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what would make lich form a viable choice again?

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what are your thoughts necros? first one that pops into my head is the cd. second is that its really hard to tell when the # 3 fear attack is gonna end, ideally you want it to reach max range before teleporting. # 2 is bad. 4 and 5 I like, maybe a utility boost to 4 and a duration increase to 5.


.# 2 rework - remove cripple and replace with blind, 180 radius aoe.

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- Improving uptime (CD reduction)

- Visual (it's just too Ugly, too tall, too big and above all, I need to see the feet of my character. I'll add that this doesn't look anywhere close to what I picture as a lich. Joko look like a lich, this thing that we call _lich form_ don't!)

- Improving auto attack (improving projectile speed or making it different from staff auto at least)

- Replace _lich gaze_ by _march of undeath_ which become a 900 range ground targeted teleport applying _lich gaze_'s conditions where you land to up to 5 foes.

- Ripple of horror is fine by itself, remove the linked skill since it's now on skill#2.


And that would be almost perfect. (Perfection would mean reworking it to a regular skill so we don't have another clumsy elite transform skill that lock us out of our utilities.)

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> - Improving uptime (CD reduction)

> And that would be almost perfect. (Perfection would mean reworking it to a regular skill so we don't have another clumsy elite transform skill that lock us out of our utilities.)


I think you nailed the head with these two points. CD reduction and the fact that it's basically just another form that locks you out of your utilities, but unlike shroud on core necro, you can't easily just switch back and fourth between the forms due to cooldown on the elite skill.


I'll be honest, I don't have much experience with the Linch form due to the fact that I realized early on playing necro that it didn't seem very viable... but coolish.. and cool won't cut it as far as skills go.




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Lich form is too big. It makes a great target and lifts the perspective too high - sometimes into solid objects. Make Lich smaller and give it legs so we can see it change direction more easily. In fact, make it not be a transform that locks out all other skills and utilities.


Deathly Claws should chill, too, if we cannot get the higher power.


Replace Lich's Gaze with a cone of AoE weakness and vulnerability. Drop the lame, random target ammo skill. Why have an ammo skill on a short duration transform, anyway.


Ripple of Horror / March of Undeath: A mobility skill attached to a pseudo control effect. How fancy is that? I think I would rather have a better mobility skill.


Summon Madness - I am not terribly fond of spamming little, uncontrollable AI bombs as a combat strategy.


Grim Specter - have this skill swap power and healing stat's while active.

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Question: how would people feel if the cooldown of Lich Form was reduced by a % based on unused duration of the transform?


Like, say you're only in Lich Form for 10 seconds before manually leaving, meaning that 50% of the duration went unused. In this case, the cooldown would be 75 seconds. The less use you get out of it, the more often it's available.


Now, I would also alter the life force gain to be modified based on how long you were in Lich Form so it wasn't a "pop this every 3 seconds for 15% life force." Would also require some finagling on the Stability, but overall, what do you think about this idea?

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Question: how would people feel if the cooldown of Lich Form was reduced by a % based on unused duration of the transform?


> Like, say you're only in Lich Form for 10 seconds before manually leaving, meaning that 50% of the duration went unused. In this case, the cooldown would be 75 seconds. The less use you get out of it, the more often it's available.


> Now, I would also alter the life force gain to be modified based on how long you were in Lich Form so it wasn't a "pop this every 3 seconds for 15% life force." Would also require some finagling on the Stability, but overall, what do you think about this idea?


I might go a bit further with that concept and make "Spectral" an aura-like attribute powered by LF. Using LF gen skills, getting hit, or contacting others with the spectral field powers spectral skills, which consumes LF. Spectral skills could work like a hybrid of shroud and Initiative/Adrenaline/Energy.


Edit: the spectral field would not replace shroud, though, because rebalancing would be that much harder.

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you need 1v1 instawin and resustain , 1v2 clutch potential , 1vX reliable runaway.

That means lower CD + more defense like stab, dmg reductions and raw healing + ALL skills need to be fast and non clunky


Its a joke they 100% reworked the thing and with game getting faster each year - they went full PVE cinematic on it and gave us all the cast times again...



lower CD for spam

instant value

"get out of jail card" to full HP

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I'll go even further:

- Nerf every single skill of _lich form_ to uselessness,

- swap _lich form_ with the human elite _reaper of grenth_

- and then improve _reaper of grenth_ so that it's playable like giving it a pulse of stability, 15% life force on use and reducing it's CD to 90s. (This idea remind me awfully of _plague form_...)


Edit: Added 15% life force on use to _reaper of grenth_ for purity of purpose.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> Remove elite. In its place give us Grim Specter (current lich form skill 5) and balance if need be.


i think this is a horrible idea. plague was gutted, now (not just you, I've heard this before) people want to destroy a perfectly good transform for no good reason instead of giving it some much needed buffs/updates. I really really hope anet doesn't do this lol. stop spreading such heresy lahmia! see the light!

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > Remove elite. In its place give us Grim Specter (current lich form skill 5) and balance if need be.


> i think this is a horrible idea. plague was gutted, now (not just you, I've heard this before) people want to destroy a perfectly good transform for no good reason instead of giving it some much needed buffs/updates. I really really hope anet doesn't do this lol. stop spreading such heresy lahmia! see the light!


Until Anet change tranform skills so that they do not lock you out of your utility bar, they do not give you an ugly new character model and (in most cases) don't lock out your F skills, I will continue to want to see them removed from the game.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'll go even further:

> - Nerf every single skill of _lich form_ to uselessness,

> - swap _lich form_ with the human elite _reaper of grenth_

> - and then improve _reaper of grenth_ so that it's playable like giving it a pulse of stability and reducing it's CD to 90s. (This idea remind me awfully of _plague form_...)


Yes please. Since they added Reaper, I've wanted that skill as a proper elite.

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Transformation elite skills are a bad idea in the first place, the only reason rampage is good is because of all the mobility skills it has.

Ether delete lich and replace it with a new spectral elite skill, or change some of lich skills to ether have heavy cc or to provide good mobility (short range blinks with the ammo system akin to jaunt).

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