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Most of the Races are hard to look at


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Save for Humans and Norn Women, Most of the Sylvari are ugly and have of bark for skin :# and the race is only 25 years old and for the other races, I do not want to look like an animal.

Is ArenaNet going to include more races in the future?

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> I love my male and female Sylvari characters. I find the humans and especially the Norn boring to look at. Heck, I can't even make a Norn character because they are too monstrously big. I prefer Charr(The abandoned race by A-net) over Norn character model and looks.

Yeah when I said the Sylvari were mostly ugly I meant most of the NPC's a lot of the players have nice looking Sylvari and I just can't get into beast races I love the khajiit and Argonains from the Elder Scrolls series but I would never play one and I love how the charr is inspired by the Roman Empire I don't know much about the other beast race



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> @Nox.7912 said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > I love my male and female Sylvari characters. I find the humans and especially the Norn boring to look at. Heck, I can't even make a Norn character because they are too monstrously big. I prefer Charr(The abandoned race by A-net) over Norn character model and looks.

> Yeah when I said the Sylvari were mostly ugly I meant most of the NPC's a lot of the players have nice looking Sylvari and I just can't get into beast races I love the khajiit and Argonains from the Elder Scrolls series but I would never play one and I love how the charr is inspired by the Roman Empire I don't know much about the other beast race




Maybe you should have clarified that in your opening post that you were talking about NPCs and not PCs.

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Humans are there for all of your Kawaii Waifu needs. I'm actually quite happy with the diversity of races and customisation we have, compared to other MMOs (ie WoW has a lot more races but about only 5 ways to customize them while FF14 races are basically all generic anime humans with or without animal traits).


I wouldn't mind seeing playable Tengus eventually though.


I personally mostly play Charr characters and actually appreciate the efforts they put into making them a standalone race, instead of just screwing a cat's head on a human body like some other franchises do (ie Elder Scrolls).

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I also think the Sylvari tend to be quite ugly, you can make good looking ones but you have to get creative with the skin texture you choose, and colors, etc. I've seen some really great looking Sylvari, but it's pretty rare. I liked the old Sylvari concept a lot better than I like the current design, it would be nice if they would add some of those in for some variety, at some point, but I doubt it.

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Whaaaa???? Humans and Norn are my least favorite of the races. I have a toon of every race...but I've never seen the appeal to multiple varieties of different humans.


I'd choose having Tengu characters over Dwarves any day...despite loving the Dwarven lore. Too easy to see them as 'short humans' unless they do something spectacular with the models and give them all cool statuary effects (mossy, glowy cracked statues, etc etc).

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Male norn are simply deformed. They are hunchbacked, their heads are undersized to their upper body, they got chicken legs with big thigh gaps and their shoulders are curved down instead of wide and straight. They have a drooping chest as well.


It's so obvious how little attention and polish went to the male norn model compared to the female.

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Hopefully Tengu will become playable race in our 3rd Expansion..... I would love to see something new, high reqeusted and we know so little about them.

Largos could be a nice playable race too, if we'll get that Underwater expansion.

I mean, who do not want to be a blue skinned dark elf with Russian accent and with cool water gear? :)

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Sylvari are gorgeous! They have 2 AMAZING faces to choose from!


Humans have 1 good face, Norn have 1 good face.


The Asura females are super cute mice with teeth. The males are very ugly.


It is only the Charr that are too ugly to look at.


Tengu would be too ugly as well.


Centaurs could work because the females have an attractive upper half and the bottom half is already a mount. The males are ugly so they would be on par with the Asura.

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Course some sylvari have bark for skin, they're plants. Odd choice of word when that is what they're made of. Some of the female skin looks as soft as flower petals~ There is this pretty purple sylvari in snapdragon clothing I see sometimes~ But I was disappointed to see most of the NPCs in a similar shade of brown or green when there's so much can be done with them.


I find humans quite boring. I like playing my three, but when it comes to their culture, it's nothing new. The Orian humans, now~

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The two worst models by far are norn and asura males.


Norn males have very bad proportions while also being too similar to humans in the face (the latter is somewhat true of the females, but less so)

Asura male faces are inexplicably really ugly while the female faces are really cute


I think the others are all pretty solid, including the Charr.

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  • 3 months later...

I love sylvari. Even the ugly ones. I think they are unusual. Also "beauty" of a character is quite subjective. I only play sylvari but I like seeing other races around. Can't play human females because they have boobs bigger than their heads. Coupling with some children faces it looks... But again, it's all subjective. Maybe someone likes to play as a 12 year old girl with D size :D

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