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[Suggestion] Allow participation credit for fighting even if you don't get a kill.

Kylden Ar.3724

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> With the new lingering participation this really isnt a problem anymore.


> It was annying as all kitten before when you could join a desolate border, try to work up participation but just die to 3+ gank squads all the time even when you "played" for like 10 minutes. Because according to Anet dying in combat isnt playing.


> But again, not really an issue now. Maintaining participation is fairly simple and now you can drop alot more before you start loosing pips. I dont think I've missed a for months.


This is true. I want to add something else: I was in a tower, defending it against around 20 ppl. I used an AC and I done some **hundred of thousand** dmg to the enemy squad. Unfortunately I did not kill someone, I did not destroy any ram. After breaking the gates I left the tower (I was alone). Guess what? No participation. Not only that. My participation diminished with the time spent to defend.


So, if you stomp the downed enemy using the WarCat you have participation. Even if you did not made any damage on it before. But if you hit (almost) all the enemy squat, dealing hundred of thousand of dmg but you don't kill someone, you loose participation?

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I'll totally support any push toward a _participation_ system, that actually _awards_ you for _participating_ in stuff, even if not succesful. It would also be more fair. You want to encourage people to participate. You already _do_ reward them for _winning_ a certain event through even rewards, but as things currently are, you actually _punish_ people for not being successful.


You have several subsystems in WvW, which actually _discourage_ people from playing. They are meant to encourage people to do their best, but IMO it doesn't really work, as the results are not really that much up to you (with one exception) - most of these problematic rewards are centered around pips:

* When you're not playing as much, you get less pips (keep playing and you get more pips as you rank up - this is the only point you have fully under control)

* When your server is not doing well in the current match-up you get less pips

* When you're not "participating", yout get less pips


In the case of this system working out - your server is doing well, you play a lot, and you are succesful - you create a positive feedbackloop, which will make the people play even more. However, in case of the system not working out - most of which is due to external circumstances - you create a negative feedbackloop.


The only thing where this chain is broken is with outnumbered. Outnumbered is an example of how a motivating subsystem should work: You have way less players than your enemy has, you get better rewards.

Such a system should be in place in all levels of play: If your side is hanging back in the current skirmish, if your side is hanging back in the overall warscore, if you as a player have trouble being successful, there should be a system in place to _counter_ the lack of success (when attempting to do something. Do NOT reward people for hanging around at spawn), to create a positive feedbackloop. The game should provide systems to _counter_ negative influences.


If course these subsystems need to work on a different level, than the actual rewards for succesful events.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My idea is Start a dynamic capture event with capture circle whenever there’s orange swords ie large fight in the area and the side that captures the area “wins” and gets the capture event exp and a small supply drop. This way support roles can also get exp even without tagging.

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