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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> Did we already mention the fact that you need 12 charged quartz crystals for day 3 because that's also a thing.


That's annoying. But Just two days ago I finished a legendary weapon and needed 19 charged quartz. So that is not a new way to make it annoying for players. Luckily I had more than enough from Wintersday boxes.


I don't mind time gates. I crafted Aurora and people were bothered by the time gated heart vendor items. I still visit the map and do the hearts regularly, it's quick and easy. I want something to do in the game and not just purchase stuff. That's why I don't like the change they made with 2nd generation legendary weapons. You basically just buy the stuff and craft it. Nothing legendary in it. With the 1st generation, you could choose to do that if you were in a hurry. For whatever reason one could be in a hurry playing a game. Unless you earn money with being the first to post videos on youtube flying your new mount or showing how to do the collections, it's mostly because of the need for instant gratification. I don't mind Anet keeping me from burning through the content, but I don't plan to keep up with those players who spend day and night to not miss a deadline on collections anyway. I have spend weeks or months getting Aurora, and that was not just flying around around and collecting things.


Time gates are not new and they have always bothered some people. I actually like that a game can teach something else than instant gratification. You want something, you work for it, save up day after day (like ascended crafting mats and quartz) with the goal to get what you want. It's an important ethics that many people lack.

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> @"Shade.8971" said:

> > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > @"Shade.8971" said:

> > > So we need 22 charged quartz for the 3rd day collection? 1 charged quartz a day means..... And to get around this you can buy the items off TP for almost half of the cost of griffon? The prices of these items will no doubt go up.

> >

> > 70g for the grow lamp. Yeesh. Do you know how many Skyscale food you need in total? Wanna it before the price goes even higher.


> You need 12. Going for 8g a pop right now. You can feed the skyscale three times a day so 4 more days added for skyscale mount. Timegate within a timegate.


My god that is so ridiculous. The 5 days on resets alone seemed really bs to me, but this is some next level stuff. Almost 200g for this stuff, and we don't even know what's behind days 4 and 5 yet, might as well just have been another gold sink like the griffon. [ Cue people calling us stupid for wanting to spend gold over waiting 20+ day just to complete a fifth of the collections. ]


Anyhow, thanks for the info. Saved me at least a _little_ bit of money. Cheers.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"ixora.3569" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > While I'm no fan of time gating as it feels arbitrary, i don't think it's as bad as a lot of people make it out to be.

> > > They're just preventing people from being done on day 1.

> > > I mean, even the story could be finished by in an hour.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Maybe next time they shouldn't say that the mount is available "today" and just be real with us honestly.


> But you can use it day 1, just not permanently. There are enough roosts on the map as well. People are extremely dramatic about this because they are used to having everything right away. Can't have it your way ALL the time.


That's not true tho is it? You imply that the players who are complaining about the timegate are greedy/lazy/impatient when the fact is they are doing the content and playing the game. The exact opposite of what your argument implies. Why shouldn't people be rewarded for investing time and effort? If they do all the work now, what exactly is the problem with that and how does it make them "used to having everything right away"?

Players aren't asking to have everything right away, they're asking for the rewards of their long efforts to not be locked away behind an arbitrary barrier for no good, discernible reason.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > read up what "entitled" means, thank you.


> "Entitled: believing oneself to be inherently [without effort of or work] deserving of privileges [skyscale]."


Fixed this for you.


You are wrong.


By definition.

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> @"wolfyrik.2017" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > read up what "entitled" means, thank you.

> >

> > "Entitled: believing oneself to be inherently [without effort of or work] deserving of privileges [skyscale]."


> Fixed this for you.


> You are wrong.


> By definition.


Some seem to confuse working with waiting, which would explain a lot of things in the service industry. Some also seem to not understand what the word privilege means, which would also explain a lot about certain things.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> It's fine. People complain too much when things aren't about Instant Gratification. And going forward the process for getting the Skyscale and how good it feels to finally get it will leave you feeling happier and more attached to your mount.


Question for you:


How is playing the game instant gratification? How is doing a tedious collection that is unfun compared to most other games and things I can do in my free time instant gratification? You and others act as if the alternative to a "YOU STOP PLAYING NOW AND WAIT" is "Hey, thanks for logging in. Press F to get a mount." People still do the content, you absolute buffoon. They still go to places, they still put in the same hours to get the mount as someone who takes a 7 year break in between sub-sub-sub achievements. They just aren't forced to stop playing when daddy anet wants them to.


But hey, a 7 day timegate is a perfect way to make sure people are still playing when in 7 days the newest mount skin is released. :^)

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Do you go to work for free? Do you go to a restaurant and demand free food? No. The game is giving you the OPTION of obtaining a FREE mount under their terms (free if you logged in during every each episode this season). With Griffon it was 250 Gold and Collections. This one is free and you have to put in a bit more work at a predetermined pace. These collections are not arduous; they are really easy and they encourage you go to different maps, complete events and work towards something fun yet OPTIONAL.


In LW2 we got Mawdry which had time gated content (Charged Quartz). In LW3 we got Aurene and it required full story achieves to complete plus a bunch of wasted Xunlei Ingots. I literally just finished that collection bc I could not get the 2 achieves from the story in Bitterfrost (stay unfrosty and under 5 mins) so I put it aside for a while and did something else until I had everything I needed to craft it and the achieves done. Those who did not bother with the LW3 map and story achievements had to do a lot more work to do on maps with low population at times; plus they had to complete the second collection and get the required T6 mats.


Understanding that LW3 was a Leg Trinket, this is really no different in principle. For those who use the argument "I only play an hour a night" the good news is that we do not need to get it all done in one night so the argument is irrelevant in this case. Right now, we have 7 mounts in this game and we really did not need another one. If ppl think they cannot get on in this game without the Skyscale, then they really need to reconsider if this is the right game for them. Everyone please, stop complaining about the timegate and realise that you are upset over a couple of collections that apply to an optional part of the game -- and it is just a game.


-- Edited for clarification/typos and to include Mawdry information

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Imo the skyscale shouldve unlocked after the first collection. Then with the following collection you couldve worked towards an Aurene skin for your skyscale. That way everyone would get to enjoy the new mount early, but still have something longer-term to work towards. Also an Aurene skin wouldve been a nice and fitting reward for a series of collections spanning the entirety of ls4.

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> @"Shade.8971" said:

> Anyone know the recipe for the food? I know it requires one charged quartz.


Here ya go.


> @"PervMonk.4891" said:

> > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > @"Shade.8971" said:

> > > So we need 22 charged quartz for the 3rd day collection? 1 charged quartz a day means..... And to get around this you can buy the items off TP for almost half of the cost of griffon? The prices of these items will no doubt go up.

> >

> > 70g for the grow lamp. Yeesh. Do you know how many Skyscale food you need in total? Wanna it before the price goes even higher.


> 100g for the lamp and 12 pieces of food

> here is the recipe for the food https://i.imgur.com/MpK72jW.png


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> @"Faaris.8013" said:


> Time gates are not new and they have always bothered some people. I actually like that a game can teach something else than instant gratification. You want something, you work for it, save up day after day (like ascended crafting mats and quartz) with the goal to get what you want. It's an important ethics that many people lack.


Have you even read like, any of the actual complaints? I feel like myself and others have explained in almost every post replying to stuff like this here that this is _NOT_, and has _NEVER BEEN_ about instant gratification. It is _FAR_ from instant even without the time-gating. These first two collections have taken me 12 compiled hours so far, and that's only two-fifths of the whole piece. No one was expecting to just instantly get the mount, we were expecting to do collections just like we did with the beetle.


The beetle collections all took 6 hours together for me to complete. The first two of the five for the Skyscale already doubled that. It's not like we're not putting in the effort. I've already put more energy and time into this than any other mount, probably including the griffon. No one wants "instant gratification." We want to be able to put in the effort when we want to, _without_ needing to meet an arbitrary deadline, that if we don't meet, automatically pushes back our progress by 24 hours.

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:


> > Time gates are not new and they have always bothered some people. I actually like that a game can teach something else than instant gratification. You want something, you work for it, save up day after day (like ascended crafting mats and quartz) with the goal to get what you want. It's an important ethics that many people lack.


> Have you even read like, any of the actual complaints? I feel like myself and others have explained in almost every post replying to stuff like this here that this is _NOT_, and has _NEVER BEEN_ about instant gratification. It is _FAR_ from instant even without the time-gating. These first two collections have taken me 12 compiled hours so far, and that's only two-fifths of the whole piece. No one was expecting to just instantly get the mount, we were expecting to do collections just like we did with the beetle.


> The beetle collections all took 6 hours together for me to complete. The first two of the five for the Skyscale already doubled that. It's not like we're not putting in the effort. I've already put more energy and time into this than any other mount, probably including the griffon. No one wants "instant gratification." We want to be able to put in the effort when we want to, _without_ needing to meet an arbitrary deadline, that if we don't meet, automatically pushes back our progress by 24 hours.


Preach, brother. Though I am afraid that they are intellectually just not capable to understand your sermons.

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> @"Zushada.6108" said: -- and it is just a game.


And "go suck a thumb" is just a phrase, yet I'll still get banned for that. So kindly bugger off if you don't understand what the problem is, but in the few minutes I've got left in this god forsaken hellhole, let me put it in simple terms for a simple person such as you:


People play game.

Timegate says: "you no play game now, you wait."

People says: "Why? Me want play."

Timegate says: "No."

People says: "But I liek."

Timegate says: "No you wait."

People says: "Why?"

Timegate says: "Because I say so."

People says: "Ok I play other gaem now k thx bye."


Players still play the dumb game and put the same amount of hours into that - attention, forum auto censorship - extremely well designed and fuuuuun quest. It's still work, - which the likes of braindead and conditioned you seem to think is the ultimate goal of a game: work - just without the forced breaks in between. It's still doing the same amount of things.


So tell me, Mister Clever: Where do you think the instant gratification is? And while you're at it:



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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Time gates are not new and they have always bothered some people. I actually like that a game can teach something else than instant gratification. You want something, you work for it, save up day after day (like ascended crafting mats and quartz) with the goal to get what you want. It's an important ethics that many people lack.


Whenever I see people making this argument it's always in regards to cosmetics. This is different, it's a functional item, one that the new map is meant to feature. Gating off this type of thing that does have function in the game other than cosmetics is not the same as gating off a skin. This is the big point that people are making, that making things difficult is find and make people play through the content and even some old content is great, but time gating especially for a functional item is not a good method of keeping people going and actually making an enjoyable experience for the player. This is not how you keep a playerbase enjoying your game, this is the type of thing that drives people away.


Also this feels like it wouldn't be as big of a deal if anet were transparent as to how much work actually goes into getting this mount. At least with legendaries we know what goes into crafting them and we can judge how much time we have to spend instead of just being strung along with increasingly annoying collections and gates that we can't see till the previous one is done and reset hits.


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Do you know that we need 21 weeks time gate to get my legendary set from WvW?

It's similar with the PvP and PvE set.

Some people will say "That is why I am not doing it".

Well, put the same logic with the mount. You don't have to do it if you don't want.

No one has put a knife on your throat to get the armor or the mount at any cost.

How can't people understand that collections are one of the better things in GW2?

They give you content, they give you something to do.

"Hey, do you know the exotic dungeon gear? It sells for the currency of the specific dungeon. Why ANET don't give us all these without working for them."

"Hey, do you know Istan? It gives only 15-20g per hour. Why don't ANET send everyone 10k gold, I don't have time to farm gold and I don't want either."

This is how you sound.



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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Do you know that we need 21 weeks time gate to get my legendary set from WvW?

> It's similar with the PvP and PvE set.

> Some people will say "That is why I am not doing it".

> Well, put the same logic with the mount. You don't have to do it if you don't want.

> No one has put a knife on your throat to get the armor or the mount at any cost.

> How can't people understand that collections are one of the better things in GW2?

> They give you content, they give you something to do.

> "Hey, do you know the exotic dungeon gear? It sells for the currency of the specific dungeon. Why ANET don't give us all these without working for them."


No one's saying that they don't want to work for it! We're saying that the time gate, for something that is NOT A LEGENDARY I might add (nor a skin), is just not a good way of extending content and feels like bad game design! The collections are great, working for something is great, just having these artificial gates is not! Stop acting like people don't want to play the game. We just don't want these time gates halting our progress and forcing us to speed through collections to meet the deadline of reset.




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I have to agree with a lot of the people here. Will I do the Skyscale stuff? Yes. Was I happy about the time gating? No. It really just puts an unnecessary wrench in the gears. Remove the time gating, and I'm fine with everything else. I can do a big collection, I can run to locations and hunt down events. It makes me feel like what I'm getting is going to be worth it. But the time gating just feels annoyingly artificial, and I haven't liked it in any game.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> "Hey, do you know the exotic dungeon gear? It sells for the currency of the specific dungeon. Why ANET don't give us all these without working for them."

> "Hey, do you know Istan? It gives only 15-20g per hour. Why don't ANET send everyone 10k gold, I don't have time to farm gold and I don't want either."

> This is how you sound.


_How many times do I have to say that we don't want instant gratification_? We're not out here demanding ANet give us the mount with no strings attached. We aren't asking for something for nothing.


Already, the first two parts of the collections combined take about 12 hours. Without any time-gating, the whole thing could take about 30 hours, and that's ignoring the 22 days one would have to wait during part 3 to get the quartz. Does 30 hours sound instant to you?


We _want_ to put in the effort needed to get this, so we _can_ feel like we're working towards something. But we _can't_ when the time-gate is stopping us from doing so just because we're doing it too fast for ANet's liking.


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> @"FuguZombie.2938" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > Do you know that we need 21 weeks time gate to get my legendary set from WvW?

> > It's similar with the PvP and PvE set.

> > Some people will say "That is why I am not doing it".

> > Well, put the same logic with the mount. You don't have to do it if you don't want.

> > No one has put a knife on your throat to get the armor or the mount at any cost.

> > How can't people understand that collections are one of the better things in GW2?

> > They give you content, they give you something to do.

> > "Hey, do you know the exotic dungeon gear? It sells for the currency of the specific dungeon. Why ANET don't give us all these without working for them."


> No one's saying that they don't want to work for it! We're saying that the time gate, for something that is NOT A LEGENDARY I might add (nor a skin), is just not a good way of extending content and feels like bad game design! The collections are great, working for something is great, just having these artificial gates is not! Stop acting like people don't want to play the game. We just don't want these time gates halting our progress and forcing us to speed through collections to meet the deadline of reset.





It is better than a legendary or a skin - it is functionality, a new mechanic. In fact I will be using it more often than 70% of my legendaries or skins. Also it is times cheaper than a legendary. Not to mention that it is times faster to obtain it. On 14th I did the full story + map completion - took me 2,5-3 hours (without rushing). On 15th completed the 1st part of the collection (scales, sick skyscales, eggs etc.) and waiting for the reset - took me 2,5-3 hours (with the Wiki and few youtube videos). Today I will do the next part of the collection. I don't see what is the problem here, why so much drama? There is a new "thing" in the game, locked behind time gate and few collections, it is not the 1st and it won't be the last. Will you people keep "crying" about every new collection from now on or time gated item? Also, what deadline are you talking about? There is no deadline. You can do it after 1 month if you want, take your time, no one is rushing you.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> It is better than a legendary or a skin - it is functionality, a new mechanic. In fact I will be using it more often than 70% of my legendaries or skins. Also it is times cheaper than a legendary. Not to mention that it is times faster to obtain it. On 14th I did the full story + map completion - took me 2,5-3 hours (without rushing). On 15th completed the 1st part of the collection (scales, sick skyscales, eggs etc.) and waiting for the reset - took me 2,5-3 hours (with the Wiki and few youtube videos). Today I will do the next part of the collection. I don't see what is the problem here, why so much drama? There is a new "thing" in the game, locked behind time gate and few collections, it is not the 1st and it won't be the last. Will you people keep "crying" about every new collection from now on or time gated item? Also, what deadline are you talking about? There is no deadline. You can do it after 1 month if you want, take your time, no one is rushing you.


My point is that gating off a new mechanic in such a way that will drive people away from obtaining it is a really poor move! We're mad cause we WANT TO WORK ON THE COLLECTIONS but are being stopped by time gates. And the deadline is finishing the previous collection so we can get the new one at reset. You don't finish in time? Screw you, you don't get to work on your collection another day. This isn't about laziness, this isn't about "crying," this is about being locked out of content day to day unless you finish within a set time frame.




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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Will you people keep "crying" about every new collection from now on or time gated item? Also, what deadline are you talking about? There is no deadline. You can do it after 1 month if you want, take your time, no one is rushing you.


The "deadline" is the fact that you can only unlock the next collection track if you have the previous one completed by the daily reset, which when it takes 5 - 6 hours to do, when you only have a set amount of time to spend on the game, punishes you by making you wait an extra 24 hours to continue. Considering that part 3 requires you to feed it over 4 days [12 food items to it in 3 per reset clock increments] , and the fact that people who can't afford to buy the grow lamp and food from the TP [almost 200g and probably spiking] need to wait another _22_ on top of that, plus then an _extra_ day if they didn't feed it the last time before the reset that day. It's not a matter of being upset about having to do the collections or "wait a little bit of time", _it's about being forced to stretch 5 days worth of content over 30 days_.


And that 30 is even a lowball, because it implies you've had the time in your day to do all that stuff, otherwise get thrown back an extra day thanks to the reset, AND the fact that no one has the details on Collections 4 and 5, which could bloat that number out even more. No one "cries" about legendaries and ascendeds being time-gated because you go into that stuff _knowing_ it'll be time consuming. Literally no one knew what this mount was going to entail until _launch day_, after thousands of people had already taken days off from work to have fun with the new content just like they had done all those months ago for the beetle.


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> @"FuguZombie.2938" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> > It is better than a legendary or a skin - it is functionality, a new mechanic. In fact I will be using it more often than 70% of my legendaries or skins. Also it is times cheaper than a legendary. Not to mention that it is times faster to obtain it. On 14th I did the full story + map completion - took me 2,5-3 hours (without rushing). On 15th completed the 1st part of the collection (scales, sick skyscales, eggs etc.) and waiting for the reset - took me 2,5-3 hours (with the Wiki and few youtube videos). Today I will do the next part of the collection. I don't see what is the problem here, why so much drama? There is a new "thing" in the game, locked behind time gate and few collections, it is not the 1st and it won't be the last. Will you people keep "crying" about every new collection from now on or time gated item? Also, what deadline are you talking about? There is no deadline. You can do it after 1 month if you want, take your time, no one is rushing you.


> My point is that gating off a new mechanic in such a way that will drive people away from obtaining it is a really poor move! We're mad cause we WANT TO WORK ON THE COLLECTIONS but are being stopped by time gates. And the deadline is finishing the previous collection so we can get the new one at reset. You don't finish in time? Screw you, you don't get to work on your collection another day. This isn't about laziness, this isn't about "crying," this is about being locked out of content day to day unless you finish within a set time frame.





I understand you completely but it will take you a little longer time, yet not even close to the time gating of raiding, wvw, pvp legendary gear. You have to understand that time gating is a thing and it is not a bad thing. You won't get the mount after 30 hours straight gameplay but 6 days for 5 hours - what is the problem about this? I have read several amusing possible answers to this, including: "I have taken 2 days off and now I can't finish the collection for these 2 days", (someone in the merged thread) "[i am working in RL, why should I work for the mount in the game](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76605/to-those-seriously-doing-the-skyscale-collection-i-have-a-question#latest "I am working in RL, why should I work for the mount in the game")". So ANET should develop based on your job/day off schedule. This is amusing, really. In fact ANET did great job with the time gating because players that play 10 hours a day and players that play 2-3 hours a day will get the mount in similar time.

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> @"Raseus.2543" said:

> On the day we feed the hatchling the last 3 times we click on an icon 3 times and then have to wait for reset to progress..fun!


> But I have to say it is very sad that the presentation of the hatchling and the way we grow it is overshadowed by the timegates...


this reminds me of the Horde questchain from WoW for Kua’fon. if they watched this and thought "thats a good idea, let us do it too".

Anet?! No its not a good idea.

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > Will you people keep "crying" about every new collection from now on or time gated item? Also, what deadline are you talking about? There is no deadline. You can do it after 1 month if you want, take your time, no one is rushing you.


> The "deadline" is the fact that you can only unlock the next collection track if you have the previous one completed by the daily reset, which when it takes 5 - 6 hours to do, when you only have a set amount of time to spend on the game, punishes you by making you wait an extra 24 hours to continue.


Deadline means "the latest time or date by which something should be completed." There is no deadline, don't confuse rushing with deadline. You can do 1 part of the collection 3 days and your progress will not reset after each day. If it was resetting you could call it deadline.

And you will wait if you have to. I am finishing the platinum chest in WvW Sunday (Friday is the reset) and 5 days after I don't get tickets. I have news for you - I am waiting 5 days to get the chance of obtaining some more tickets. And oh, you know what, this is every week. Do I make a thread about it? Should I?

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