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I hate grinding! advice from people who enjoy it.


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Grind is an essential evil in MMos simply because there is no alternative.

Its impossible to currently make new content as fast as players can go thru the content so the only alternatives are

Make everything very easy to get or make rare items only available by luck, ie you can only get them from drops.

Both would be hated by most players.



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Grind disappears when you decide to just do what you want and _disregard the reward_. If you ever get the required stuff, you get that reward. If not, you don't. If you don't care, it's not a big deal either way.


This is not easy to do, as MMO's depend on making you want rewards, so you'll play. If you don't play, they won't get money from you. Still, it's possible to play GW2 and not grind -- you just have to recognize that you don't need the virtual gewgaws.

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Never do any grinding. If something require boring repetitive actions for more than a few minutes, I skip that kitten and/or buy whatever resource it gives from market. If I don't have money and still really need it - I buy gold with gems. Can't really accept that "necessary evil" way of thinking. Imo, this is just bad game design which became a ridiculous standard across mmorpg, just because companies tend to cut expenses whenever they can, and implementing some stupid chores like "kill 1000 wolves" or "gather 1000 iron ores" is much easier than come up with a decent replayable content.


There are ways how to make content much more variable and lasting, tested successfully by many other games (not mmorpg, though, at least I'm not aware whether it was used in those). They involve procedural generation of dungeons and encounters. It has its limits and downsides, but still allows to automate producing a content with significant replayable value and with little effort. But to implement it right it requires some investment - that's where problem is. It's much easier to say "we don't have choice and btw all other mmorpgs use the grinding chores..." than actually create a decent game. At least call the kitten what it is, no need to advocate those foul practices.

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I believe that an important contributor to farming/grinding is time. Personally, I have no hurry in game. I am impatient at certain objectives, but not with a feeling that I shall hurry to get it fast. Beside, I hate repeating in a row, whatever the action is. So, I let it go over time. I just keep playing what I want, and when I feel for it, I farm/grind. It works wonderfully for me this way, but of course, it needs to accept that we don't reach our objectives as rapidly as someone who will focus doing that only.


Now for info, there are contributors boosting the farming:

- The WvW reward track of the corresponding area. Ex: WvW reward track for Dry Top = 100 geodes.

- Area completion. Ex: Again Dry Top = 100 geodes.

- Buying at local vendors with karma points (not in all areas, but it works for the berries for example).

- Doing area dailies.


You could check in wiki how many berries those same contributors are giving in Bitterfrost Frontier area. I memorized the geodes just because that's the way I used to complete the ambrite weapon collection faster than it would have been with normal farming only.


Good luck. :)

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Search for many different grinds and switch them when u feel full of one immediately.

There are many ways to make good gold in the game now, some are more slow some are faster.


Also set urself small goals I just finished my 5th legendary for example and I bought the ingredients step by step not really thinking about the final stages.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I have yet to see any sort of grind in this game



U are right there is no real grind in game it’s optional, the only thing u need kinda grind for is gold.


The issue in gw2 I feel is sometimes that it seems only gold can give u something. That’s a little different from wow where u run a raid and luck decide if u get some cookie.

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I hate grinding as well, I might do things twice in a row but then give up. My solution is simple: just have patience. Take those druid stones from Draconis Mons. You need to get about 14(?) of them, you can get one a day and one shard per heart (and one from the map merchant). So, some days, I'd redo the entire map and get 5 shards (and thus one druid stone). Then there'd be days I'd only got the one from the map merchant (after 5 days you also have a stone).

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Maybe it's my personal nature, but honestly, i've gotten the most out of the game recently when i've had several goals that i want to accomplish at the same time.


I've been gradually aiming towards several goals at the same time: get more path of fire mastery points in prep for the new dragon, get more core tyria mastery points to finish the last mastery line, gradually get more gold through farming, eventually get enough wvw experience to get all the warclaw stuff.


with all those goals in mind, it hasn't felt that grindy to me, since one day i could feel empowered enough to get the central tyria masteries, if the next day i'm bored of that, i'd play some wvw to get experience there, when i get bored of that, move onto path of fire masteries, go back to core tyria masteries, move on to grinding gold.


essentially, as soon as i stopped having fun and started feeling bored, i moved onto another task and returned to it later when i felt i wanted that reward again. I often dont get the reward in that one go, but going back and forth has kept me entertained. If you can feel it out, try swapping tasks before you get bored of it, that way you still have that motivation, but don't get burned out and dislike the notion of returning to that grind. it may take longer, but not getting bored or burned out makes it worth the wait.

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My advice is to diversify. There's a lot of stuff in this game that gives a lot of gold, and you can make quite a mint off of it.


Fractals: 1-2 hours

Tangled Depths Meta -> Auric Basin Meta: 1 hour

Dragon's Stand: 1 hour

Verdant Brink night bosses: 20 minutes

Thunderhead Peaks Metas: 15 minutes for each, but the two of them are an hour apart.

Pallawadan + Great Hall Meta: 1 hour

Tequatl + Leyline Anomaly: 45 minutes

Junundu Rising: 30 minutes

Treasure Hunt: 20 Minutes

Treasure Mushroom: up to an hour.


That's... 6 hours or so? That's most of the free time I have in a day. This is all without doing other things, like hunting for in-demand skins and items that drop from certain events. This is far from an exhaustive list, either.

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