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One of the best features in GW2 is level scaling, as characters cannot outgrow a zone, unlike most other mmos. however, I feel this isn't being taken advantage of to its full potential as there might be few to no reasons to revisit old maps.


My idea for an event is based on LS1 map invasion events. Back then watchwork mechanisms would flood a specific map, and killing enough would trigger a boss. Thinking of a way of adapting this, what I'd recommend as an event:

1. Randomly between 1.5 and 2 hours start an invasion, any map is up for selection, including LS ones.

2. During an invasion, have the map display a progress bar which is filled by killing monsters or completing events(the latter grants more progress).

3. If the bar gets filled within 15 minutes, spawn some map wide bosses (3 legendaries would be fine by me), which have 10 minutes to be defeated. On defeat, the other bosses get a buff (something like the enrage mechanic the draconic Mons wyverns have). This would encourage players splitting up rather than zerging.

4. To remove the usual snoozefest that some maps become due to lax scaling, during an invasion all events get aggressive scaling, so that champions start spawning when you have as few as five players participating. Rewards need to be beefed up as well (maybe make every champion level monster drop twice as much loot).


This event (which I'd actually love if it were made permanent) should bring life to most of the game's open world content, and it probably would reduce player wearout.


Edit: for bonus points, include doppleganger adds to the bosses, I always enjoyed that mechanic from the riverlands map. :o

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# Dungeons

* **Dungeon Dash**: Running a dungeon will now award a special loot-box at the end that gives a certain amount of dungeon loot, other than the token of the dungeon you're running (example: you're running Ascalonian Catacombs, complete it, and get a chest with every dungeon token EXCEPT ascalonian tears). During your dungeoneering session, you'll get a random boon every 10 seconds so you'll survive the onslaught even better!

* **Dungeon Rush**: Completing a dungeon gives a score at the end, and the higher the score, the better the loot! The more events you complete in the dungeons (meta events, triggered events, bonus events, killing monsters, doing side-bosses, etc...) the better your score!

* **Dungeon Surge**: During your dungeon adventures, you have an increased chance of monsters dropping special loot and items. Completing a dungeon has a chance to drop ascended gear with dungeon stats!


# Raids

* **Raiding Spree**: Complete raids daily for the amount of time this event is running, and get good loot every time you do it!

* **Raiding Training**: For new Raiders, if this is your first time completing a raid boss, you get triple loot! For experienced raiders, if you're in a squad with at least 5 new raiders, you get double loot!

* **Raiding Nightmares**: Re-complete challenge mode raids for all of their rewards!


# PvP

* **Core PvP/WvW**: Everyone can only use core profession builds, and reward tracks get double points (excluded for ranked). WvW is only open for Core professions!

* **Nerd Brawl**: Everytime you enter a PvP match, you get a randomised build! WvW is affected as well.

* **Wet Noodle**: All stats in PvP and WvW are reduced by 50% for this weekend.


# Fractals

* **Super Fractals**: Get double the amount of instabilities per fractal, but get triple the amount of loot!

* **Fractal Fractal**: You can complete every fractal map (instead of only 3 random daily ones) and receive the daily loot for every fractal you complete.

* **Reliquary Fractals**: Triple all fractal relics you receive. Gain a chance to get challenge mote loot from fractal dailies (from fractals which were NOT challenge motes)


# Open World

Let me start by saying that I'm incredibly thankful that you're giving the PoF maps the treatment HoT maps got after release. The expansion truly needs it!

* **Improved Morale**: Gain more Magic Luck and character stats the more people are in your party. Max of 5 people. Squads only give a bonus up to 5.

* **Super Loot**: Every meta event you complete gives you a chance to get a box of Ascended trinkets.

* **Great Tokens**: Completing a meta event gives you a box that makes you choose a map-specific currency. ([The box would be like this, but the amount of tokens would be significantly lower](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyrian_Exchange_Voucher "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyrian_Exchange_Voucher") )


# Other

* **Jumping Weirdos**: Completing jumping puzzles give a special loot-box upon completing.

* **Adventuring Heroes**: Completing Adventures and getting bronze, silver or gold give a special loot-box upon completing. All activities will be uncontested during this event.

* **Active Creatures**: Playing Activities award you tokens. Spend these special tokens to get fabulous rewards! All activities are unlocked during this event.

* **Guild Lovin'**: Guild Missions give actual good loot when completed during this event. Guild Missions award extra guild tokens (or whatever guilds use as a currency to build stuff/upgrade stuff with).

* **Messy Crafting**: Gain extra experience when training your crafting skills. When crafting, there is a 25% chance you won't use any resources.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I think something like the Black Moa Chick quest (which was similar to the Caladbolg collection/quest, I guess) would be nice. And if it offered a Black Moa Chick as in Guild Wars, that would be great!


> It's a nice idea but if I remember correctly, in GW1 it required all campaigns (+EotN) so I would save it until (and if) we get the next expansion to have a big quest invonving all 3 expansions!


We already have 3 'campaigns': Core, Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. It wouldn't be that much different than the 'Knight of the Thorn' quest/collection. No guarantee there will be a 3rd expansion.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > I think something like the Black Moa Chick quest (which was similar to the Caladbolg collection/quest, I guess) would be nice. And if it offered a Black Moa Chick as in Guild Wars, that would be great!

> >

> > It's a nice idea but if I remember correctly, in GW1 it required all campaigns (+EotN) so I would save it until (and if) we get the next expansion to have a big quest invonving all 3 expansions!


> We already have 3 'campaigns': Core, Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. It wouldn't be that much different than the 'Knight of the Thorn' quest/collection. No guarantee there will be a 3rd expansion.


Well GW1 had 4 if we count EotN but that's not my point. I answered that way because I really hope we'll see another (final) expansion.

However I'm all in with cross-expansions quests even with just the ones we have atm!

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this is a good place to repeat an idea from before:


hopefully, Anet still has all the coding for Living World Season 1


the idea:


after season 4 finale... rifts can still open up all over Tyria... that lead to an echo of a LWS1 episode (like Scarlett's Invasions one week, Marianette another week, Tower of Nightmares another week, etc)


rifts would open all over Tyria, but all the rifts would port players to an instance for the season 1 meta of the current week, and then keep opening new instances as needed (lie Edge of the Mists)


this would be a BIG step for bringing back Season 1 eventually.

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> @"Forgotten Legend.9281" said:

> this is a good place to repeat an idea from before:


> hopefully, Anet still has all the coding for Living World Season 1


> the idea:


> after season 4 finale... rifts can still open up all over Tyria... that lead to an echo of a LWS1 episode (like Scarlett's Invasions one week, Marianette another week, Tower of Nightmares another week, etc)


> rifts would open all over Tyria, but all the rifts would port players to an instance for the season 1 meta of the current week, and then keep opening new instances as needed (lie Edge of the Mists)


> this would be a BIG step for bringing back Season 1 eventually.


it would be nice if they continued this pattern with various events involving older content/maps

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As a player who mostly WvWs, I cannot speak to the PvE events but I can speak about the WvW events. I have GREATLY enjoyed the WvW events so far and am very happy about time and love being put in to WvW again.


Criticism over the current WvW events:

- As we all know, WvW comes with a large amount of skill lag (especially during three way fights) however during WvW events the overall lag has gotten worse. It was like this during the bloodlust weekend and it has worsened again during the no downstate week. This is not an isolated issue. It is happening across servers, across continents and across ISPs. It is not a player issue, as it spikes during events and only during these events.


Suggestions for Future WvW Events:

- I would love if more attention would be paid to the kills section of WvW, so here are my suggestions.

- A temporary UD week, where you get a title or reward if you get enough kills that week.

- A reward to the guilds with the top 10 amount of kills. (As of late a community member has created a website that tracks kills per guild and per person in WvW. It has become competitive and we love it.)

- Base spec only week. We’ve begged for this for years, and we still beg.

- No siege week. I like the change to gates and walls being normalized, it has improved the game mode greatly. While I know siege is an integral part of WvW, I think it would be a fun event.

- A mountless week. It would be a week roamers would be grateful for.



I hope these are helpful, and I hope the lag issues (as well as skill lag for 3 way fights) are fixed soon. Many guild raids have had to call it early this week because of the lag. Thank you for taking feedback and being more transparent. It is greatly appreciated within the community.

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The easiest way to achieve what ArenaNet describes - mostly, "events that leverage existing content and resources" - would be to just increase the rewards. A week in which Fractals give twice as many rewards as they do today, another in which raids give twice as many rewards, and so on. This would be easy, but IMO it wouldn't be fun.


I would like to use GW2's most unique features - the dynamic events.


The thing is, the World Bosses aren't exactly the best way to highlight dynamic events. They're mostly old and, frankly, poorly designed - the idea of fifty players striking the feet of a large enemy doesn't really work in practice. It becomes a somewhat mindless and seizure-inducing shower of particle effects. Meanwhile, the idea of a week about meta events is great (even though I would guess those are already GW2's most popular kind of content).


I have two main suggestions:


**1. The return of an old concept, with a few adaptations: bring back [Nicholas the Traveler](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Nicholas_the_Traveler):**


* Nicholas would take tokens in exchange for unique and/or high valued rewards (like the stuff in the Bonus Box)

* Tokens are earned by doing specific kinds of content - there are World Bosses tokens, Meta Events tokens, tokens for WvW, tokens for common events, and so on. But...

* ...Each week, only one kind of activity gives tokens. So one week tokens can only be earned from WvW, on the following week only World Bosses drop tokens, and so on


This would push people to do differents kinds of content, with rewards tailored to each activity (since WvW tokens could give different rewards than Meta Events tokens, and so on).


**2. A week in which players have an "event tracker", and are rewarded for doing all events in a map.** This would likely require events to happen at shorter intervals than they do today, and for branches to count as a single event (if event A succeeds, it leads to event B; if event A fails, it leads to event C; in this case, events B and C would count as a single event in the "event tracker").

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These are cool but arent necessarily new content, they are moreso revisited existing content.


Personally id really love some new content, the current events team was pretty good at this and burden of choice as well as the reforging of saladbolg were some great ingame events.


Pls giv more of those.

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You did forget Dungeons ;) this would be a great way to bring back dungeons from the grave.

Also, these week long events for bonus loot should've been a thing in GW2 for years now, better late than never I guess.


NO NO NO do NOT do a JP week event for the love of Dwayna just DONT !

I'm sorry for those that love them, but JP's are fine as they are, "a sorry lame excuse for content"

If I want to play a platformer, I will go play one that was build for platforming like Mario or Megaman !!!!


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Please try to avoid events that solely give rewards for the sake of rewards and try to focus events so that they promote socializing. The greatest hook GW2 has in the MMO market is that it promotes a lot more interactions between players. This is what's hurting other MMOs, and if you focus these events on that you will have players create more memories and hopefully spread the word of what is going on in this game.



Have silly events as well, I can already imagine the chaos and hilarity that will ensue if Moas invaded Queensdale or if NPCs with silly dialogue were up to no good in other zones.

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I know you guys don't wanna touch dungeons anymore cause they're spaghetti code and would probably fall apart if touched, + there's fractals now, but dungeon-related events would be nice.


Also, consider bringing back Marionette and the Hologram fight from time to time? The Hologram fight is one of my dearest experiences in this game tbh, and I feel like it could be easily recreated/fiddled in due to the fact it's a Hologram. Some Asura just has to be curious and recreate it for the sake of it and whatnot; would be really cool to have those fights in the game again, even if it's always just temporary.

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# WvW

* **Open house:** All gates are open and unrepairable. Lords have triple the health and capping objectives take 5 times as long.

* **Bumpercars:** Knockback and launches have quintuple the range

* **Turbo:** Everyone has permanent superspeed and quickness. Triple superspeed and quickness speeds.

* **All seeing Eye:** All players are marked on the mini map.

* **Adjusted downed state mode ver 2:** Downed state is enabled, but players are not able to manually help them up. (allowable only with profession specific abilities, traits, or skills such as gyros). Dead players are unable to revive and will require respawn.

* **Battle Royale:** A basic weapon is deposited to your inventory when you enter a WvW map. You are unable to use any of your existing equipment and can only make use of equipment dropped from your kills.


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I'm all for these bonus events but I entirely disagree with daily cap removal of boss loot. All it does is promote a unhealthy game environment and this will be compounded with the marketing Anet is doing. We have *a lot* of new players and this will be how new players see how events/bosses should be done, which is a huge mistake. Just a lot of zerging them every time they spawn and using multi map to abuse game mechanics and gain more loot than intended. Then you add in the game is meant to be about us and how we want to play. With events like this were forced to do them nonstop or you miss out, which is why the daily cap is something I think should be expanded to everything. Expanding it to everything lets the player choose what they want to do and not forced they have to do X or Y else they miss out.


These events remind me of the "Mordremoth's Minions Invade Tyria" event which was disastrous and even Anet knew they messed up. Essentially if you didn't show up for every event which happened every hour you would miss out on blooms(which you spent on items at a vendor). Currently these two bonus events are set up exactly like that and its why this is already flawed. If you can't show up for every single one you're missing out and it will burn some players in more ways than one.


Rather than "removing the daily cap" for boss loot during these events why not just double the amount of loot gained while keeping the once a day cap? That way we only have to do them once and it lets ut feel like were not missing out if we don't do every boss multiple times a day. This also prevents abuse with multimaps which will happen on every boss possible. *Any* and *every* event you create you *have* to assume it will be abused/exploited by either a champ farm, multi map or just farming trash. I love this game and community but it continually pains me to see the same mistakes happen for every event/meta. Its time to break the cycle and actually learn from the past.

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I always thought daily world boss tokens or something would be cool with which you could purchase world boss related skins like Teq's except other world boss skins like Shadow Behemoth themed skins or Fire elemental themed skins etc. Then you could also lock them behind some achievements or something. That would probably take a lot of work though... They could also make these skins a rare RNG drop like Teq but purchasable over time if you do enough of them.


In fact they could probably even revamp a boss and put special action keys that you can unlock for certain bosses after you finish the achievements that are purchasable from a world boss vendor or something.


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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> > Meanwhile in the POF maps:

> >

> >

> > Arent Anet in the middle of a publicity campaign for Path of Fire?


> Irenio literally mentioned improvements coming to PoF meta events in the OP. Few weeks after the World Boss Week event.


I just fail to see how hyping up content that's already being successfully done every day will help revitalize that poor dying POF expension. Dont get me wrong, i'm happy to see such events added to the game. I just feel that Anet is stretching it thin.

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Have wvw lords spawn with their guards and have airships and chilling fog going. Come up with an AI zerg that occasionally charges through the zerg using player skills and banners. Maybe even two AI zergs that fight each other before backing off and charging the player zerg.


Kind of like how the catmanders work in home instances.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> The easiest way to achieve what ArenaNet describes - mostly, "events that leverage existing content and resources" - would be to just increase the rewards. A week in which Fractals give twice as many rewards as they do today, another in which raids give twice as many rewards, and so on. This would be easy, but IMO it wouldn't be fun.


> I would like to use GW2's most unique features - the dynamic events.


> The thing is, the World Bosses aren't exactly the best way to highlight dynamic events. They're mostly old and, frankly, poorly designed - the idea of fifty players striking the feet of a large enemy doesn't really work in practice. It becomes a somewhat mindless and seizure-inducing shower of particle effects. Meanwhile, the idea of a week about meta events is great (even though I would guess those are already GW2's most popular kind of content).


> I have two main suggestions:


> **1. The return of an old concept, with a few adaptations: bring back [Nicholas the Traveler](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Nicholas_the_Traveler):**


> * Nicholas would take tokens in exchange for unique and/or high valued rewards (like the stuff in the Bonus Box)

> * Tokens are earned by doing specific kinds of content - there are World Bosses tokens, Meta Events tokens, tokens for WvW, tokens for common events, and so on. But...

> * ...Each week, only one kind of activity gives tokens. So one week tokens can only be earned from WvW, on the following week only World Bosses drop tokens, and so on


> This would push people to do differents kinds of content, with rewards tailored to each activity (since WvW tokens could give different rewards than Meta Events tokens, and so on).


> **2. A week in which players have an "event tracker", and are rewarded for doing all events in a map.** This would likely require events to happen at shorter intervals than they do today, and for branches to count as a single event (if event A succeeds, it leads to event B; if event A fails, it leads to event C; in this case, events B and C would count as a single event in the "event tracker").


I think this is the perfect suggestion. I'm already sick and tired of reading through this thread at all the selfish, greedy players crying, "more lootz! more lootz!" More loot does NOT equate to more fun. But having a way to revitalize dead or dying game aspects is a wonderful idea. It does give more lootz to the previously mentioned player type while allowing players to spread their game experience to less active places. Dungeons, PvP participation, WvW, activities (keg brawl, crab toss, etc), races, adventures, fractals, meta events, etc can each have their own week. Maybe you get bonus tokens for completing the weekly focus activity a certain number of times. More bonus tokens for completing a number of different activities within the weekly focus activity (eg: completing each dungeon during the week, playing a PvP match in each different map that week, completing x number of different adventures, etc).


Expanding on the second suggestion, how about a "vanquishing" map bonus week? During the week, you are encouraged to play on a specific map and you are given a checklist. This checklist could include items such as kill each type of enemy on the map; kill a vet, elite, or champion of the types available on the map; kill x amount of a certain enemy on the map; complete all jumping puzzles and mini dungeons on the map; complete all meta events on the map; and complete regular events in the map. Completing the checklist would of course yield appropriate rewards such as map currency, tokens for the "nicholas the traveler" mechanic, or maybe a bucket of the bonus event rewards for that map.


This might not be suitable for a weeklong event, but how about scavenger hunts that give us lore for each legendary weapon? We have the precursor collection tracks which kinda give lore in the form of thematic items in the precursor's creation, but I'm talking about the actual lore: the history and legend of the legendary item. Let us in on what makes that item so special. I'm just talking about a scrap of text here and there to give us the legends of the legendaries.

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