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Question about Boss Infusion Drop

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> @"Nemo.8759" said:

> In this game, Rare = almost impossible


This is not true.

Almost impossible drop = 0.001% chance

ANet's rare drop = 0.0000001% chance


It is very misleading to use the word ' rare ' in this game. It should be renamed ' one-out-of-a-million chance ', as in :


"......There’s a one-out-of-a-million chance for these to contain especially shiny items like cosmetic infusions and invisible footwear."

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > @"Nandor The Stampede.1593" said:

> > Why are people here such jerks, what is ur problem?


> No problem here. The OP stated they are a new player, so I was pointing out how ANet uses the word "Rare" -- which to many might not have the same meaning. IE, they might think that one in ten or one in a hundred = rare. Which is not how Anet uses the word at all.


> But thanks for your concerns.


Except for one problem, the Infusions are in the Super Rare category, so the post by ArenaNet is a little off, there's one Rare item(if you use the Preview) command and then the Super Rares(which include the infusions), and the percentage chance between the Rare and Super Rares is different, still miniscule, but different...so perhaps .1% vs.001%...and that still doesn't mean it's going to drop 1 out of every 1000, it just means there's a chance it will drop 1 out of every 1000.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Nemo.8759" said:

> > In this game, Rare = almost impossible


> This is not true.

> Almost impossible drop = 0.001% chance

> ANet's rare drop = 0.0000001% chance


> It is very misleading to use the word ' rare ' in this game. It should be renamed ' one-out-of-a-million chance ', as in :


> "......There’s a one-out-of-a-million chance for these to contain especially shiny items like cosmetic infusions and invisible footwear."


Good thing they're using 'Super Rare' instead. 'Rare' also is one of those vague descriptor words which can mean something different from person to person. So no, it's not misleading.

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The main issue as i see it isn't the lack of "Rare" drops, although the rate is abysmal. The main issue is they use generic terms like Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Super rare on something that is equivalent to a gambling loot box. They really should specify the loot tables to clarify the % chances to drop these items so we can see whether doing the content is actually worth the time investment/gold investment. Obviously if they stated the % chance for infusions was sub .00001% nobody would have run the event because it's not worth the time. They basically hyped this up as a "Increased chance to get Rare infusion drops" but what they didn't clarify is that the drop rates are just as impossibly low as they have always been. I'd like them to list off or give a rough idea of the % chance value for those loot boxes like other games have been doing to actually give the players a way to make an informed decision.

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Leaving these % chances up to player speculation is just a bad idea because it breeds disdain and hurts participation for these loot boxes. Honestly the same issue happens with the BL chest and is why I don't buy BL chest keys. A little transparency would go a long way and be a lot more customer friendly. A simple thing like knowing the drop rate for infusions was a 1/10000 chance would have gone a long way toward mitigating people being upset about not getting the expected drops.

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The drop rates can be ungodly low in Gw2, It' like PoF's Music Boxes, even after 2 years, there are still a lot of people that don't know their existence...

I converted like 40.000 trade contracts accumulated from these collectibles to leather boxes, and I made 16k since, bust still no Music box, each collectible grant you 2-8 trade contracts, so you can have an idea how ridiculous it is.

Still, I'm not complaining about it, it can be frustrating but it's the kind of little thingie that can make you shout out loud if you manage to get it.

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The main issue is that they hyped this up as increased chance to get rare drops but didn't clarify they didn't actually increase the drop rate on these at all so it's still likely that you could farm every world boss possible for the duration of the event and still not get anything other than 3 low tier mats and a rare unidentified in all of the boxes. A better event would be making the infusions gained from the event account bound and raise up the drop rate. That way it wouldn't impact the non event economy but would actually give ppl a chance to get these items for participating.

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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > It's hard to do drop right. Too much and you have people uninterested because there is no exclusivity, to little and people complain about not getting anything. It is low but seems ok in GW2.


> but it's just a one week event tho?! some players, when they read that "shinny" post anet would've thought "ah finally something rewarding to come back to!"

And they do check it out, see the drop rates, get disappointed, leave, and next time around will be harder to persuade.

Things like that can be done rarely (when next time they happen most people would have already forgotten about the previous case), but from what we're hearing, Anet wanst to make such events more common. For that, better rewards _would_ be needed.


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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> They should have put more in this thing along with the infusions. Have something nice in every drop tier.


I think this would be the best area to improve. I have no problem with super rare being super rare, but more consolation prizes would have created less negativity around the event . . .

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Yea. You always need some kinda midtier reward (that people actually want), that would draw them to diverge from their daily routine (in-game and real-life).


You might drop things like ascended rings and trinkets, ascended mats, statuette fragments, etc, put ascended chests in the rare category, create some seasonal-event currency for redeeming whatevers, etc etc. As long as it is calibrated to be competitive with other sources of rewards - with the added bonus of an if-only-haha super-rare drop.


World bosses are time-consuming (tho many are due to you needing to enter beforehand to get a viable instance). And most world bosses have no drops.



P. S. Not every char type likes rng, many char types like some kinda assured payoff. The best is to cater rewards to both groups simultaneously.


Take teq for e.g., an assured 2g, bunch of minor loot, chance for asc chest (feels like a 0.5-2% chance mebbe, at the overall rate of ~2 reported drops per teq map), for 25min of time. You go in not really expecting any chests, but are assured of 2g + change

Take shatterer as contrast. You get 1silver + small change. Wtf is that.

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Let's face it, the super rare is super rare and this event is indeed something to keep people playing and spending until more content arrives.


I wonder how many people bought the world boss portal device when it was on sale just before this event? I'm guessing plenty of folks thought it would be a good investment, and Anet thought it would be good revenue to hype the event and sell some more of these things.


Is what it is, money in the bank, people playing the game.

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