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Unpleasant unexpectedness with dyes.

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I'm sorry but I didn't find anything like a "complains and suggestions". I have, and I don't think that only I, have formed an imminent bad situation with one of the possibilities in the game. Specifically - green dye with a beetle skin trailblazer. When trying to make the green for the part with fire, it is not painted completely. The strips on the surface remain yellow and it definitely does not look good. I understand that the preview has too strong lighting but in the game in the sun it really stands out. Especially if you stand in the sun, motionless and close to someone. And this will have to do, for example in the race.

What else features of the situation - the only normal-looking green paint is abyssal forest. And it's not just that it is not available, but it is also a mad race for the prices. It turns out that wishers a good green will have to climb into the farming or not have a good (but wait, even normal) appearance ever. Especially after the player has spend the effort to get the beetle and then the skin. So he is just backed into a corner. I know it's kind of the most beautiful color, but I repeat: no more normal green!

Plus one more fact: other colors are much more available with painting completely. Blue, red, yellow. Why should we be so unlucky.

And the last fact: if the dyes suddenly appear on sale before a miracle happens to us, it will be an easy target for those who want to raise money. It will be like a lottery - who will buy dyes faster and sell them to "racers". But "racer" cant cancel his order because he does not know when the dye will be on sale, and most importantly if he set a goal, he still need to hope for a miracle and chase the rates.

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Nice. I just need to wait 7 years and it will be mine =)

How i try the dyes on preview if i haven't unlock the skin? And the fact that no one green not works is really unexpected.

Also it was my plan, so i need to go for it, anyway. But there is same question again: why it turns out to so sad.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:


> Perhaps, in the future, try out dyes in preview before committing to a particular skin?


This is essential advice for anyone considering spending gems or gold on cosmetics: try before you buy, as much as possible.


The game can make this challenging in many ways, because the preview window has restricted lighting, and isn't very customizable (or consistent). However, many people are happy to spend a reasonable amount of time showing off their bling. You can ask on the forums and people will generally offer screenshots or in game, and (depending on the popularity), usually someone can show you how stuff looks.


I haven't myself felt the need to ask. I have sometimes volunteered to show guildies or strangers what something looks like.



GW2 BLTC has a dye matching tool. With caveats: it only compares in "one dimension" and dye channels are captured in three, plus dyes can appear very differently depending on the materials. It is a really solid way to find some comparables. You can get there from the wiki indirectly by clicking on the trading value link, and once there, click on the _eye dropper_ icon.


Another dye matcher is Kulinda's, which is linked directly on the wiki now. This one attempts to show a dozen types of comparables: one dimension "close" using three different coordinate systems (RGB, HSL, Hue) plus a "color wheel" match, and for each weight of armor.


* [Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Abyssal_Forest_Dye)

* [Kulinda](https://kulinda.github.io/dyes/#dye/Abyssal_Forest)

* [GW2 BLTC](https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/tool/dye/search?name=Abyssal%20Forest)


Unfortunately, Abyssal Forest has an RGB value of 0|0|0, which matches the black of Shadow Abyss, so it's rather tricky to find the comparables using those GW2 BLTC. Kulinda's will give you a good start.


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> Nice. I just need to wait 7 years and it will be mine

Pretty much all dyes have dropped down to little at some point, as ANet cycles their dye packs into the BL chest eventually.


Besides, as noted, there are ways to find some close matches.

I covet Abyssal Forest also, for similar reasons. However, I decided some time back that I won't pay more than 10-15 gold for dyes, regardless of how much I like them — eventually the price drops & I would prefer to wait.

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I know about dye preview but skin on beetle has been locked.

Well, if prices fall I will certainly notice it. And if you wait for such low prices, can you tell me how much I need to wait. I just hope on chance of random drop from anybody. And if I wait, I still need to do something while I wait.

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Finding the right dye can be difficult in this game because there's several things which affect how they look (including the material it's applied to and the lighting). Beetle shells are difficult to dye because they're iridescent, so any dye will have a sheen in another colour and fire effects are difficult because they're never just one colour.


I don't think you can find another colour like Abyssal Forest - that's a very unusual dye (which is one reason it's so expensive) but from playing around with dyes and fire effects I think Scourge, Grape Leaf or Pine dye should give the same colour to the base and the flames. They are all yellow-green rather than true green, but at least they match.


Abyssal Forest Dye is very expensive right now both because it's so unusual and because it's only been available once, in an RNG pack that was briefly in the gem store. Sooner or later it will come back - the pack will be sold on the gem store, the pack or the dyes will be in black lion chests or it will be in other bundles. We have no way of knowing when any of those things will happen, but it will happen eventually.

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> @"Changeling.5184" said:

> No no no, as I said i need green, not yellow-green.

> And what about mordremoth dye kit? I know only about it.


Did you use any of the tools for finding comparable dyes? I strongly recommend Kulinda.


Sometimes, you can find a very close match for silver. For the nicest high-priced dyes, it can be more challenging. Sometimes, I've found that I end up with a color I hadn't considered that I end up liking more than what I had in mind originally.

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