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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > > @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > > > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > > It's not the end of the world but it is pretty disappointing. I think this was a major oversight and I hope you will consider a player's real world schedule before implementing something like this in the future.

> > > >

> > > > I hope they do consider that in the future or have a timegate that makes sense and adds something positive to the game.

> > >

> > > The problem I see here is that the future of gw2 may be this. Basic a mobile game that you play on pc. Don't forget that NCsoft has decided to focus on mobile platforms.

> >

> > WUT? There has always been some degree of time gated things in this game. What you see here isn't a new trend in GW2.


> How many mounts are time gated on daily reset ? One thing is an item that are plenty of ways to get, an mount is completely different, specially on gw2 since they are not just cosmetic but actually have a specific function.


Why does that matter? A mount that is time gated is no different than any other time gated content. Other time gated items also have specific functions too. These attempts to differentiate mounts as 'special' do not change the fact that time gated things are not new to GW2.

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> @"PixelJaeger.2403" said:

> Just wait until you see how many of the collections have subcollections... Timegating is one thing i could live with. But the 2nd collection alone has 14ish sub-collections. I'm really sorry to say that, but in my opinion, the new Mount is definetly not worth that much effort.

> Don't get me wrong. I'm not against "working" towards something but this collection design leaves more than a bad taste in my mouth.

> Therefore i will not be going to get it and also be looking for other games to play. This much grinding inside of grinding is ridiculous.


To be quite honest, I don't mind the subcollections. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was definitely not set up in the best way. But I actually appreciate that each subcollection has you go off to different parts of Tyria, even if it's just do some more arbitrary tasks. It's still better than the 3 loops around the same map, IMO.


My main gripe, again, is that just like how I mentioned in my first post, these collections already seem like they take more time than the Griffon and Beetle's tasks combined; so then _why_ does there need be a time-gate _as well_?


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also, alongside the daily reset timegates for the main collections, apparently a bunch of the 14 sub collections for the full Second collection, have time gates on them as well. (One of them requires you to feed your skyscale X amount of food, but you are only allowed to feed them 3 a day)

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> @"Drewan.5681" said:

> also, alongside the daily reset timegates for the main collections, apparently a bunch of the 14 sub collections for the full Second collection, have time gates on them as well. (One of them requires you to feed your skyscale X amount of food, but you are only allowed to feed them 3 a day)


Are... are you for real? I... I don't even know what to say to that. Which subcollection is that for?

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"Drewan.5681" said:

> > also, alongside the daily reset timegates for the main collections, apparently a bunch of the 14 sub collections for the full Second collection, have time gates on them as well. (One of them requires you to feed your skyscale X amount of food, but you are only allowed to feed them 3 a day)


> Are... are you for real? I... I don't even know what to say to that. Which subcollection is that for?


Here is the reddit post about it:



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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> Another thread is now complaining about the collections itself.


> See why some people are only seeing the need for instant gratification in all these complains? This mentality completely ruined so many games, and it's never enough.

> I miss GW1.


Literally nothing in GW1 was this ridiculous.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > @"Drewan.5681" said:

> > > also, alongside the daily reset timegates for the main collections, apparently a bunch of the 14 sub collections for the full Second collection, have time gates on them as well. (One of them requires you to feed your skyscale X amount of food, but you are only allowed to feed them 3 a day)

> >

> > Are... are you for real? I... I don't even know what to say to that. Which subcollection is that for?


> Here is the reddit post about it:


> https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bp5mhn/skyscale_even_more_timegated/


Wow. I've been trying really hard to not get angry about this but; holy crap. Just like that, they've made practically every point brought up in the thread even worse. I'll keep trucking on but damn, that's a real mood killer.

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > Another thread is now complaining about the collections itself.

> >

> > See why some people are only seeing the need for instant gratification in all these complains? This mentality completely ruined so many games, and it's never enough.

> > I miss GW1.


> Literally nothing in GW1 was this ridiculous.


Did you get god walking amongst mere mortals? Do you remember what it took to get the few extra skins for gw2 ?

Do you remember the black moa collection? Or how tedious some stuff was to complete the hall of monuments?

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > Another thread is now complaining about the collections itself.

> > >

> > > See why some people are only seeing the need for instant gratification in all these complains? This mentality completely ruined so many games, and it's never enough.

> > > I miss GW1.

> >

> > Literally nothing in GW1 was this ridiculous.


> Did you get god walking amongst mere mortals? Do you remember what it took to get the few extra skins for gw2 ?

> Do you remember the black moa collection? Or how tedious some stuff was to complete the hall of monuments?


The Black Moa Collection wasn't even in the same league as putting time gated steps into already time gated collections of which there are multiple.

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> @"Drewan.5681" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > I miss GW1.


> thankfully for you GW1 is still there, so instead of complaining about Gw2, you can go back and play that instead


I'm... not the one complaining?

Or do you mean it's not allowed to complain about people who keep finding everything single thing to criticize GW2.

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Time-gating mechanics _**force**_ players to rush through content. You either rush as fast as possible in order to not waste many days, or your play leisurely and get punished for not being able to get your mount in 2-3 weeks.


* Only have time to play in the weekends? Say hi to the new mount next month.

* Want to explore the map, enjoy the meta first, and then work hard to get the mount? You'll get punished for it.

* Are you so incredibly excited for the mount that you want to priotize it over everything else? Hope you enjoy the exciting ticking clock mini-game!

* Do you feel bad for playing the new map while still not unlocking your masteries? Do you feel bad that you're wasting your exp gain? Nothing you can do. Just wait and wait and wait until your excitement wears off.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> ROFLOL!!!!


> I am probably not going to even be able to START the stuff for the mount until Sunday and my major concern is if people will still be doing the story this weekend. All of you are complaining about 5 days? Please.


> [i would rather in not be story gated though, I like to do stories on my own schedule. Raise the cost of it if you want to.]


No. People are complaining about five weeks. Stop thinking about yourself and your own schedule.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> Only children think that calling others children is an insult. It's quite obvious they haven't had a full time job if they believe this has absolutely no effect on restricted free-time schedules - and somehow believe our discontent is stemming from entitlement for instant gratification.


I work over 50 hours a week pretty consistently and I still voted no.

Restricted free-time schedule are a thing, but i don't know many adults who would give such a fuss about not getting a reward in a game within a day.

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don't like manufactured player population


it's kinda conveying to players, "we know we don't have enough contents on this map, in order to make sure you will come back and that you WILL BE FORCED to come back to the map everyday, we are going to throw this timegated thing for as long as possible.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> I do not mind the timegate nor the collections. Not sure what the fuss is about.


The "fuss" has been pretty well explained, I think. While it's nice that you don't have an issue with it, I think it's been made very clear over the past 300+ comments just exactly why people take issue with this.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> > > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > > @"Katastroff.1045" said

> > > >Seriously, That much crib shaking for a 4-5 days time gate???

> > >

> > > > @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> > > > Found you guys a theme song for this topic. :p

> > >

> > > Way to subvert people's feelings as baseless whining and being pointlessly antagonistic towards legitimate criticisms. No one wants the mount right this second, we _want_ to be allowed to work for it.

> > >

> > > Your comments basically prove that you've pretty much ignored everyone's actual criticisms just so you could stir up anger. Congrats.

> > >

> >

> > Did i hit a nerve? All i see here are people complaining about a thing being time gated. there are tons of things in the game that are this way.

> > Do a collection, then go on a bounty train. Do the second collection, go do some HoT metas. Do the third one and go in WvW.

> >

> > You can also take some bio breaks in between. Eating is also allowed. :p


> Being dismissive because you want to be does not mean all valid claims are just "complainers complaining."


> If you have any reasons with backbone that can legitimatize the reason for a time-gate, I would love to hear them.


> Just make sure it's not -


> * 1) It makes the content last longer.


> (It does not, it lasts the same for various reasons already listed. People will play or not play regardless. Less-so with time-gates.)

I totally agree with you, content that last is good content.

> * 2) It makes it realistic for raising a skyscale.


> (In reality it does not. Dragons do not grow in 5 days from hatching.)


> * 3) We already have time-gated content elsewhere, this is no different.

And nobody died doing them

> (Laughable. Time-gating a mount that already has collections has no precedence. Do you want all new content to be time-gated? Guess so.)


> * 4) Entitlement / Instant Gratification / Complaining to complain.


> (We want to play and work for it when we are able to play. And now we're not allowed to.)

Yes we are allowed.

> * 5) It lets everyone get it at the same pace.

And why not at their own pace?

> (This failed on day one, as the reset happened before **everyone** could complete the first collection; in addition to people having a life.)


> Those are all of the main reasons I have seen for **why the time-gate should be allowed**, in contrast, nothing has been brought up that gives the time-gate a legitimate reason to exist in the first place.


I think the collection and time gate are fine has they are, I see no reason for you or anyone else dictating how the game should be played. Once im done with the collection, (wich i will do despite the fact that i have a full time job, a wife, a daughter and a life) I will have a sense of having accomplish something. If what you want is instant gratification, please indulge yourself.

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