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ascended salvage kits

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i have finally filled an alt's inventory with 20-uses ascended salvage kits (98 kits)


doing the dailies, nets me enough 1 and 5-uses variants that are more then enough to salvage all rings i get from fracs and wvw


if only we could exchange them (ascended salavage kits)for a % of the gold and relic value, atleast they would still have a use then



what do you guys do with them, or what ya think?

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> I get more rings and other random ascendeds that I want to salvage than I get kits for. Wonder if you do cm+t4 or just t4's since 100cm gives a guaranteed ring every run I think.


cm's +t4+recs


like today i got a 20-use and 2 5-uses

by the time i burn through all the 1 and 5uses i have new 20-uses.


what i "used" to do was farm living season 3 and buy trinkets there to salvage, but after a while that gets really boring so now i have way more kits then i'll ever use

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I think that's an outlier situation. Of those with whom I fractal regularly, I'm the only one with an overage of kits and I have accumulated a total of 80 uses. I don't save rings or accessories and I haven't salvaged any of the armor/weapons yet.


With 98 slots filled with 20-use kits, I'd recommend that the OP file a support ticket and ask if a supervisor would be willing to exchange for [bags of Fractal Relics](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Fractal_Relics), maybe 3 bags per kit. (BUY4373 charges 40 relics + 20 gold; three bags are 45 relics each.)


This would allow you to reclaim inventory real estate, without having major economic implications (relics can't be quickly monetized). It's also a simple transaction for which a senior support team member might be able to manage for 3-4 people a year.


Failing that, in your shoes, I'd use LS3 currency to buy trinkets by the boatload and salvage those. After running low on unbound, I'd delete all but 100 uses (5 kits).



tl;dr by the time ANet agrees it's a _game issue_ (rather than a niche question), you'll overflow with kits, so be proactive and destroy them. You aren't losing actual money; you're just removing a potential source of cost savings, that is creating a current expense in inventory management (time spent + slots required).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I think that's an outlier situation. Of those with whom I fractal regularly, I'm the only one with an overage of kits and I have accumulated a total of 80 uses. I don't save rings or accessories and I haven't salvaged any of the armor/weapons yet.


> With 98 slots filled with 20-use kits, I'd recommend that the OP file a support ticket and ask if a supervisor would be willing to exchange for [bags of Fractal Relics](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Fractal_Relics), maybe 3 bags per kit. (BUY4373 charges 40 relics + 20 gold; three bags are 45 relics each.)


> This would allow you to reclaim inventory real estate, without having major economic implications (relics can't be quickly monetized). It's also a simple transaction for which a senior support team member might be able to manage for 3-4 people a year.


> Failing that, in your shoes, I'd use LS3 currency to buy trinkets by the boatload and salvage those. After running low on unbound, I'd delete all but 100 uses (5 kits).


> ****

> tl;dr by the time ANet agrees it's a _game issue_ (rather than a niche question), you'll overflow with kits, so be proactive and destroy them. You aren't losing actual money; you're just removing a potential source of cost savings, that is creating a current expense in inventory management (time spent + slots required).





i'd like to compare it to fractal pots, once u have the omnipot all you do is vendor the regular pots you get from dailies. it's a small relic gain per day, but in the long run it counts up


regarding the ls3 trinkets (i mentioned that in my second post) i did do that for a very long time


amulets from lake dorric and siren landing

rings from bitterfrost frontier and draconic mons


both berries and pearls have no daily cap so i could farm them aslong as i have character slots, which resulted in several rings (that i attune for extra cash when salvaged) and amulets for the oh-so exclusive salvaged excellence with a dropchance close to non-existant


the 5-use ascended salvage kits i throw in the forge to create 20-uses variants to atleast save some bagspace




but ye i'll try the refund option through a ticket, i'd settle for just a relic refund 10 relics per 20-use

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