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Please change how auto attack and confusion works


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Please anet if you can make it so auto attack only triggers confusion every three attack mesmer have way to many ways to kite someone and confusion in most situations come with torment and random soft cc which make rng our unreliable savior. auto attack shouldn't complely not trigger confusion since it may may make the condition useless and no one's build should be made useless even if it's ai--effcient. So please.




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Srry for my grammar

I want auto as an option to destroy clone because for us less mobile classes we can almost never kill a merciless mirage unless he feels noble enough to keep itself in our skill distance radius. Otherwise pray his internet connection disconnects or else you lose the node.


Their condition build shouldn't be made useless but we should have more option to deal with it maybe even attach this idea to a trait with of course a set back.


Compromise, I almost want give up and let them kill me so i can respawn faster and go else where. oh yeah you're probably going to tell me come to mirages with team mates hahaha when your enemy have two mirages with decent iq then your team mates is cc'd and then burst your team mate down and bam you follow him to Grenth.


And if three or more team mates come get them and other team has a scrapper haha two nodes gone.



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