with the arrival of Taimi.

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I voted for Open world.

Because I love open world content but also because Anet isn't good at balancing classes and specs. Classes roles are a mess in GW2, which isnt good for organized content.

I would go to dungeons and raids if I could play the "natural" roles of each classes (guardian -> tank/support ; warrior -> dps/tank etc) without being kicked.

Now if I want to raid I return on WoW where I can really play my healer shaman or my tank warrior as promised by Blizzard.

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> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @andyMak.6985 said:

> > > Open world content is better.. Bigger groups trains are fun and no kicking for your build or class choice

> >

> > I don't think the open world can simulate the same level of immersion and camaraderie that dungeons can, frankly. It's sort of an apples and oranges thing, though - the open world provides a different type of fun and I think the game needs both. I kind of wish I'd left it out of the survey so the focus of the conversation could have been the dev balance between fractals, raids, and dungeons.


> So you get an answer you don´t like and probably only added for giggles, and now you have to lie in the bed you made for yourself. Poetic, nice.^^



Maybe, I dunno, try to be a nice person?

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @bOTEB.1573 said:

> > The majority speaks, boys and girls.

> >

> > This is why PoF <<< HoT


> Except the majority doesn't think that.


Yes, a majority thinks PoF is better than HoT. And while agree on that overall, this poll here shows clearly what PoF is lacking, even for those who think it's a good or at least a better expansion than the previous:


Open World PvE content.

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