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The Swipe Change Is Lazy Development


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Yeah I know. I'm trying to find reasons everyday to just finally uninstall the game. Summers basically here anyway so the gf and i arent inside much in the sumner and I'd like to finally finish witcher 3 lol don't get me wrong thiefs not the only fun class in the game but the disparity between the balance of each class is far beyond a joke at this point. Honestly I have zero words with regards to the balance teams decisions over last few years of the game. All I can say is good luck to them lol to rest of the community just get gud, just dodge and adapt lmao

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If they changed Swipe to be 1500, it would be a more brawler centered skill. What "brawlers" need is a way to get to Pew Pew faster and cleaner. The game desperately needs classes and builds centered around punishing range and mindless AoE. As it is now, they have made the thief even more useless in competitive game modes. It doesn't really do anything better than other classes now.


When AoE skills hit single targets harder than precision shots, something is completely out of whack. When ranged players have more survivability than melee centered classes, there is a fundamental design issue at play.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:


> No pulm impact? Also what utilities? Heal etc


dd heal, assassin signet, shadow step, agility signet or blinding powder, spin to win, and ye I don't play pulm anymore the dmg is not worth it, that 5% extra dmg per dodge missing is great for sb, or when you're out of dodges and you have to pressure or you die

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> @"Kaitori.8564" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> >

> > No pulm impact? Also what utilities? Heal etc


> dd heal, assassin signet, shadow step, agility signet or blinding powder, spin to win, and ye I don't play pulm anymore the dmg is not worth it, that 5% extra dmg per dodge missing is great for sb, or when you're out of dodges and you have to pressure or you die


Cool thanks. What is your rotation now when you initiate on someone? I used to do the typical BP -> HS -> Steal + Backstab but don't see that as feasible now with 600 range.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:


> Cool thanks. What is your rotation now when you initiate on someone? I used to do the typical BP -> HS -> Steal + Backstab but don't see that as feasible now with 600 range.


ehh its the same as before, I just get closer lol, or you can use shadow shot and cancel the hit, then backstab steal, as long as you have stealth it's not too difficult to get closer

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> U play much thief? Or u a necro making claims on a class u know little about?


I doubt he's a Thief. He' the guy who said...


> Staff daredevil is too strong at the moment. It has everything. Gap closers, blocks, evades, aoe, disengages, endurance refilling skills. A staff daredevil can duell any spec in the game for forever due to damage avoidance and disengages + reengages. Thief players who don't agree might try it or if they already did, then eventuelly get good at the game.


> D/P is such a strong utility set (stealth at will, interrupt chains, blinds, unblockable shadowsteps) that it HAS TO BE weak in fighting capability. If you want to be a strong fighting class, then pick a damage weaponcombo and not a utility combo like d/p+sb.


Yes, the Daredevil is so strong, that it can stalemate anyone indefinitely by running away and coming back. That's such a great benefit in Conquest!


Heck... you know... the Thief is just too strong because it cannot be killed if it stays in Stealth and hides in the corner all match long! Not only that, but it can even decap a point if there's nobody else there! But if that's not enough, it can actually kill someone if one of its teammates does a lot of damage first!


**ANET!!!! PLZ NERF TEEF!!!!!**

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> @"Kaitori.8564" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> >

> > Cool thanks. What is your rotation now when you initiate on someone? I used to do the typical BP -> HS -> Steal + Backstab but don't see that as feasible now with 600 range.


> ehh its the same as before, I just get closer lol, or you can use shadow shot and cancel the hit, then backstab steal, as long as you have stealth it's not too difficult to get closer


Thanks for all the help! I will give it a go. Though I still retain my opinion these changes were lazy and daredevil should get the deadeye treatment where stealth skills even become something different.


Change backstab to say a knockdown strike. Something.

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They nerfed acro and stole some traits to make DD -lazy

Used core f1 skill-lazy

Changed f skill to a worse version of core f1-lazy


DD f1 coulda been somthing cool like the staff transforming into a guandau for a set duration with a full set of kung fu esq brawler skills. Atleast to somthing unique at least

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