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The problem with high end infusions

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> @"Nandor The Stampede.1593" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I think you may be confused. Player-to-player trading isn't against the EULA, it's just not supported by ArenaNet (you can read the official posts regarding player-to-player trading in this very forum). In other words, should something go wrong, it's on you.

> > The EULA doesn't mandate that the trade be brokered in-game, either. Nothing against discussing a trade outside the game. The only mandate is that the goods exchanged must be in-game content; e.g. Gold for Infusion.

> > There's nothing 3rd-party about it (as referenced by the Knowledge Base articles or official forum posts).


> Finally, somebody cared to read. Ok, so it's safe to assume, we can trade all we want, even using such "markets" as long as we don't expect anet to do anything if we get ripped off. Thanks for the reply


They might ban the one ripping you off if there is a clear trail in their logs about your agreement.

You wont get any item or gold back tho.

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  • 9 months later...

I've been playing GW2 since early release and have never posted in forums. The following is my personal option. I may be a little late to the conversation, but none the less:

In my humble opinion, the fashion component of the game is one of the features I enjoy most. I believe the rare drop mechanism in place for the Chak Infusion needs to be changed. While this is not a 'pay to win' situation, I do not think a public discussion of this set up would be positive for Anet. Is this a matter of perverse incentives? Namely, gold is not easy for the average player to accumulate in-game, hence folks purchase gems and convert them to gold. Gems are purchased with Real currency and benefit Anet. Last I checked black market asking price for the Chak Infusion was 21K in gold; using gems to accumulate that amount of gold would cost a small fortune. Anet making money off this could send the wrong signal and bring them into the MMO model debates. If Anet wants this to be a limited item and promote clear support its policy of using the TP so black market sellers do not continue to drain the wallets of its players, converting the infusion to a Legendary item could work. It would be similar to Auora and Vision. You put in the work , you actually get an item. No wasting hard earned money or gaming time gambling on a possible drop. Other posts have suggested many good solutions like Excursion.9752 with the "kill "X" amount of world bosses and get to choose one item from a loot box which were account bound and still have the chance to get an unbound version from a random drop." It goes without saying that folks getting all that gold or other currencies don't want a change and Excursion.9752's solution would accommodate both sides. I would appreciate if Anet took a serious look into the proposed solutions.

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