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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> so far all timegates in the game have reset at daily reset afaik. Like the druid stone backpack in draconis mons.


If that’s the case then I wasn’t off the mark, I don’t mind making fun of myself especially for jumping the gun, my initial thought to when they claimed natural and being a real RPG mechanic puzzled me because if tied to daily reset(timegate mechanic) that isn’t really natural or an actual real rpg mechanic in my opinion.



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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> You are literally dodging everything.

> First of all I haven't said anything about instant gratification in my latest post. Second, giving your **opinion** why Legendary time gating is different than the time gate is just your opinion because for some people the mount is more useful and for them it might not make sense to time gate the legendary but the mount. Third, just because ANET hasn't made a time gated mount until now doesn't mean they don't have to, it doesn't mean that they are obligated to follow a stereotype of mount development - a new development is a new development and you are trying to tell me that if it is not what you are expecting it to be, it should be changed. There are literally hundreds of locked achievements that people didn't know what they would require before unlocking them.




> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> When in fact the real problem is that you are upset of not getting the "toy" as fast as you want because you want it sooooo bad.


You just said that right before this, so good job at reading your own post. You might not have used the exact _words_, but I know what you meant with that, because every single person trying to defend the time-gate says it.


And it's funny how you claim _**I'm**_ dodging everything when you seem to want to continue dodging everything I've said since last night, so I'll say it _**again.**_



Legendaries vs. Skyscale is not a sole matter of personal opinion, it's a matter of _factual function._ Legendaries, are the best possible thing you can achieve in the game, give you the ability to essential dual or even multi-class thanks to its stat-switching abilities, while also giving you special effects while un-sheathing, wielding, and attacking, and bonus foot fall effects. There's nothing better than it, and it's a clear upgrade to what comes before it; ascendeds.


The Skyscale, on the other hand, is a semi-hybrid to the Springer and Griffon, wherein it can do similar things to both, but _lesser_ versions of them. It can't out-class the Springer in sheer height, and it can't out-class the Griffon in air-time. It's _not_ like a legendary, because it is _not_ the best possible thing, and can even be _out-performed_ by the Springer and Griffon as long as there is room to switch between the two, which if you have the mastery to mount up on the Griffon mid-air, isn't a problem at all.


That's fact, not opinion.


Secondly, you're right about one thing. At the end of the day, this _is_ ANet's game, and they can develop it how they want.


_**However, I've explained this before**_; a very large portion of the initial outcry, was because they _told us nothing._ We were given exactly _zero_ information about what the new mount would entail, and when our expectations were subverted, we wanted answers.


It's like if someone gave you a ham sandwich every day for weeks, then suddenly gave you a turkey sandwich without telling you _why_ you shouldn't have been expecting ham this time.


If we'd know about this ahead of time, we could've planned accordingly, but we were told _nothing._

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> i cant do collection without a guide and i cant find one thats as easy as dulfys to follow.so it looks like more content il need pay someone to help me with it.

> any kind soul who can help me for 10g per item collected.


Google is your friend.

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a > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > i cant do collection without a guide and i cant find one thats as easy as dulfys to follow.so it looks like more content il need pay someone to help me with it.

> > any kind soul who can help me for 10g per item collected.


> Google is your friend.



how does a close up of the location help find anything?

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And since you added something after I started typing my last reply, here's the response to that.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

>LOL ok, I will just quote the post above mine and wont quote the other 200 posts stating the opposite of what you are saying.


This post has almost 1 thousand comments on it altogether. I'm literally the OP of the first merged post. I've been here since day 1, and have been seeing just how many people are agreeing with me as opposed to not. Even the poll about if the time-gate should stay or not was at 71% Yes to 29% No before it got merged with this one, and even _then_ 10% of the No's said that they still thought the time-gate needed to be _changed_ instead of removed.


So sure, maybe 200 posts don't agree with me, _but the other 800 do._


You're blatantly skipping over the 800 other posts just to focus on the 200 that agree with you, while conveniently ignoring just exactly how those 200 are being disproven, and acting like you're bringing anything new to the table here.


If your argument for not listening to me is _seriously_ that other people disagree with me, I really don't know what to say to you.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

>I just hope ANET is reasonable enough and reading everything. They will decide what is best for this case :)


Yeah, you're right. They've already responded that they're reading, and they will decide once the devs have time to talk.


And when that time comes, even if they _do_ decide to keep it in, they're not going to give you a special trophy for playing devil's advocate, so don't be too disappointed when they don't.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:


> how does a close up of the location help find anything?


Most of the pictures will show the location on the map, It's not perfect but things tend to be fairly easy to find if you're in the exact area. Not as nice as a dulfy guide but it works for now!



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Its not that difficult to locate the exact area if pouring over the map to compare with the cutout. Helps that Dragonfall is divided into four distinct areas, narrowing down the search area.

Also in second collection set, that one with x50 to find, most is shown with a small icon on the map. For third set just use wiki to locate the appropiate monsters and npcs needed.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> a > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > > i cant do collection without a guide and i cant find one thats as easy as dulfys to follow.so it looks like more content il need pay someone to help me with it.

> > > any kind soul who can help me for 10g per item collected.

> >

> > Google is your friend.

> >


> how does a close up of the location help find anything?


A lot of the pictures specifically include landmarks from the map to help you figure out exactly where their marker is, like the title of an area or in reference to Kralk's body. As long as you have every part of the map revealed, it shouldn't be too bad.


It's messy and a bit more time consuming, yeah, but unfortunately it's all we've got till we get a full look at the entirety of the collections.

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> And since you added something after I started typing my last reply, here's the response to that.


> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> >LOL ok, I will just quote the post above mine and wont quote the other 200 posts stating the opposite of what you are saying.


> This post has almost 1 thousand comments on it altogether. I'm literally the OP of the first merged post. I've been here since day 1, and have been seeing just how many people are agreeing with me as opposed to not. Even the poll about if the time-gate should stay or not was at 71% Yes to 29% No before it got merged with this one, and even _then_ 10% of the No's said that they still thought the time-gate needed to be _changed_ instead of removed.


> So sure, maybe 200 posts don't agree with me, _but the other 800 do._


> You're blatantly skipping over the 800 other posts just to focus on the 200 that agree with you, while conveniently ignoring just exactly how those 200 are being disproven, and acting like you're bringing anything new to the table here.



How about reading my post that you are quoting? Here I will help you... The guy above agrees with you that the time gate is bad but also wants to remove all time gates of the game.


**This was my post:**

I see all of you are acting like the real problem is the time gate. When in fact the real problem is that you are upset of not getting the "toy" as fast as you want because you want it sooooo bad.

There are time gates all over Tyria, let's remove all of them? After all you all said that time gating is bad design.

If ANET remove this time gate, I want the WvW time gate to be removed too, the PvP too, the HoT meta events rewards too, the eaters too, the crafting too and anything else. After all, it is what you want, righ? Remove the time gate, coz it is a bad design, right guys?


**And this is his answer:**

I mean yeah...? If I am skilled enough to complete the "hard content" anet releases in a day why restrict me with timegates? This shouldn't be communism! It's the anets job to make content that takes time for the duration between the patches but making it with dailies and timegates instead of engaging and challenging content is just very lazy. It's the easy way out.


From these 800 people, half want to just skip every time gate in the game. I am not even mentioning the guys that agree with my point of view.


I understand how blind this thread is really.

The funny thing is that someone comes and states... "All these people support my opinion"...


Also, please, I am not advocating anything, nor expecting anything... no need to twist yet another statement of yours. I am supporting my personal point of view, which is also supported by other players.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

>The guy above agrees with you that the time gate is bad but also wants to remove all time gates of the game.


Cool, I don't agree with him on that, so that's not even relevant. I said earlier I don't think all time-gates are bad. You really love to use hyperbole, because he's only 1 saying it out of the hundreds, but just because you found 1 person that fits what you think we sound like, you immediately think half the people share his view. Again, I've been following this topic in this thread, in-game, and on Reddit, and the overwhelming consensus on all of those, is that a majority are against this. I've literally seen no-one in-game defending the time-gate in map chat, but because this is the forums, people must just be coming on here to complain about nothing, right?


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

>Also, please, I am not advocating anything, nor expecting anything... no need to twist yet another statement of yours. I am supporting my personal point of view, which is also supported by other players.


The only thing you've done over the past 2 days of replying on this forum, is make blatant over-exaggerations about perfectly reasonable complaints, immediately switch to trying to disagree with another point the _**second**_ you get shut down on the last, and you immediately jumped to a cocky, defeatist "well I guess we'll just have to wait and see~ :wink: " mentality when you ran out of points to aimlessly defend, instead of admitting you got corrected.


Pardon me for assuming you were only trying to play devil's advocate, I only did so because I couldn't see any other reason why you'd continue to try and disprove arguments that have already been argued and proven multiple times beforehand.


This thread isn't deaf. I've talked to plenty of other people who've disagreed with me across all platforms, and they've either recognized their misinformed, or at the very least understood why people have an issue with this, and decided to let people be upset about it even though it doesn't affect them, all while being pleasant to talk to and refraining from trying to come off as holier than thou. You're not one of them.


I'm not asking you to switch sides and hate every single thing about this time-gate, that's just unreasonable. But what I _am_ asking you, and everyone else who doesn't take issue with the time-gate, is to please stop acting like there's no issue just because _you_ personally don't have an issue with it. Someone else said it a bit better yesterday, so I'll go ahead and quote them on it.


>@Pifil.5193 said:

>Personally, I'm OK with the time gating (if a little annoyed that the xp bar is stuck for now) and I'm absolutely in favour of scavenger hunt collections. I like these kind of quests and wish there were v more of them in game. All in all I'm really enjoying this episode.


>I also completely understand why others are frustrated.


>I just wish that those in this thread who don't "see the problem" would just leave those who do the hell alone. You don't have to see the problem, just accept that it is an issue for some people and move on with your lives. You sure don't have to spend your time trying to stamp down other people's opinions or feelings of frustration.


And that's all I'll say about it. I've already given answers to all of your questions, so I'm done. Use CTRL + F and search my name if you want to read my other posts in the thread, because I can guarantee you they'll have the answers to your repeated questions.

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I didn't come here to argue with others and I'll just voice my own opinion on this matter.

The skyscale was hyped, with trailers and then even a little presentation. Sure, I knew it wasn't really important since we already have a lot of mounts that could do a similar job, but hey, a new addition to our little mount farm. I even like the beetle and I rarely use it.

This entire update was lackluster. As someone stated, the story steps were short and while the things we got were breathtaking at least in terms of how they were done, the story was clearly rushed and all together meh.

The map was a nice homage to everything we've done so far which was nice, not only giving us all the toys from before but actually applying them so that they feel useful. Kudos for that. Sadly the new map is very limited as some noticed.

Then it was discovered that the thing they hyped and the thing that was, for a few or many, the most important part of this update, was a very big collection. Which on itself isn't a bad thing. Sadly this collection was timegated. Artificially timegated. I could understand if it was the feeding aspect that was timegated. That sort of made sense, let's throw away the treat thing that you can throw 12 or so chunks of meat at the lil' bugger and he will chomp it down. But locking everything for daily reset AND making it a mystery of what you are up to, feels very... Not cool?

For me, it creates a "fight with time" situation. I'm afraid that if I won't be quick enough with whatever step I am on, I'll lose a day. While the collection on itself is cool, since I discovered some cool things I haven't done before, the fact that I feel like I'm fighting with time ruins it for me. Before people say that it's my problem, I'll just say that the same was said about loot boxes and other things. Sure, it's the individual people's problem, but if we could solve our own problems, they wouldn't really be that much of a problem, now would they?

In the end, each time I finish my "daily" collection grind I feel mentally exhausted, even if they are easy, they create this weird pressure inside me. With me dreading what the next day might bring and hoping I'll have enough time and resources to put up with it and make it in time.

In the end, instead of making it something new and fun to do, it became another "daily" thing for me. If this is the way this game will turn after all the changes that anet has gone through, then I'll have to find a different island for myself, since I don't agree with this type of methods being implemented into the game.

I hope you all have a great day.

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I get why time gates exist. Staying away from the "I Like/I Don't Like" time gates argument, if I were to implement time gated content, I'd probably not let it start for an entire week, at which point it opens up 1/3 of the tasks. Second week, you can get 2/3 of the way there. Third week it opens until the end. The only other 'gating' is just your time, availability of events you might need to do, etc. No gating inside that (like I hear about the feeding, I'm no there yet).


That way, if someone wants to pick away at something over a week, they can. If they want to knock out most of it in a weekend, they can. If they want to wait until it's entirely open and pull a 2.5 day weekend binge to do it, they can do that. Or, take some much needed sick days *cough cough*. :)

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns

> > We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.

> >


> That's almost useless. Just change the tooltip for that achievement, you can find those elementals in other maps without waiting for an event. Took me like 10 seconds




I read past this point, and didn't see where anyone asked about this, so I'd like to ask (not being at this step yet, but for when I get there): Besides the CoJ event, where do you find other elementals in the world that will give you credit for the achievement?

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> I read past this point, and didn't see where anyone asked about this, so I'd like to ask (not being at this step yet, but for when I get there): Besides the CoJ event, where do you find other elementals in the world that will give you credit for the achievement?


I can't remember if I said before, but just in case I didn't; the way that _I_ got it was from the Ice Storm mobs in Bitterfrost Frontier. If you don't have access to Season 3 Ep.3, and therefore Bitterfrost, according to the wiki the only other place these mobs spawn is in Wayfarer Foothills during the final Frozen Maw world boss event, but the wiki doesn't specify that the ones in Wayfarer have the ability to freeze you. So if you don't have Bitterfrost, your best bet probably _would_ be the Claw of Jormag mobs.

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Just want to point out, it isn't that it's an elongated achievement that bothered me. It's the stuff you have to do in those achievements. I'm sure the company wanted this to be an adventure to unlock and that's great. I appreciate the time invested in creating such content. I would just like to see something other than item collecting and waiting for time gates. Maybe smaller collections that are a bit more difficult & engaging to complete. Maybe gathering a certain item for a particular collection requires you to kill Lupicus 1v1 or something, I dunno. I understand that some players may feel that is TOO DIFFICULT as an example, but you get my idea. Or even say the Bronze/Silver/Gold medal mini games. An NPC won't give you a particular item unless you tag a gold medal in that challenge. Challenges like that for an achievement unlock would provide their own natural time gates.

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > I read past this point, and didn't see where anyone asked about this, so I'd like to ask (not being at this step yet, but for when I get there): Besides the CoJ event, where do you find other elementals in the world that will give you credit for the achievement?


> I can't remember if I said before, but just in case I didn't; the way that _I_ got it was from the Ice Storm mobs in Bitterfrost Frontier. If you don't have access to Season 3 Ep.3, and therefore Bitterfrost, according to the wiki the only other place these mobs spawn is in Wayfarer Foothills during the final Frozen Maw world boss event, but the wiki doesn't specify that the ones in Wayfarer have the ability to freeze you. So if you don't have Bitterfrost, your best bet probably _would_ be the Claw of Jormag mobs.


Yea the mobs in bitterfrost are the best source IMO for that step.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Not even gonna get philosophical & psychological here. Just gonna say that, time gating feels bad man. It's no fun, waiting is no fun. And forever Easter Egg hunts that steer you away from engaging gameplay are not fun either. And it is in general not fun when something has a ridiculous amount of achievements to complete to obtain. If something has a ridiculous amount of achievements to complete to obtain, it better be worth it.



I was excited about the Skyscale when it was announced. After watching the sneak preview stream, I was less excited, but still eager for the patch. After using the loaner mounts, I became even less interested in the mount, but was still planning to get it.


Then I heard about this ridiculous collection, ill conceived time gating, another debacle with using outdated items (Grow Lamp) from legacy content which is a big burden on newer players*, and now I'm about half way through the story, might finish it tonight, then couldn't care less about the collection. I will probably do it eventually, as I remember feeling the same way as the Beetle or Sun's Refuge (which I just finished the collections for last week, as I was bored), but even after getting it will probably never use, and its very unlikely I'll be interested in any mount skins for the same reason. Very disappointed.


Asterisk*: yeah, the grow lamp isn't an issue for me, I have the mats needed to craft it, and I probably have more gold than most of the people reading this post. But players new to the game will have a very hard time with this, and will be forced to grind hard or pay ridiculous prices on the TP, neither of which will be received favorably. They worked so hard to hype S4, doing livestreams of each chapter, trying to bring in new players and encourage other players to come back to the game. And this is the crowning glory of that effort?


Protip: veteran players aren't likely going to quit the game over this, they probably just won't get the mount. But someone new to the game or someone who just came back? Yeah, some of them are going hit that uninstall button (again) and for good reasons.


What makes GW2 such a great game is it isn't like other MMOs. Stop trying to be like other MMOs - that will not be a successful business model for you.


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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> How many times do we have to tell people not to blast through content in 10 minutes? to take their time and enjoy it? They never learn...


And how many times do we have to tell people not to project their preferences onto other people and try to tell them how to enjoy something? They never learn...


Besides there is a difference between choosing your speed and having an artificial time limit enforced on you... and that's what the OP is on about as far as I can tell.

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I think it's time to acknowledge that a risk was taken and that risk didn't pay off (for those who can't see that it didn't pay off, the community is pretty riled up even if you are not).


We all appreciate that taking risks is the only way to be innovative, so for trying something new and different, genuinely I say "Well done and I truly hope you have more risks that you have taken in your roadmap for the future, as I know most of those risks will the magic that keeps the game so compelling."


Though a critical part of engagement is what you do when something goes south, so far that piece of information has not been shared?

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