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Nice game mode you've got there, ANet

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> This was how fights were like 6 years ago where skills mattered.

> I'm just glad I've retired from roaming B)


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1z0WytS4tQ


Fights were more interesting and a heck more fun back in those days before 1shot yolo mechanics came in place with expansion crap. Was it perfect? Not at all but way more fun.


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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > Is the point that you got hit by a telegraphed shot that can be blocked or reflected?

> > > >

> > > > I think the point is that regardless whether it can be blocked,reflected or dodged no one attack should do close to that this games powercreep is getting ridiculous. Imagine already being engaged with someone and being one shot from a sic em ranger just strolling by,its beyond stupid

> > >

> > > That's what you sign up for though. It's an open zone, everybody can do whatever they want so ganking, as annoying as it is, is to be expected. In the case of Death's Judgment we have a skill that is balanced around having a very obvious tell and sound. It's allowed to deal high damage because getting it to hit somebody isn't guaranteed. We can argue that ranger is sorely lacking that however and I would be inclined to agree. That and the fact their long range attacks can easily be made unblockable.

> >

> > Than why these nerf thief crys **over last few yrs?** why the dagger dps cries,why the MBS cries? Why the daggerstorm cries. So when its ranger installed deleting people with unblockable sic em rapid fires,or revs super bursts or warrior arc divider is fine. If arenet decides such high burst are unacceptable on low sustain classes yetgives high sustain classes crazy bursts lmao like do they have a clue what thier doing? No class should have a skill even with modifiers that can 1 or 2 shot anyone. Regardless common sense would dictate lower the sustain higher the burst potential for more than obvious reasons but not to arenet dev's


> Because before PoF ranger damage was laughable and before HoT their sustain was laughable. The core profession is better now than it was at HoT launch and back then they were basically just free bags for thieves, among others. People seem to forget ranger weapons overall have the worst coefficients in the game (supposedly a counterbalance for pet contribution) and **the only reason we see obscene numbers from soulbeasts these days is because of the multipliers they introduced to various traitlines along with** (and here's the big one) **sic 'em**.


> Notice how most issues that come up with ranger damage tends to boil down to sic 'em? Perhaps arc divider, among other skills needs a cut to its damage, but ranger _skills_ don't need nerfing, their ability to stack so many damage multipliers does.


> Not everything needs to be nerfed in the same way, and I'd hate to see rapid fire, maul, WI etc. have their damage cut because of a utility skill conjoined with some traits that are overperforming. That just punishes non-soulbeasts, and when's the last time someone whined about a core ranger's damage?


> ~ Kovu


> edit- Oh, and the extra damage rangers get from eating their pet.


Fucking THANK YOU. Happy to see some other people speaking sense around here.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Is the point that you got hit by a telegraphed shot that can be blocked or reflected?


> I think the point is that regardless whether it can be blocked,reflected or dodged no one attack should do close to that this games powercreep is getting ridiculous. Imagine already being engaged with someone and being one shot from a sic em ranger just strolling by,its beyond stupid


for Anet isnt stupid at all, it0s their form to try to reward even a player just arrived to the game... player personal skill is a very small factor on the game actually, it is not hard to pew pew from affar some one since target wont even get the arrows rendered in time due how bad netcode deals with all the aoe spam, yet Anet prefers and has been enforcing aoe spam and creating more visual clutter and less stuff rendering rather than improve game quality.


But focusing only on some high damage skills IMO the only problem with those is that the easy access to damage gimmicks rotations can allow unblockables, some classes can have a quite decent unbllocable uptime that puts their win in very low effort, what do u think im doing with bzerker and arcing slice, to pull off put some stab and healing skill that will heal me the damage taken.. and im just doing half of damage that e see some players doing per arc slice, i haven passed 10k per hit on AS, some playerscan reach 15k-20k per hit with it fully unblockable, on my tanky rev herald heal wont heal me if taking damage from some skills, duno if is bug or not, but feels like something hard coded to happen.


Why powercreeop will never be tuned nor designed to skilled gameplay, but will get actually inceased in a way or another as in mor eeasy access and easyer(lower effort ) to pull that damage with simplier gimmicks :

Simple some skills are designed to carry, that's how Anet wants their game to be played, its just who playes the better and faster the high damage rotation.

It is a game designed to help bad players that need some easy of acces to overperformance.

reason some specs can get broken damage

reason some specs can get very spam able builds

reason why there is so much access to aoe and cleave skills in game, it make more easy to be "carried" with damage ouput rather than know who and why u should hit a target fist, when u can hit both by very hight damage, just play with the most lamer mentality effort u can.

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