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Daredevil rework feedback


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Before 23-4-19 rework thief has had 2 good sPVP builds Daredevil Dagger/Pistol and Core Sword/Dagger.

Daredevil rework ruined Daredevil Dagger/Pistol completely.

New Swipe ruined gap closer potential.

New Marauder's Resilience - scaling is too weak in my opinion and it placed in one tier with Brawler's Tenacity which is simply better for rotation.

New Havoc Specialist - you have to fight with yourself to get bonus damage. It's a complete joke. As for me, I don't know how to use it and I prefer old Pulmonary Impact in this tier.

As a result, we don't have any trade-offs but we have only a huge Steal nerf.


In my opinion that the next changes could be better:

1. nerf Dagger Strom it is low skilled and simply ower powered in some situations.

2. increase burst damage, for example, Backstab damage because it’s hard to land its damage at the moment is too low.

3. reduce power sources to prevent one-shots. For example, reduce the Assasin signet power bonus.


There are a lot of things you can do, but you decided to kill one of the most interesting and skill-based builds in the game.


The only thing you haven't done yet is: "Core thief rework" and destroy the last thief's PVP build...

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Bunkers grow, thief damage remains the same.

Thief damage can't get buffed because there are things like power signet, which make any decent damage unbalanced in the end.


If u can't remove huge damage multipliers, then for sure it will be impossible to buff damage in a right way. So here and now u are fooling around, updating some traits to turn dodges into crap (despite the idea of trading off some mobility for more dmg isn't bad – but then u could go with some stances to do these conversions).


If it's soo difficult to tune thief dmg, take it away completely. Let's have S/D as the boon stripper and let's update D/P to be a disabler: replace backstab with a some decent stun (9 points of ini should worth something; current backstab dmg output is laughable).


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IMO Thief doesn't need a damage buff, at least not directly. The issue is that other classes are just busted. If you buff Backstab, even a little bit, it might get overbearing. I know people have said in the past that they are essentially lining up a position-based ability for maybe a 5k or 6k crit, but those people don't always take into consideration that they are giving up a lot of damage modifiers for a lot of utility. If a Thief does decide to go for all of the things that increase their damage in lieu of the things that grant them utility, it is very frequent they can get 10k-12k Backstabs. I used to do it all of the time for giggles prior to the Swipe change. If Backstab itself were to get buffed, it would get really ridiculous really fast. I would rather get a slight damage buff across the board if Theives are getting any damage boost.


My point is Thieves need more outplay potential than they do raw damage, or just ways that allow them to do the damage that they are already capable of doing. That is partly why the Swipe range nerf is so devastating. Good luck waiting for that right moment to Steal on a ranger at ~1000 range as they are about to burst you. On the same note, this is also why the trait changes were actually quite nice.


I would honestly rather see changes along these lines (more or less) before we start thinking about more damage buffs to specific abilities:


- Reduce the cast time of Basilisk Venom to 1/2 of a second (enough so we can use it reactively but not too fast that opponents can't see it).

- Make Impact Strike less clunky; maybe increase the initial range to 450 and give it a tracking mechanic similar to Bull's Charge.

- Do something to Headshot where it it is slightly enhanced on a successful interrupt (I honestly don't have a clue what).

- Lowering the Initiative cost of Black Powder by 1 or increasing the radius slightly.

- Changing up some utility slot skills (E.G. Smoke Screen could be made into a circle similar to the spectral skills Necros have)

- Reverting the Swipe change (I had to add this)


I've got like a page of these so I could go on, but I hope you all get the point. If we do see damage buffs, I would rather see it in the form of modifiers like we saw with Weakening Strikes before we touch specific abilities. Keep in mind I'm not saying these things _should_ happen, I'm just saying I would personally rather see stuff like this.


This is just my 2 cents.

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Thieves need more general dps.they need to be able to fight and sustain in a fight without resorting to cheese one shot one trick builds.that wont happen if ur pistol,sword,dagger autos hit less than a warriors,holo,soulbeast etc autos.the rest of the 2-5 weapon skills need a significant buff in dps that actually makes it possible for a theif to make a dent in the sustain that classes have now and do not fast enough that with its garbage sustain it stands a chance.as it stands u have to hit most classes 2 or 3 times more than they have to hit u and if their skills hits it's far more punishing to u the balance is way out of whack in this game. A rogue character usually cant take a hit but is fast and hits hard and always breeds salt in every game but it's designed like that for a reason.arenanet caved and nerfed theif due to butt hurt cry babies now the class is deformed into a fast,fragile class that hits for less dps than heavier hitting more sustainable classes which is completely ridiculous.arenet nerfed thief in so many ways but kept the mbs etc what it was to promote DE and that is no way to give a class dps. One trick builds like that will always be a crutch until thief can fight without them.course if arenanet removes the dps from bs than thief could be just a decapper I guess lol.theres a reason it's a +1 class and it's not because it's for high dps and sustain lmao.

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