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Which wings "backpacks" have jumping animations?

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I saw someone with wings that flapped (not flailed) while he jumped. I purchased wings, for that reason...the wings just flailed. I feel let down with my gem purchase.


Can someone provide me a list of all wings with jumping animations. Thank you.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> The ones that have attached glider skins, typically.


The Golden Wings did not, the ones that look like a sting ray did not flap. They really were like cloth sitting there with no jump animation.


> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> Rhe dragonscale wings flap


Thank you. The Scaled Dragon Wings Backpack where the ones I saw that were flapping as the guy did the jumping puzzle. Are there any more?


Is there anyway to know if they have a jumping animation before purchasing?

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> Am I understanding this correctly, there is only one Wing (Glider/Backup) combo with a jump wing-flap animation?


> Will any of the other wings get this animation? Will future wings have this animation?


I think it is only the dragon one, but that is also relatively new so it prob something thats taken a while to develop. It also matches the skyscale wings i think which suggests tandem development.


I dont personally want to older skins updated to it and Anet generally dint do that anyway. Time will tell if we see others, but it is def possible

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