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EXAMPLE: Commander's Inventory. What is a good Commanding inventory?


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Here's an example of my inventory. You have the myriad types of siege all in there. The guild siege is used more sparingly and most of the reserves are kept in the guild bank, easily accessed and put into your inventory at any time from the guild options menu.

You have some food for your zerglings. Maybe banners as well.


This is a solid example of what you should have when you command. You should always assign some slots to stuff you get alot of from random drops/loot (black lion chest, wvsw potion, etc).


Generally you don't open the chests above your minimap. You can open them all at the end/start of a run so they don't auto open in between.


Basically you want as little in there as possible, to free up as much space as possible, so you can go as long as possible without worrying about inventory. Second thing you want is the ability to easily sort through said inventory, thus allowing some dedicated slots to stuff you get alot of (black lion chests, heavy loot bags, whatever). You basically want to click salvage all once and deposit all and be done.


Consider taking MATERIAL storage expansions as well to help with this. It gets realllly annoying to manage all those 250 stacks all the time in your bank. So why not up that number to 1000? So you don't have to always be dumping things into your bank and then having to empty said bank every month. Gem prices super cheap atm, no reason not to. I also no longer bother harvesting nodes in wvsw, so I no longer have to carry any harvesting tools. Honestly just try it....its so much funner not to even worry about them. Why would anyone sane spend 500-1200gems on a single infinite harvesting tool? You harvest nodes to make money.... so why would you spend ALLL the money you make off harvesting nodes for the next 3 years on a tool that lets you harvest nodes!??!?? Its literal insanity, just stop and think for a sec.


I don't even have to rely on bag expansion here as you can see. I have alot of alts, as do most people, this setup allows you to not have to worry about 20 slot bags and maxing the bag limits with gems. Very neat and orderly. Suggest you try it if you command, assuming you don't already do something similar.

Do not command, with any degree of sincerity, without a proper inventory.


What happens when I log-in: It loads me into the mistlock sanctuary automatically with the pass in my inventory (apparently it loads faster but idk...). I check the ley-line matter thing and get anything useful. I open any chests I have outstanding and manage my bank if anything is full. Refresh any siege/food/whatever I am getting low on with the TP. I go to the guild hall and check the commendation vendor to see if they have anything good (box of wvsw supplies is great, otherwise look for something that nets 1 gold or more). Then I just load up into home bl.


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Thanks for sharing.


I have a similar setup albeit utilising shared inventory slots; being able to have all that ready to go on any character you log into is very helpful. I'd suggest getting rid of the tomes and BL chests though - unless those were things you acquired along the way and forgot to bank them?


I might consider getting the mistlock sanctuary pass if it does indeed load faster.

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> OMG you are supposed to have that kind of siege??!!


> I've been running around with 10 stacks of 250 non-superior arrowcarts and a quaggan balloon.


Yes....yes you are :)


And my quaggon balloon is stached somewhere in my bank atm..it just doesn't make the cut for "necessary", at least not in these darker days anyways.


> @Zephyra.4709 said:

> Thanks for sharing.


> I have a similar setup albeit utilising shared inventory slots; being able to have all that ready to go on any character you log into is very helpful. I'd suggest getting rid of the tomes and BL chests though - unless those were things you acquired along the way and forgot to bank them?


> I might consider getting the mistlock sanctuary pass if it does indeed load faster.


We get tomes all the time in the reward tracks. Im not sure if there's a track that doesn't give them tbh....unless its pof based. Clicking them is really annoying since it asks for a prompt....so I find it much better just to stack them till they hit 250 then toss it in bank and make new stack in inventory. With black lion chests I get them as drops all the time....so much so that its just too annoying to individually toss them. Maybe you aren't so unlucky as me to be getting them all the time.

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