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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > > Anyone defending this failed system atm is just trolling. Ignore them. Anet already acknowledge they have made a mistake and are working on a fix. If they want to stand for mistakes and bad systems that's on them.

> > > Oh hey twitter logic, long time no see.

> > > They have fixed the only real issue which is mastery xp.

> > >

> > > > @"ixora.3569" said:

> > > > Why not make it easier to obtain the skyscale? Wouldn't you want everyone to have a skyscale then sell a kitten ton of skins??? I dont understand why Anet doesn't want me to have a flying mount. I Have a fulltime job and family obligations. I guess ill be grounded with my roller beetle until the end of gw2.

> > > Because there are actually people who enjoy having to play the game and get content over time as that's what a video game is meant to be, rather than just insta buying everything for instant gratification.

> > > If anything, what you're saying shows that their intention was not only to make more money. They wanted to provide an experience, which - some people here might find odd - is actually a great experience for many players in game.

> > > All the comments about "being forced to" or having "work for" or not being "able to get it as quickly as" are simply forgetting that nobody is forcing them at all. It's all optional, just like any skin, legendary or whatnot in this game. If you miss a reset, you'll only get it one day later than everybody else. If you can only play a few days a week, you'll only get it a few weeks later. If you're that busy you would still have needed days to complete all collections, so people without a life would still have gotten it before you.

> > > It's a change from the classic "microtransaction / gold gets you everything instantly".

> >

> > People can take as much time they want, without any time gate at all, you know that right ? Anyway they can remove the time gate for the mount and put on something else like as well if you really need and like time gated content. Also if you bothered to actually read what they said you would see that they say it's a temporally fix.


> The temporary fix is for CoJ, like a few people told you. I have no idea what you're talking about but you should consider your own advice.


> People can take as much time they want with the timegate as well. It doesn't remove that ability. It only prevents you from rushing through it in one day. Timegates have been in this game since the very beginning. WvW has a weekly timegate that can be really stressful too. Raids as well. Players who have actually been playing the game consistently are used to it and know why it's in place.


> The mount is LS4 end content, Aurora was LS3 end content. They have similar mechanics to obtain them. No, one being a legendary accessory or the other being a mount doesn't constitute an argument. That it appeals to the casual crowd more doesn't mean the casual crowd should suddenly change the rules just to get their sugar faster.

> You can absolutely not like the way it is if you want, but there is nothing to "fix" because it is not "broken".


I do not disagree with everything you said, but this mount is not good enough to justify this quest.


There is clearly something broken if you get a lesser Springer (a mount that requires talking to a npc) for 247 timegated achievement steps.


Also I can understand the timegate for the whole achievements, but timegating the feeding step of the third achievement with 4 real-life days makes no sense. Is this skyscale eating once a week? Come on. :)


It's not that broken, but it's broken indeed.


People also complained about the Griffon, while I defended it. I liked that quest and didn't find any disproportion with the overall utility and fun of the mount (that is the one I use the most if I'm not in a hurry or if I don't want to think about the best mount to use, or I need to gain altitude in irregular maps).


The Skyscale pales compared to Griffon and Springer, yet it required a quest that is up to 250 times longer, more expensive and timegated as hell with timegated steps requiring timegated items with timegated ingredients.


And again, no idea about achievement 4 and 5. The situation could get worse.

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > > > Anyone defending this failed system atm is just trolling. Ignore them. Anet already acknowledge they have made a mistake and are working on a fix. If they want to stand for mistakes and bad systems that's on them.

> > > > Oh hey twitter logic, long time no see.

> > > > They have fixed the only real issue which is mastery xp.

> > > >

> > > > > @"ixora.3569" said:

> > > > > Why not make it easier to obtain the skyscale? Wouldn't you want everyone to have a skyscale then sell a kitten ton of skins??? I dont understand why Anet doesn't want me to have a flying mount. I Have a fulltime job and family obligations. I guess ill be grounded with my roller beetle until the end of gw2.

> > > > Because there are actually people who enjoy having to play the game and get content over time as that's what a video game is meant to be, rather than just insta buying everything for instant gratification.

> > > > If anything, what you're saying shows that their intention was not only to make more money. They wanted to provide an experience, which - some people here might find odd - is actually a great experience for many players in game.

> > > > All the comments about "being forced to" or having "work for" or not being "able to get it as quickly as" are simply forgetting that nobody is forcing them at all. It's all optional, just like any skin, legendary or whatnot in this game. If you miss a reset, you'll only get it one day later than everybody else. If you can only play a few days a week, you'll only get it a few weeks later. If you're that busy you would still have needed days to complete all collections, so people without a life would still have gotten it before you.

> > > > It's a change from the classic "microtransaction / gold gets you everything instantly".

> > >

> > > People can take as much time they want, without any time gate at all, you know that right ? Anyway they can remove the time gate for the mount and put on something else like as well if you really need and like time gated content. Also if you bothered to actually read what they said you would see that they say it's a temporally fix.

> >

> > The temporary fix is for CoJ, like a few people told you. I have no idea what you're talking about but you should consider your own advice.

> >

> > People can take as much time they want with the timegate as well. It doesn't remove that ability. It only prevents you from rushing through it in one day. Timegates have been in this game since the very beginning. WvW has a weekly timegate that can be really stressful too. Raids as well. Players who have actually been playing the game consistently are used to it and know why it's in place.

> >

> > The mount is LS4 end content, Aurora was LS3 end content. They have similar mechanics to obtain them. No, one being a legendary accessory or the other being a mount doesn't constitute an argument. That it appeals to the casual crowd more doesn't mean the casual crowd should suddenly change the rules just to get their sugar faster.

> > You can absolutely not like the way it is if you want, but there is nothing to "fix" because it is not "broken".


> I do not disagree with everything you said, but this mount is not good enough to justify this quest.


> There is clearly something broken if you get a lesser Springer (a mount that requires talking to a npc) for 247 timegated achievement steps.


> Also I can understand the timegate for the whole achievements, but timegating the feeding step of the third achievement with 4 real-life days makes no sense. Is this skyscale eating once a week? Come on. :)


> It's not that broken, but it's broken indeed.


> People also complained about the Griffon and I actually defended it. I liked that quest and didn't find any disproportion with the overall utility and fin of the mount.


> The Skyscale pales compared to Griffon and Springer, yet it required a quest that is 250 times longer, more expensive and timegated as hell with timegated steps requiring timegated items.


> And again, no idea about achievement 4 and 5. The situation could get worse.


I've said it yesterday but Anet is very limited when it comes to content that appeals to the casual crowd. It can't be too pricy, it can't be too hard, it can't rely too much on the lore, it shouldn't rely too much on group events otherwise it will actually be undoable in a few months... it doesn't leave much to do than collectaton and timegates.


Also, Aurora is pretty useless as well, any player who gets Aurora probably has enough to buy dozen of ascended accessories, those are cheap af xD

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> People can take as much time they want with the timegate as well.


This must be some sort of bad joke. If people could take as much time as they wanted with the timegate we wouldn't even be here. Again, you are just a concern troll with nothing useful to bring to the discussion. If you actually bother to read what people have related on social media you will that many, myself included got locked out of any progression due for 23 hours and some hours because of 30-10 minutes. So what you said here is completely false and doesn't make any sense.

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I find Aurora to be completely skippable, and Anet probably agrees with me, since it wasn't even advertised. The skyscale was (and maybe still is) the main reason why people wanted this update. For me at least.


I wanted a mount as fun as the beetle and the griffon, that have adventure tracks and races, reshaping the whole game, including the old maps.


And the storm is just at the beginning. Wait until the masses realize that they need every PoF episode for step 5.


And they'd be goddamn right to be pissed, since we know that only from leaks and the collections are hidden. Imagine going through the first 4 steps, spending 10 days, 150+g and countless hours, only to find out that you can't complete the collection because you lack 1 episode.

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> I find Aurora to be completely skippable, and Anet probably agrees with me, since it wasn't even advertised. The skyscale was (and maybe still is) the main reason why people wanted this update. For me at least.


> I wanted a mount as fun as the beetle and the griffon, that have adventure tracks and races, reshaping the whole game, including the old maps.


> And the storm is just at the beginning. Wait until the masses realize that they need every PoF episode for step 5.


> And they'd be kitten right to be pissed, since we know that only from leaks and the collections are hidden. Imagine going through the first 4 steps, spending 10 days, 150+g and countless hours, only to find out that you can't complete the collection because you lack 1 episode.


I think you overlooked that it says quite early in the skyscale questline that you NEED all of LS 4 to finish it. quite noticeable in big red letters.

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> @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > People can take as much time they want with the timegate as well.


> This must be some sort of bad joke. If people could take as much time as they wanted with the timegate we wouldn't even be here. Again, you are just a concern troll with nothing useful to bring to the discussion. If you actually bother to read what people have related on social media you will that many, myself included got locked out of any progression due for 23 hours and some hours because of 30-10 minutes. So what you said here is completely false and doesn't make any sense.


I don't read twitter since all they can ever do to answer a different opinion than theirs is calling people trolls. That, for one, brings nothing to the table. It's endless rivers of complains and not a single step towards the opposite side, ever.


"if you actually bother to read". I do bother to read, and I read many people here in this thread telling you misinterpreted what was said. Not my fault if your assumptions don't end up being reality.

I just choose to focus my interests on people who play the game consistently instead, and the result is (as usual) not black and white. But again, twitter people have an issue understanding that.


You can absolutely take as much time as you want. You simply can't rush it. You will still be able to get it in one week, in one month, in one year.

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5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> I find Aurora to be completely skippable, and Anet probably agrees with me, since it wasn't even advertised. The skyscale was (and maybe still is) the main reason why people wanted this update. For me at least.


> I wanted a mount as fun as the beetle and the griffon, that have adventure tracks and races, reshaping the whole game, including the old maps.


> And the storm is just at the beginning. Wait until the masses realize that they need every PoF episode for step 5.


> And they'd be kitten right to be pissed, since we know that only from leaks and the collections are hidden. Imagine going through the first 4 steps, spending 10 days, 150+g and countless hours, only to find out that you can't complete the collection because you lack 1 episode.


I mean... people who didn't bother supporting the game by logging in even ONCE every 3+ months?

Why exactly does it matter? They can access the content by paying a little extra. This has always been advertised to work this way.


Players who played the game consistently (and got all episodes for free) should matter more. Anet can't completely skip making new content in every single map just because of that small audience that will probably never get them more money anyway. It's already annoying enough that because of that HoT map or LS3 maps won't get more updates or new bits of collections.

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5 days? With the timegates it takes from 8 days to 26 days (depending on how much you want to spend or have stockpiled, and implying the last 2 steps only require 1 day each). No big deal if every day was about an interesting collection, but it's not. The first 3 collections of the first day are flawed and 4 days are spent just feeding the pet.


And I'd tolerate everything if the mount was at least useful or enjoyable, and not just cool to look at

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> 5 days? With the timegates it takes from 8 days to 26 days (depending on how much you want to spend or have stockpiled, and implying the last 2 steps only require 1 day each). No big deal if every day was about an interesting collection, but it's not. The first 3 collections of the first day are flawed and 4 days are spent just feeding the pet.


> And I'd tolerate everything if the mount was at least useful or enjoyable, and not just cool to look at


You have the gold sink alternative so it really is 8 days (so far). Which for end content season is on par with LS3.

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Again, fine with 8 days. Even 27 or 45. I have the wvw legendary armor, I don't care about spending months in this game. But it has to be worth it (and mostly enjoyable).


I mean, look at this:


Compare it with Skyscale. Come on.

I would be fine with swapping the 2 mounts and the relative collections lol.


8 days of farming, half of them by clicking once on a skill, for what? An afk hovermount?

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I'm fine with doing collections. I'm fine with the collections taking 30+ hours. But let me do it at my own pace. I hate feeling like I have to rush to finish the kitten thing each day and can't stop to just...play fractals with friends or anything like that because if I don't finish it before reset, I have to wait another 24 hours before I can do anything. It's unneeded stress and frustration for a collection I'd otherwise really enjoy.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > But you don't, because you can't rush time gated content. If you feel like that, that's a player problem.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > You see, the big problem I have here is that no one complains they are stressed when content ISN'T time gated but they should be because it does get harder to do group content when it isn't

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ... but when your forced by the game to progress content in steps over time .. THAT is stressful? That doesn't make sense.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > I think you are taking his words too literally

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > I think he means like me for example i did nothing till the reset yesterday and rushed to complete the egg magic gathering collection so that that i wouldnt have to worry about not finishing it before reset it took about 4 hours doing it with a group.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > After that i was done didn't do dailies, fractals, or play dragonfall at all i was pretty much done.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Based on what im hearing for the next step ill be feeding a skyscale 3 times then today I might do fractals if they are any i particularly like after which ill going to prob stop and play another game.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > If there are going to be more time gates within time gates the ESO new chapter early access is looking more and more lovely by the day. At which point i could be playing that and logging into gw2 just to feed a train a pet thats not a pet 3 times a day.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Ideally we are still rushing content because no one wants to wait an extra day if they dont have to. And because the mount is the main focus for so many people it easily pushes other forms of content to the side.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > The decision to rush is a player issue and I doesn't make sense to make an argument based on it. All content gets rushed by people to some degree, but for some reason when it's time gated, rushing it all the sudden a big problem for you? That doesn't make sense.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > Just be honest here ... you just want the mount without artificial restrictions imposed on you. Feeling like you have to rush content is not a compelling argument to not have time gates.

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > Except the time gate is causing people to rush the collections within that given day. Many of my friends started the collection for the mount and were taking their time because they didn't think it had some stupid time gate to it. Then when they found out it was gated, they started rushing it.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > So what? That's still a player perception issue.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > What was that that they said were their core philosophies for GW2 in that recent update on what was to come for the game? Wait, player autonomy and fun content were listed? That can't be right. That really screws with player expectations.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > That doesn't change what i said ... rushing can't be a problem for time-gated content if it's not a problem for non-time gated content. Content is still fun (and is subjective anyways) and players still have options to experience it ... as far as I can see, those philosophies still stand.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The difference is that with non time gated content you are rushing at your own pace because you enjoy doing so.

> > > > > > > > If you are getting close to reset and you know you are losing a day if you don't rush to finish the collection because you will get stuck on working on it very early on when trying to work on it the next day, in which case you feel forced to rush and burn yourself out to finish those parts up, which makes rushing a problem, due to the time gate.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So it's not about the rush ... because you don't mind doing it at your own pace. So the real problem here is not about rushing content.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Except it is, because I and many others wouldn't rush that hard it it weren't for the time gate, or be bummed out about missing the reset because they were busy enjoying the map and story instead of working on the collection already, just to then realise that progression is gated when wanting to work on it the next day.

> > > > > > Is this really that hard to understand, or do you simply refuse to do so?

> > > > >

> > > > > Oh c'mon.. at least be a little more honest about your issue here.

> > > > > I mean there is no genuine reason to feel forced into rushing just cos you missed a reset... if your RL schedule is such that you only have those few minutes each day to get the skyscale bit done then there is little ANET can do to help.

> > > > > No sorry, the real reason you are causing a fuss about this is because you want to rush it to completion ASAP.... and then what, what will you be doing when you have it completed - logoff until next content update (hardly great for ANET from a business perspective) OR will you go about playing out all the other content options you have at your fingertips especially new map and new content (if so what is stopping you doing while your waiting for the next skyscale content to become available??)

> > > > > No sorry the " ANET force me to rush cos reset" is just a very poor attempt to smokescreen the "I want it, I want it NAOW" mentality, nothing more.

> > > >

> > > > Actually no. It's quite clear some people have difficulty with reading comprehension here. Sure, some might want to rush to completion but some of us would like to feel like we can stop and start whenever we want. The main issue is the time gate on top of numerous bloated collections that take hours to complete. The collections themselves aren't the problem, it's perfectly fine to have a collection be big like this. But to make it so you can't start the next collection until a reset happens? And if you failed to finish the previous before the reset you now have to wait 24 hours again? I'd like to be able to work on it, take a break to go do something else, then come back to it and not feel like I screwed myself over because I finished the collection 10 minutes after reset and now have to wait another day. It's entirely pointless to have the time gate, especially when you've hyped it up and claim it'll drop on the patch day, May 14th, when in actuality...who fckin knows when we'll actually be able to have one. Most people probably still won't have one by the time the guild chat for it even happens on the 24th. Casual players or those with busy schedules should be able to log on, work on the collections for the time they have, the come back to it when they finally have time again without feeling like they're losing out. It punishes those people more than the people that have nothing to do but play GW2 all day.

> > > >

> > > > I actually have no issue with the charged quartz crystal time gate alone, haven't gotten to it yet but it sounds like you just feed them and move on. Sucks to have to wait another day but at least it doesn't eat 6+ hours of what little play time I get and I can actually like...go do something else. But it stacked on top of each collection having it's own daily reset time gate makes it unbearable.

> > >

> > > Nope sorry not buying that excuse.

> > > Your available time in game is not ANET's problem. Other player may have the same issues just at different times of day. If you miss a reset so what, the skyscale will still be there and your not being disadvantaged in anyway that is just simply rubbish. Time gates are utilised for a reason but saying you have to login, rush to get stuff done before reset is just "it's not fair I want it naow" nothing more

> >

> > Thanks for not actually reading what I said. Try again. If you think this is about instant gratification it really isn't. I even said I was fine with one of the kitten time gates, the one that could potentially take someone 22 days to get through.

> >

> > And just because something had a reason to be used does not mean it's good. Pretty sure we know the reason: to artificially extend content. Doesn't make it good game design and if it clearly upsets a large portion of the player base for more than just "I want it nao" it should at least be addressed by Anet.

> >

> > They listened to the incessant waves of WvWer moaning and groaning over the broken Warclaw that had poor design initially, why should this be any different.


> Of course time gates are used to extend the game time it is relevant .. but that comes with several different reasons in itself.. more players logging in to do the collections has the potential to yield gem sales. More players logging in to complete collections might reduce or at least present some stability in player retention. The second reason has a double edged sword of course much like the Jahai Bluffs starved sigil supplies.. player can get to a point and say "nope fed up with this", but hopefully ANET have weighed that up beforehand.

> As for upsetting a "large" portion of the game, I am yet to see any figures to say that, only the usual forum posters that seem to pop up to cry foul every update about something (Forums traditionally account for <1% of a games actual pop so small sample size and all that.

> As for Warclaw, not sure what ANET actually did in respect of poor design.. some clipping, a bug fix to allow the collection achievs to be completed and plugging a minor exploit on how from the vendor, but aside from that it went better than I ever envisaged, in fact I was dead against the Warclaw fullstop, but I am not afraid to admit I have been pleasantly surprised with it implementation.


And we're giving them our feedback on that we think it's crap. They posted earlier they were planning to post a response on the issue, so we'll just have to wait for that at this point. Thankfully they fixed the exp thing with the masteries.


As for the claim of a large portion of the playerbase being upset, I did not make that claim. However, yeah, there's a ton of topics regarding it here on the forums. And for what it's worth, nearly all of my active guilds seem to bring the topic up every 5 minutes and I constantly see it in map chats in game. Can't tell you what "percentage" of the playerbase is upset but it certainly feels like a lot, even in game.


As for the Warclaw, they nerfed the dismount attack when people complained it could stomp too many downed players, lowered the dash distance for...pretty sure that was for the clipping issue, and made a post listing off numerous things they plan on changing in the future, like adding traps and stuff to dismount people, adding some sort of mounted attack to dismount other players, etc. All things people requested they fix/add because it supposedly "broke" the game mode. I don't play WvW much, but if they were allowed to have their opinions heard and addressed for that mount, we should also be heard for this mount.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.


Look it up, it's more than 5 days if you don't have Charged Quartz. If you happen to already have all the Charged Quartz, currently it's a minimum of 8 days iirc. If you don't have Charged Quartz and you don't have the money or time to farm gold to buy it off other players, it will take an extra 22 days to get all the quartz needed for the 3rd collection. What is that? 26 days? And we still have no clue what the next 2 collections entail. So yeah. could potentially be about a month.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.


It is now a minimum of 7 to 8 days, that's if you have the gold. Longer if you do not.


The Griffon's collection is already much easier than this one and--potentially--cheaper, as one of the next two collections will require more items to purchase or crafting to be had.


For people who can play each day and invest 5 hours a day, yes, that is one week after release, but that is only catering to those who can treat this game as a second part-time job.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.


> It is now a minimum of 7 to 8 days, that's if you have the gold. Longer if you do not.


> The Griffon's collection is already much easier than this one and--potentially--cheaper, as one of the next two collections will require more items or crafting to be had.


> For people who can play each day and invest 5 hours a day, yes, that is one week after release, but that is only catering to those who can treat this game as a second part-time job.


Completely irrelevant. If you have the gold and no charged quartz, you can buy your way out of the timegate. And if you lack gold, farm it in the highly profitable new map.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.


> Look it up, it's more than 5 days if you don't have Charged Quartz. If you happen to already have all the Charged Quartz, currently it's a minimum of 8 days iirc. If you don't have Charged Quartz and you don't have the money or time to farm gold to buy it off other players, it will take an extra 22 days to get all the quartz needed for the 3rd collection. What is that? 26 days? And we still have no clue what the next 2 collections entail. So yeah. could potentially be about a month.


To be fair - you can buy those items you need on the TP for about 100g as of now. I dropped 250g on the griffon. Or wait 22 days.... That aspect of the time gating does not bother me, because you can either already have charged quartz, or you can buy the items you need, or you can charge your own. At that point speed is limited by your materials storage or willingness to pay and I'm ok with that.


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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > People can take as much time they want with the timegate as well.

> >

> > This must be some sort of bad joke. If people could take as much time as they wanted with the timegate we wouldn't even be here. Again, you are just a concern troll with nothing useful to bring to the discussion. If you actually bother to read what people have related on social media you will that many, myself included got locked out of any progression due for 23 hours and some hours because of 30-10 minutes. So what you said here is completely false and doesn't make any sense.


> I don't read twitter since all they can ever do to answer a different opinion than theirs is calling people trolls. That, for one, brings nothing to the table. It's endless rivers of complains and not a single step towards the opposite side, ever.


> "if you actually bother to read". I do bother to read, and I read many people here in this thread telling you misinterpreted what was said. Not my fault if your assumptions don't end up being reality.

> I just choose to focus my interests on people who play the game consistently instead, and the result is (as usual) not black and white. But again, twitter people have an issue understanding that.


> You can absolutely take as much time as you want. You simply can't rush it. You will still be able to get it in one week, in one month, in one year.


With a legendary, you know what you're getting yourself into. If you choose to craft it, you have already been through the process in your mind before you make the decision. You are aware of the limitations, and have decided to engage regardless. It's a known fact that legendaries take time and effort.


With the Skyscale, it was advertised in the trailer for the episode, in its very own trailer, and during a twitch stream. All of this was done to gain as much attention for War Eternal as possible. During the twitch stream, the matter of how you would obtain the skyscale was purposefully avoided, which already raised some red flags, but if it was anything like griffon and beetle, we had already mentally prepared ourselves for the tasks at hand.


As Episode 6 was released, we had 2 things on our mind; The story, and the new mount. We were excited for both. None of us knew what we were getting ourselves into, but we were still excited.


Regardless of the level of appeal the skyscale has on you, as a person, whether it doesn't compare to the excitement of other players or not, it can't be that difficult to understand why we were so disappointed to discover that, not only would we not be able to obtain the new mount _on that day_, we wouldn't be able to do it for **at least five days**, which only brought more disappointment as time went on, when we discovered it wouldn't be available for even longer than that.


**That said, I am not entirely against the timegate.** I only wish for it to be toned down to match the in-game day/night cycles.


You may be used to timegates, and they may exist on other collections, but this one took us by surprise, and it wasn't a pleasant surprise. There was no warning. It was something we had to figure out for ourselves. And all I see in argument of that is, "tough luck. Wait like a patient person."


I would've liked to have missed a few days to do other things, but I want my skyscale as soon as I can get it, which means I have no choice but to log in every single day. If I fail to complete something before reset, I am punished with an extra timewall.


Timegates have always been a matter of choice that you make the decision to engage with _before_ you actually begin. I knew that I would be getting this mount no matter what, but I definitely would've preferred to have had an extra stream dedicated to the process so that I could have time to mentally prepare myself, and start deciding when I should dedicate daily time towards it.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.

> >

> > It is now a minimum of 7 to 8 days, that's if you have the gold. Longer if you do not.

> >

> > The Griffon's collection is already much easier than this one and--potentially--cheaper, as one of the next two collections will require more items or crafting to be had.

> >

> > For people who can play each day and invest 5 hours a day, yes, that is one week after release, but that is only catering to those who can treat this game as a second part-time job.


> Completely irrelevant. If you have the gold and no charged quartz, you can buy your way out of the timegate. And if you lack gold, farm it in the highly profitable new map.


I wasn't responding to you, what exactly is irrelevant?


" It is now a minimum of 7 to 8 days, that's **if you have the gold. Longer if you do not.** "


You can buy yourself out of 22 or 12 days, you cannot buy yourself out of 7 to 8.

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why do we get extra exp for each story parts, when we cant use it... I mean like im must be a high percent are maxed out on every new story... yet they insist on this "reward" all it does to me is annoy me that is wasted. Its the attention to detail that lets GW2 down in some cases.

Then when we are allowed to unlock the mount due to time gate, then we have already taken most of the maps exp for unlocking trait lines... its just so poorly thought out how has this even been ticked off?

Irritating game mechanics, the opposite of a immersive.

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> Again, fine with 8 days. Even 27 or 45. I have the wvw legendary armor, I don't care about spending months in this game. But it has to be worth it (and mostly enjoyable).


> I mean, look at this:


> Compare it with Skyscale. Come on.

> I would be fine with swapping the 2 mounts and the relative collections lol.


> 8 days of farming, half of them by clicking once on a skill, for what? An afk hovermount?


I find the hover function great.

But let me ask you, if it sucks, why bother? It's optional.


> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.


> Look it up, it's more than 5 days if you don't have Charged Quartz. If you happen to already have all the Charged Quartz, currently it's a minimum of 8 days iirc. If you don't have Charged Quartz and you don't have the money or time to farm gold to buy it off other players, it will take an extra 22 days to get all the quartz needed for the 3rd collection. What is that? 26 days? And we still have no clue what the next 2 collections entail. So yeah. could potentially be about a month.


Any valuable item should require some money or currency. The gryphon was about what? 300G? Oh I know people were complaining back then. But that's kinda my point too, timegate or not, some people here want it for minimal investment and that does not represent what this mount is supposed to be.


It is 8 days, the gold sink is not a problem for any player who played this game and absolutely want the mount. For newcomers, they are not entitled to access end content immediately anyway.


> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> With a legendary, you know what you're getting yourself into. If you choose to craft it, you have already been through the process in your mind before you make the decision. You are aware of the limitations, and have decided to engage regardless. It's a known fact that legendaries take time and effort.


> With the Skyscale, it was advertised in the trailer for the episode, in its very own trailer, and during a twitch stream. All of this was done to gain as much attention for War Eternal as possible. During the twitch stream, the matter of how you would obtain the skyscale was purposefully avoided, which already raised some red flags, but if it was anything like griffon and beetle, we had already mentally prepared ourselves for the tasks at hand.


> As Episode 6 was released, we had 2 things on our mind; The story, and the new mount. We were excited for both. None of us knew what we were getting ourselves into, but we were still excited.


> Regardless of the level of appeal the skyscale has on you, as a person, whether it doesn't compare to the excitement of other players or not, it can't be that difficult to understand why we were so disappointed to discover that, not only would we not be able to obtain the new mount _on that day_, we wouldn't be able to do it for **at least five days**, which only brought more disappointment as time went on, when we discovered it wouldn't be available for even longer than that.


> **That said, I am not entirely against the timegate.** I only wish for it to be toned down to match the in-game day/night cycles.


> You may be used to timegates, and they may exist on other collections, but this one took us by surprise, and it wasn't a pleasant surprise. There was no warning. It was something we had to figure out for ourselves. And all I see in argument of that is, "tough luck. Wait like a patient person."


> I would've liked to have missed a few days to do other things, but I want my skyscale as soon as I can get it, which means I have no choice but to log in every single day. If I fail to complete something before reset, I am punished with an extra timewall.


> Timegates have always been a matter of choice that you make the decision to engage with _before_ you actually begin. I knew that I would be getting this mount no matter what, but I definitely would've preferred to have had an extra stream dedicated to the process so that I could have time to mentally prepare myself, and start deciding when I should dedicate daily time towards it.


Knowing what they did with LS3, I was expecting having to "work" quite a bit for it. I was definitely not expecting (or hoping) for it to be given like the beetle was. This is meant to keep us busy till LS5. It's in many ways, a legendary mount. It requires effort. If that wasn't known better, it is well known now. I don't think it's a bad thing to require that one mount out of all of them requires more effort.

Now, they could have done a better job at advertising it yes.


I understand the disappointment to an extend. People were expecting a second beetle and they got an Aurora instead. -But- You can play with the mount on that map. As long as you want. It's there, readily available, just like the gryphon was.

However, I do NOT understand the pettiness of enraging because some players will get it in 8 days while others will need a bit more time. It's in the essence of an MMO to give you tasks that can't be completed by everyone at once. It's always been like that, but none of that is mandatory and you are certainly not forced to do it on time everyday. If a MMO has that effect on you, you should absolutely stop right there and take a break, it is not healthy.


I remember forcing myself to play SAB trials and tribulation every day for 16 days just to get the whole set before the event was over. -THAT- ended up being particularly unhealthy. And the fun part ? Once I got the set, I realized I was really over-stressing over nothing, I could have gotten the same result the day after, or even the year after, and not ruin my days on a game that had become a job.

-THIS- is what people here need to understand. If it becomes stressful, just stop.

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> @"ixora.3569" said:

> Why not make it easier to obtain the skyscale? Wouldn't you want everyone to have a skyscale then sell a kitten ton of skins??? I dont understand why Anet doesn't want me to have a flying mount. I Have a fulltime job and family obligations. I guess ill be grounded with my roller beetle until the end of gw2.


To be fair, when they came out with the relatively easy-to-get Warclaw, and offered a skin pack for it right away, everyone screamed "CASH GRAB!" Whatever they do, they will never make all the players happy.


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> @"inaho.2046" said:

> To be fair - you can buy those items you need on the TP for about 100g as of now. I dropped 250g on the griffon. Or wait 22 days.... That aspect of the time gating does not bother me, because you can either already have charged quartz, or you can buy the items you need, or you can charge your own. At that point speed is limited by your materials storage or willingness to pay and I'm ok with that.


I specifically said "and you don't have the money or time to farm gold to buy it off other players" ;P

I don't lack Charged Quartz, but it's still a point to be made that some people will be gated by it. And who knows what the next 2 collections require.


> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Completely irrelevant. If you have the gold and no charged quartz, you can buy your way out of the timegate. And if you lack gold, farm it in the highly profitable new map.

Completely uniformed. Regardless of how much gold you can throw at it, you still have to wait 4 days to feed the food to the skyscale, so that's still a time gate.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"inaho.2046" said:

> > To be fair - you can buy those items you need on the TP for about 100g as of now. I dropped 250g on the griffon. Or wait 22 days.... That aspect of the time gating does not bother me, because you can either already have charged quartz, or you can buy the items you need, or you can charge your own. At that point speed is limited by your materials storage or willingness to pay and I'm ok with that.


> I specifically said "and you don't have the money or time to farm gold to buy it off other players" ;P

> I don't lack Charged Quartz, but it's still a point to be made that some people will be gated by it. And who knows what the next 2 collections require.


> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Completely irrelevant. If you have the gold and no charged quartz, you can buy your way out of the timegate. And if you lack gold, farm it in the highly profitable new map.

> Completely uniformed. Regardless of how much gold you can throw at it, you still have to wait 4 days to feed the food to the skyscale, so that's still a time gate.


I was refering to the timegate of making charged quartz.

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