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can we admit that raids have gotten a little too toxic?

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > > > @"SoulPrime.8029" said:

> > > > so i sent a couple weeks farming and crafting a BS warr. made a few other classes along the way. after learning the mechanics and even leading some training raids myself i actually had some fun. so after all that people would finally let me join groups. but now just forming a group is an all day affair. id join a group, we would sit around for an hour till we had 10 ppl. we make one attempt on the boss. someone dies the entire group leaves.

> > >

> > > Yes, PUG raiding can be annoying. What exactly prevents you from joining a guild or a semi static or a discord server? Raids were not designed to be PUGed, the fact that they can be already speaks to their ease.

> > >

> > THIS!

> >

> > How can a community be so stubborn and ignore this fact.

> > Raids where never designed for pugging. You also miss out the most fun part of that mode, learning a boss as a group (preferable with people you like = guild/static).

> > But somehow PPL that join PUG raids for the loot get annoyed by PPL who join PUG raids for the loot, who would have thought.


> Please educate me here, I have two guilds that do raiding, the one is still training and learning w1-4 and the other guild has a static group and only makes a second group for training if they have enough people and sadly they stop raidining once the static is done with the newest wing. I have never found out how to get a training raid group for w5-6 despite asking a few times and even making a post on the forum. So how do I get into this. I even thought that on the day after the release of w6 I would find training groups but most of the groups already asked for kp or knowledge of the mechanics and had no interest in training people.


My guild raid 2 times per week. We do W1+ in one day and continue the second day (we skip wing 4 if we dont do it first day since it is easily pugable and we dont do deimos). If the squad is doing well and we do all boses quickly we do something we need training in like largos or dhuum.


Sometimes we have newer players or we play badly so we dont get to the hard stuff. Obviously if we cannot do easy bosses we will not be able to do the harder ones.

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Well, raids are a little toxic, but so were dungeons if you didn't want to spend several hours on them (I did precisely this pugging with whoever wanted to go by the doors, by the way).


One key difference is the enrage timer, since in dungeons you could, with notable exceptions, overcome challenges by bunkering through them. Another thing is that there are other mechanical conditions that must be always met, e.g dropping bombs away from people and bringing very specific kinds of skills such as reflects, pulls, among other things. There is no way this will not create some toxicity because people have different expectations - some only want to complete, some want to complete it _fast_, and others want to just experience the content in a sense (which implies completing the raids - but not focusing on that), which means they might want to insist on certain builds and such.


Only thing we can do is be as open as possible. You'll get kicked and cursed at regardless of how you play, and if this never happens you are probably the one cursing others here and there. As long as you can be open ("could I go with X even with less than required KP? I'll leave if fail", "Dude can you at least put on a skill that has reflect? We can't beat the boss without it" and so on). The other solution is to have a static, but that's not for everyone. Raids _are very puggable_ in this game, and most barriers are player imposed (which is not a criticism of the barriers per se - without them even more groups would routinely fail), which in itself goes a long way to show how much potential for toxicity is there. So yes, we can admit that raids have gotten toxic, but by all means we should not change raids themselves in order to solve this.

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > > > @"SoulPrime.8029" said:

> > > > so i sent a couple weeks farming and crafting a BS warr. made a few other classes along the way. after learning the mechanics and even leading some training raids myself i actually had some fun. so after all that people would finally let me join groups. but now just forming a group is an all day affair. id join a group, we would sit around for an hour till we had 10 ppl. we make one attempt on the boss. someone dies the entire group leaves.

> > >

> > > Yes, PUG raiding can be annoying. What exactly prevents you from joining a guild or a semi static or a discord server? Raids were not designed to be PUGed, the fact that they can be already speaks to their ease.

> > >

> > THIS!

> >

> > How can a community be so stubborn and ignore this fact.

> > Raids where never designed for pugging. You also miss out the most fun part of that mode, learning a boss as a group (preferable with people you like = guild/static).

> > But somehow PPL that join PUG raids for the loot get annoyed by PPL who join PUG raids for the loot, who would have thought.


> Please educate me here, I have two guilds that do raiding, the one is still training and learning w1-4 and the other guild has a static group and only makes a second group for training if they have enough people and sadly they stop raidining once the static is done with the newest wing. I have never found out how to get a training raid group for w5-6 despite asking a few times and even making a post on the forum. So how do I get into this. I even thought that on the day after the release of w6 I would find training groups but most of the groups already asked for kp or knowledge of the mechanics and had no interest in training people.


There are Trainings communities out there. Both on EU and NA. I do not know there schedule though, so I can't tell you when they are doing w5/6. Or you join a heavily raid focused guild. Mine had 7 statics, and we always filled our ranks with newcomers or to say not so exp people (dhuum excluded for reasons). Apart from that, after we all got our full clears we kept on raiding with random groups. again, with a free for all mentality.

It buffles me, I guess what you saw on the LFG where groups for the CM Mode where I would understand that they demanded KP's already. I saw a lot of training in the lfg the first few weeks.

I do not know what time you want to invest, but a static as told before would be the most promising way to your success. If you just care about the loot, try to find a newcomer friendly exp one. If you want to experience the whole thing with all its ups and down get into an equally experienced one. (arguable more rewarding from a gameplay perspective)


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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> They get kicked for joining on something like warrior when the lfg asked for a druid.


we both know that this is kitten, right?

if i see an lfg that suits me (when i pug, or when i'm bored) i'll join on the class that i am currently playing, then switch once in the group


any serious raider/player knows that any other serious player/raider has multiple characters raid-ready




you/they want me to first log my other character (that they want) then once online on that particular character, the lfg is closed because someone else allready got in


i join on whatever i'm currently playing, then switch


bad players (read pugs) kick you on the spot, but in the end it's their loss as the same group is later still on lfg due to a wipefiesta or whatever


good players, know that you will switch



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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > They get kicked for joining on something like warrior when the lfg asked for a druid.


> we both know that this is kitten, right?

> if i see an lfg that suits me (when i pug, or when i'm bored) i'll join on the class that i am currently playing, then switch once in the group


> any serious raider/player knows that any other serious player/raider has multiple characters raid-ready




> you/they want me to first log my other character (that they want) then once online on that particular character, the lfg is closed because someone else allready got in

> OR

> i join on whatever i'm currently playing, then switch


> bad players (read pugs) kick you on the spot, but in the end it's their loss as the same group is later still on lfg due to a wipefiesta or whatever


> good players, know that you will switch




These arent the people that are getting kicked. I've had pugs load into the raid instance on the wrong class and are silent when we tell them lfg said lf druid.

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

>I have never found out how to get a training raid group for w5-6 despite asking a few times and even making a post on the forum. So how do I get into this.


Stop waiting around for someone else to train you would be my recommendation. Look up guides, watch some videos, and keep them on hand. Make a discord for yourself, create the invite link, tag up, put the link in the squad message (make discord necessary), and post your lfg. Something like, 'training dhuum'.


If its a shit show, so what? The point of a training raid is to learn, not get the kill. As long as you learn your role for the boss, you've trained yourself. Next up, maybe the next day, tag up and post an LFG that isn't training, something like, 'dhuum, need x druids, 1 war, x dps (x greens)'


All these problems go away when you take charge and lead it yourself, except one. The only problem that won't go away is bad teammates, and people who lie about their experience. And that's where you begin to network, build contacts, add friends. If they are a good raider, add them to your friends list, give them a helpful nickname, 'raids: (account name)'.


When the next raid comes out, message your contacts and invite them to training raids.



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