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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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I have been thinking about the best way that ANet could handle this, and still keep the intent of the collection, and make it feel like a legendary mount while still getting access to it.


1. Base Mount and Mastery Track 1 (in-air rescue I think it's called) unlocks with story complete and talking to Gorrik (you already befriended a few).

2. You have to do that mastery as normal.

3. The next track is locked until some level of the collection is done (say as close to 50% as possible).

4. Do mastery bar and spend points as normal.

5. Last mastery unlocks with full collection.

6. Do mastery bar and spend points as normal.


Allows people to at least get the base mount and feel like they are making progress, and the 'bonding with the baby' explains why you deepen the connection to your mount. You show you care about the new species' well being.


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lmao ,we should have timegated content because SOME people just can't control themselves ? Kind of hard to take this sort of argument serious. Anyway what about they timegate everything is that case ? Think of those that are not even sleeping or eating properly because they can't control themselves from not completing all the other non timegated collections and achievements


More and more just confirming to be a concern troll, just like that other guy that said that people not enjoying this system is a "vocal minority". I really would like to know how he knows that. Does he work in Anet and have access to some data we don't ?

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> I think all of us agree that the timegate should be real time (or in-game time) and not a reset.


> Even people that don't want timegate at all would accept a fair system for timegate not based on resets.


> And we can all agree that the mount needs some buffs/reworks. I wish they did an open beta weekend.


Would make so much [sense].


To your last point I can’t say it needs a buff or rework till I’ve experienced all of what it can do with the masteries. The stream didn’t make me think it was bad though.


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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > > If you want to give negative feedback, let other people contradict said feedback. Especially when we're down a level where definition are twisted in such a way where they don't make sense anymore. Optional means you don't need it to progress in the game or do anything in the game. It does not mean that the requirements should be optional. Otherwise let's just unlock it all for everyone instantly and yeah have fun for 5 minutes and everyone finds someone else to complain about an hour later.

> > > >

> > > > People don't have to agree with you. You made your point but I don't happen to think it's valid. There is no "problem" because there's no constraint. You -choose- to stress yourself over rushing collections -if- you want it as fast as possible, but NOTHING forces you to but yourself.

> > > >

> > > > 1) Pretty much what is happening here.

> > > > 2) That is factually true

> > > > 3) Also factually true

> > > > Nothing but to remind people that they get WAY over their head and blow things out of proportion as always. Which again, is a counter argument I'm allowed to make.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm not providing any negative feedback, (negative in light of the current state of the collection, albeit) the only thing I have done so far is explain what time-gates are, what they cause, and why they shouldn't be around for anything except Legendary-tier equipment and accessories. That is not negative feedback, it is simply feedback that a large chunk of people agree with.

> > >

> > > The only reason I have to keep explaining anything at all is because the same baseless arguments are being used that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual problem, literally beating around the bush instead of confronting what the issue is. By the time a full page of this thread is done everything has been explained, and then the next page starts and it's just a fresh hot-heap of a mess again with the same arguments and explanations that already took place 30 minutes ago.

> > >

> > > A time-gate is not a requirement, it's an artificial setback. If you seriously think it's a requirement to sit there on your thumbs all day, then you should start asking for more time-gated content on all new releases. If that makes you happy, then fine, but I seriously doubt you would want that.

> > >

> > > No one said to unlock it for everyone instantly, no one is talking about complaints about other mishaps in the past. This is something you have decided to discuss that doesn't have anything to do with the thread. We do not want to be instantly given the mount, most of us do not want the collections changed at all. We want the time constraints removed so it doesn't screw with out daily schedules. **Simple.**

> > >

> > > People don't have to agree with me, you're right. But at the same time if you're going to try and denounce valid points with nothing but stuffing you're pulling out of the "pillow that is yesterday," then... I'm going to again reiterate on my stance. Even if you fail to comprehend anything, maybe someone else will have the switch flip in their head where something finally registers correctly.

> > >

> > > This whole time constraint / time-gate issue has nothing to do with you or anyone who does not have a problem with it. If you do not have a problem with it and it has not bothered you because it never affected you **at all**, then honestly there is no reason to be here stirring a storm because you're bored. If the time constraint never bothered you now, then it's never going to bother you when it's removed. 1+1=2

> > >

> > > 1), 2), 3) ... in all honesty that just shows how much of a troll you are and why your responses have lacked any discussion-worthy material that is relevant to how tiem constraints do or do not affect your daily schedule. Why are you here?

> >

> > First, everytime someone calls someone else a troll over not agreeing with them, it doesn't make me want to try to make a step forward (which I've actually been doing earlier in this thread), even when I agree with them. This way of trying to win arguments has been a cancer fast spreading that has reached political spheres and is putting us in the situation we are in today, where no middle ground can ever be found. It leads nowhere to always assume that someone's motivation must be trolling, and even worse to try and stop them from talking.

> >

> > Second, you're illustrating perfectly in your first two paragraphs the issue with your approach. You start a conversation assuming to be a spreader of truth by "explaining" why something is wrong. There is no "I think" something wrong, only a "explanation".

> > However, the actual "explanation" stops at what timegates are and how it might affect people. As soon as you bring a concept or good or bad, it becomes opinion and what you think is best with the experience you have.

> > So your opinion seems to be that since it affects people in a bad way, they're doing it "wrong". I respect that, but my answer is basically always the same. You cannot please everyone. No matter their choice, gold sink, time sink, challenge, "insta reward", gem shop. Not matter, it WILL affect people negatively. So since your only point in your opinion is that it affects people who work a lot (not true for everyone) I therefore consider it invalid. Not a reading issue, a difference of opinions.

> >

> > As to the bold claim that it doesn't affect anyone else to remove timegates, this is where it get interesting.

> > - Some people -actually- like timegates, it gives them time to breathe otherwise they would be doing stuff non stop. Some people cannot stop themselves. And before saying they need some self control, let me ask you if you agree that governments should regulate lootboxes (i'm not getting into that at all, but it's a remarkable way to test people consistency in what they think is "right"). To me, this "self control issue" is no better or worse than someone who feels sad because it will take them more time to get their content.

> > - Timegates make sense for Anet at the end of a season, as there's most likely going to be a game between now and next episode, and they do want people to keep playing the game as much as possible (hence why, the collection goes everywhere, not just stick to the map). There again, players can argue that it's dumb, but statistically, even though I do not have proof of that, there are more players playing now, and spending money on gemstore, that there was a month ago and that there will be in a month or two.

> > - As to why it impacts me, let me say that I want the game to live as long as possible as I enjoy it immensely, and I consider Anet's logic valid if their goal is to keep people in game. I do -not- like the timegate "for the timegate" and i've said it many times, but unless someone here comes with a crazy idea to ensure the game won't be bleeding people within the next few months before the next season, I'd much rather get a beefy, long lasting goal to look forward to to ensure i will stay motivated.

> > And sorry to that, but when I'm balancing that to a few days of wait, I just can't help but considering the demand invalid.

> > Oh and also, I'm tired of 'Eater of Souls' kind of outrages when something designed by Anet "needs" to be changed "absolutely" otherwise Revoluzion. Like there's a point where feedback turns into unhealthy anger and we are in it once again.

> >

> > And yeah well, 1) 2) 3) are still true, troll or not. The way people can start a general outrage over very little things is genuinely fascinating. Unlike you, I've made many steps forward by agreeing multiple time that yes marketing could have done a better job and yes timegate is not exactly "epic" but at the end of the day if you get down to the basics of the issue, the following statement applies: "It sucks, but is it really that bad?"


> I think a 4th point for this time gate is both the more natural feeling of the dragon growing up. (although it doesn't have to be at reset)

> And as a fifth point that it boosts the charged crystal economy.


So if they give the mount to people that complete the first part of the collection and make the rest towards something else, nothing really would change right ? There would be still timegated content for people that can't control themselves. This whole point about the mount having to be timegated makes no sense. They could just time gate content that already has a precedent , like ascended gear (the trinkets for example) . That way they can make the skygate just like the other mounts, a collection that can be quickly done. The whole issue here for those who haven't understood yet is that they decided to timegate something that has no precedent so far and did not announce it to the player base, so us that have to schedule our gameplay can do it properly. On top of that they tied to the daily resets, which blocks people from continue the collection even if they are 1 minute too late ( again happened to quite a lot of people) , which is just a frustrating experience.


In short, we are not talking about whether content should be timegated or not, the game has plenty of timegated stuff already, we talking about a terrible system that can be improved so players don't have a terrible experience. Or would you actually enjoy being blocked for a whole day because of a couple of minutes, and on top of that, it was a day you took of work just to work on the content you got blocked ? Do you really think this is a enjoyable experience ?

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@"Kidel.2057" Well to clarify few things, my post was aimed mainly to people crying that they are unistalling the game because of a mount collection, or because that collection made the game unplayble for them... thats not feedback/ constructive criticism.. its being a spoiled brat that wants everything now , for free without any effort. I can understnad feedback and constructive criticism, but that's clearly not it.


It feels like with lege armor all over agian when people cried that it's unfair that the armor is locked behind raids... and they demand Lege armor to be availble to them just because they want to have it if I recall they just wanted a simple coollection for it.


And about me saying that I don't find it appealing... nothing is wrong with it... I am one of those very few people that didn't like the idea of mounts in GW. I don't like mounts at all, i can admit they can be useful in certain situatiowithouns but for ME... they could not exist. I enjoy slowly exploring and do all my exploration without the use of mounts - mayby it's weird but I don't care this is how I like to play.


If the mount does not feel too rewarding for the way he is being unlocked fine write comment about it but creating 100 threads about it it's kind of an overkill.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > > Quartz Crystal Formation are accountshared?

> > > wth? so you dont can gather 25 a day what you need for the daily Charged Quartz Crystal.

> > >

> > > its getting better and better.

> >

> > You can get them off the trading post for about 4g 50s a stack, but that's last I checked, could be higher now because of price spike. Without that though, no, you probably couldn't.


> yes i know that i can buy them. but somehow, maybe, it would be nice we can gather that stuff ourself. for example enough for 1 daily cooldown.


You can. You can get three from the home instance node (or more, if you get a lucky strike: theoretically, you could get 18 in one day if you were super lucky and got the bonus 5 crystals on all three strikes, or you could even get bonus charged crystals. But we'll just be basic and say 3.)


There are three quartz nodes in Dry Top, each good for 3, so 9 total there. If you do the sandstorm events when the map is at Tier 4 or above, after the Skritt Queen event you can access a rich quartz node in Cragrock Palace for another 10 crystals. Now you are up to a total of 22.


Now, in Crystal Oasis, there is one (and sometimes two) quartz nodes at Forged Foothold, and one (sometimes rich node) at Fortunate Strike. Hit any one of these, and you have your daily 25. Hit two and you don't need the home instance node.

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> @"Min Gorad.8109" said:

> @"Kidel.2057" Well to clarify few things, my post was aimed mainly to people crying that they are unistalling the game because of a mount collection, or because that collection made the game unplayble for them... thats not feedback/ constructive criticism.. its being a spoiled brat that wants everything now , for free without any effort. I can understnad feedback and constructive criticism, but that's clearly not it.


> It feels like with lege armor all over agian when people cried that it's unfair that the armor is locked behind raids... and they demand Lege armor to be availble to them just because they want to have it if I recall they just wanted a simple coollection for it.


> And about me saying that I don't find it appealing... nothing is wrong with it... I am one of those very few people that didn't like the idea of mounts in GW. I don't like mounts at all, i can admit they can be useful in certain situatiowithouns but for ME... they could not exist. I enjoy slowly exploring and do all my exploration without the use of mounts - mayby it's weird but I don't care this is how I like to play.


> If the mount does not feel too rewarding for the way he is being unlocked fine write comment about it but creating 100 threads about it it's kind of an overkill.


Being unsatisfied with a product that you paid for, (this is not free unless they started giving POF refunds and I don't know about it) because due to bad communication and poor implementation made you have terribly frustrating experience and waste one of the few days you can take off work is far from being a spoiled brat. Maybe you should try to be a bit more considerate about other people experience and not try to paint everyone with a wide brush like that. I my self unistalled the game and don't intend to play it any further, I am not saying everyone should do that or that the game is terrible or anything, I just won't support this sort system and release strategy that has a very high potential of being unsatisfactory as this one. Again, they could have timegated a lot of stuff that already has a precedent of being timegated or communicated with they player base better and not something that they even had streams about They decided not to, and that is fine, but people still have the right to express their lack of satisfaction with this strategy. Not everyone can just play a game whenever they want.


And again they could have given the mount for free, at the beginning of story and given us plenty of stuff to work for with out new mount , just like they did with the raptor, and still have plenty of timegated content. A cool idea I heard on my discord was to make this collection about having a grown skyscale that would fly around around the world and everyday would bring some sort of item, and you could choose between different types of items. Or just an exclusive skin for the skyscale that would have a matching set on the gem store for the other mounts. There are plenty of alternatives other than putting one of the main features of this episode behind a terrible implemented timegate that no one knows when it's going to end.

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Are we even playing the same game? To me gw2 was this crazy mmo where many players did collections for months or some people even years to get a legendary.

I understand time gating not being optimal, but a 25 page topic on or and people claiming to leave the game because of having to wait a few days? It seems crazy to me.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:


> In other News: Suicide rates in Divinity's Reach are exploding.


Yes, this is definitely an issue. (For those who haven't gotten to this stage, there's a collection requirement to rez a certain amount of people. Do players take their time, wandering far and wide over various maps, rezzing downed players? No, they do not. They leap _en masse_ over the nearby parapet to their death, where another group below rezzes them, so that the entire requirement is finished in a few minutes. I laughed so hard last night at the continuous stream of death screams, and this -- THIS!!! -- is some of the most fun I've had in the Skyscale quest so far. This is what we're driven to, since other parts of the quest are taking days and days, with no end in sight.)



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With the timegate coming up to halfway (as far as we know), a commonly said thing here is that "once it's over, you'll forget about it", which is a misconception, and I'd like to clear some things up.


Firstly, for the most part, we're not complaining about the Skyscale because we dislike the mount itself. This has always been about the timegate, and most of us here aren't undermining the effort that was put into designing the mount. However, we feel that this experience is putting an undeserved negative light on the mount. At this point, it's unfortunately likely that simply summoning the Skyscale could start a debate amongst nearby players, and after everything that's happened in the past few months, **that's not what this game needs**. If there's one thing this game doesn't need any more of, it's people complaining about mounts. See: Warclaw.


Secondly, the goal here isn't to _complain until something changes and we all shut up now that we have our Skyscale._ Many of us are bringing up the difficulties presented by the timegate in favour of friends and guildmates who have already given up on the collection before they've even started. For me personally, I have the time. But other friends aren't so fortunate. Some of these people have played since launch, now have full day-to-day schedules but still managed to get the griffon and beetle.


So please, withhold the temptation to simplify the argument from "make the timegate more reasonable" to "get rid of the timegate completely" (although I know there are still some people who would prefer that, the conditions of the collection make that too drastic of a change. The nature of the collections are intended to be progressive, and I for one would like to respect the intentions of the designers).


I expect no changes to be made until after the 24th's Skyscale stream, but I fear that that date is purposefully set to be around the time the collection will have come to an end (for those who have stayed on task), so as to minimise the potential of upset players bombarding the stream chat.


That said, I'd like to offer an opportunity of response from the team _before_ that stream, in hopes it will reduce the tension a little. Despite everything that's gone down, I do hope you guys are okay.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:


> You can. You can get three from the home instance node (or more, if you get a lucky strike: theoretically, you could get 18 in one day if you were super lucky and got the bonus 5 crystals on all three strikes, or you could even get bonus charged crystals. But we'll just be basic and say 3.)


> There are three quartz nodes in Dry Top, each good for 3, so 9 total there. If you do the sandstorm events when the map is at Tier 4 or above, after the Skritt Queen event you can access a rich quartz node in Cragrock Palace for another 10 crystals. Now you are up to a total of 22.


> Now, in Crystal Oasis, there is one (and sometimes two) quartz nodes at Forged Foothold, and one (sometimes rich node) at Fortunate Strike. Hit any one of these, and you have your daily 25. Hit two and you don't need the home instance node.


too many ifs. i know where they spawn. but its luck to mine 25 a day.



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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> I sure hope that I can trade the Skyscale for a legendary amulet or ring when I'm done. I wouldn't mind forging the Skyscale together with a Mystic Tribute to get something useful. Doesn't even need to have an aura.


> Seriously, I don't really care about the timegate, the collections are pretty good. But what all this for? A dragon mount that cannot even fly and has no advantage over other mounts in combination. Unless there is some surprise that makes it a flying mount, I will prefer the griffon. And all the stuff that we do for the Skyscale is a bit overkill for a mediocre item. I did Aurora and think it was worth it. So far, I don't think the Skyscale is worth the effort.


> In other News: Suicide rates in Divinity's Reach are exploding.


I hope there’s at least more to it than just being for the base mount. Lol honestly even if they just made it able to climb it would make a huge difference even without the full flight.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> If this had been resolved on the first day (lets be realistic here, it would not take much effort to fix this,) I would instead be in-game enjoying my day off as I do world completion on my other 4 alternate characters with the Skyscale (This is what I had planned to do from the beginning.)


> However, instead we're sitting here and I'm at the TP flipping materials. Mainly because I don't know if any more gold would be required.

No, I'm waiting for an event to start, that probably ended a minute or so before I arrived. So, instead of playing, I am doing something else, with one eye on the screen that is holding my GW2 account. Fun!

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> @"Min Gorad.8109" said:

> @"Kidel.2057" Well to clarify few things, my post was aimed mainly to people crying that they are unistalling the game because of a mount collection, or because that collection made the game unplayble for them... thats not feedback/ constructive criticism.. its being a spoiled brat that wants everything now , for free without any effort. I can understnad feedback and constructive criticism, but that's clearly not it.


> It feels like with lege armor all over agian when people cried that it's unfair that the armor is locked behind raids... and they demand Lege armor to be availble to them just because they want to have it if I recall they just wanted a simple coollection for it.


> And about me saying that I don't find it appealing... nothing is wrong with it... I am one of those very few people that didn't like the idea of mounts in GW. I don't like mounts at all, i can admit they can be useful in certain situatiowithouns but for ME... they could not exist. I enjoy slowly exploring and do all my exploration without the use of mounts - mayby it's weird but I don't care this is how I like to play.


> If the mount does not feel too rewarding for the way he is being unlocked fine write comment about it but creating 100 threads about it it's kind of an overkill.


Yeah agreed. I never gave too much criticism against timegates (except the feeding part and the quartz requirement, that is just stupid, period). I feel bad for people who finished a collection 3 minutes after midnight, could have been handled better (or just announce it in advance, come on).


My issue with the mount is that after 247 achievement items we basically get an afk hoverboard. No real usage in game if you have springer and griffon, that are much easier to get (and this mount doesn't even replace them).


Want to make a timegated 247 item achievement? Fine, but do it well and make it worthwhile.


I won't complain if they buff this mount or say that it will NEVER have tp skins (and that's impossible, so why get a vanity mount if you need a tp purchase to make it really vanity?)

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> I'm far more moderate. Make the timegating more impartial if you want (so real time wait instead of reset), or leave it as it is. My main issue is that the mount has to be useful, not just like a Warclaw in PvE.


I'm in favour of a ground-level endless hover feature, but otherwise, evidence suggests that this mount was never meant to be compulsory, but an extra bonus for those who played all of LWS4.


In that sense, I really do feel a level of guilt in all this.

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What I really find frustrating is the very slow reaction of the company. At this point they could have already done so much to mitigate the situation. They only said they'll improve the communication and fixed a couple of small oversights. I don't feel like the communication has improved.

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> @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > > > If you want to give negative feedback, let other people contradict said feedback. Especially when we're down a level where definition are twisted in such a way where they don't make sense anymore. Optional means you don't need it to progress in the game or do anything in the game. It does not mean that the requirements should be optional. Otherwise let's just unlock it all for everyone instantly and yeah have fun for 5 minutes and everyone finds someone else to complain about an hour later.

> > > > >

> > > > > People don't have to agree with you. You made your point but I don't happen to think it's valid. There is no "problem" because there's no constraint. You -choose- to stress yourself over rushing collections -if- you want it as fast as possible, but NOTHING forces you to but yourself.

> > > > >

> > > > > 1) Pretty much what is happening here.

> > > > > 2) That is factually true

> > > > > 3) Also factually true

> > > > > Nothing but to remind people that they get WAY over their head and blow things out of proportion as always. Which again, is a counter argument I'm allowed to make.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I'm not providing any negative feedback, (negative in light of the current state of the collection, albeit) the only thing I have done so far is explain what time-gates are, what they cause, and why they shouldn't be around for anything except Legendary-tier equipment and accessories. That is not negative feedback, it is simply feedback that a large chunk of people agree with.

> > > >

> > > > The only reason I have to keep explaining anything at all is because the same baseless arguments are being used that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual problem, literally beating around the bush instead of confronting what the issue is. By the time a full page of this thread is done everything has been explained, and then the next page starts and it's just a fresh hot-heap of a mess again with the same arguments and explanations that already took place 30 minutes ago.

> > > >

> > > > A time-gate is not a requirement, it's an artificial setback. If you seriously think it's a requirement to sit there on your thumbs all day, then you should start asking for more time-gated content on all new releases. If that makes you happy, then fine, but I seriously doubt you would want that.

> > > >

> > > > No one said to unlock it for everyone instantly, no one is talking about complaints about other mishaps in the past. This is something you have decided to discuss that doesn't have anything to do with the thread. We do not want to be instantly given the mount, most of us do not want the collections changed at all. We want the time constraints removed so it doesn't screw with out daily schedules. **Simple.**

> > > >

> > > > People don't have to agree with me, you're right. But at the same time if you're going to try and denounce valid points with nothing but stuffing you're pulling out of the "pillow that is yesterday," then... I'm going to again reiterate on my stance. Even if you fail to comprehend anything, maybe someone else will have the switch flip in their head where something finally registers correctly.

> > > >

> > > > This whole time constraint / time-gate issue has nothing to do with you or anyone who does not have a problem with it. If you do not have a problem with it and it has not bothered you because it never affected you **at all**, then honestly there is no reason to be here stirring a storm because you're bored. If the time constraint never bothered you now, then it's never going to bother you when it's removed. 1+1=2

> > > >

> > > > 1), 2), 3) ... in all honesty that just shows how much of a troll you are and why your responses have lacked any discussion-worthy material that is relevant to how tiem constraints do or do not affect your daily schedule. Why are you here?

> > >

> > > First, everytime someone calls someone else a troll over not agreeing with them, it doesn't make me want to try to make a step forward (which I've actually been doing earlier in this thread), even when I agree with them. This way of trying to win arguments has been a cancer fast spreading that has reached political spheres and is putting us in the situation we are in today, where no middle ground can ever be found. It leads nowhere to always assume that someone's motivation must be trolling, and even worse to try and stop them from talking.

> > >

> > > Second, you're illustrating perfectly in your first two paragraphs the issue with your approach. You start a conversation assuming to be a spreader of truth by "explaining" why something is wrong. There is no "I think" something wrong, only a "explanation".

> > > However, the actual "explanation" stops at what timegates are and how it might affect people. As soon as you bring a concept or good or bad, it becomes opinion and what you think is best with the experience you have.

> > > So your opinion seems to be that since it affects people in a bad way, they're doing it "wrong". I respect that, but my answer is basically always the same. You cannot please everyone. No matter their choice, gold sink, time sink, challenge, "insta reward", gem shop. Not matter, it WILL affect people negatively. So since your only point in your opinion is that it affects people who work a lot (not true for everyone) I therefore consider it invalid. Not a reading issue, a difference of opinions.

> > >

> > > As to the bold claim that it doesn't affect anyone else to remove timegates, this is where it get interesting.

> > > - Some people -actually- like timegates, it gives them time to breathe otherwise they would be doing stuff non stop. Some people cannot stop themselves. And before saying they need some self control, let me ask you if you agree that governments should regulate lootboxes (i'm not getting into that at all, but it's a remarkable way to test people consistency in what they think is "right"). To me, this "self control issue" is no better or worse than someone who feels sad because it will take them more time to get their content.

> > > - Timegates make sense for Anet at the end of a season, as there's most likely going to be a game between now and next episode, and they do want people to keep playing the game as much as possible (hence why, the collection goes everywhere, not just stick to the map). There again, players can argue that it's dumb, but statistically, even though I do not have proof of that, there are more players playing now, and spending money on gemstore, that there was a month ago and that there will be in a month or two.

> > > - As to why it impacts me, let me say that I want the game to live as long as possible as I enjoy it immensely, and I consider Anet's logic valid if their goal is to keep people in game. I do -not- like the timegate "for the timegate" and i've said it many times, but unless someone here comes with a crazy idea to ensure the game won't be bleeding people within the next few months before the next season, I'd much rather get a beefy, long lasting goal to look forward to to ensure i will stay motivated.

> > > And sorry to that, but when I'm balancing that to a few days of wait, I just can't help but considering the demand invalid.

> > > Oh and also, I'm tired of 'Eater of Souls' kind of outrages when something designed by Anet "needs" to be changed "absolutely" otherwise Revoluzion. Like there's a point where feedback turns into unhealthy anger and we are in it once again.

> > >

> > > And yeah well, 1) 2) 3) are still true, troll or not. The way people can start a general outrage over very little things is genuinely fascinating. Unlike you, I've made many steps forward by agreeing multiple time that yes marketing could have done a better job and yes timegate is not exactly "epic" but at the end of the day if you get down to the basics of the issue, the following statement applies: "It sucks, but is it really that bad?"

> >

> > I think a 4th point for this time gate is both the more natural feeling of the dragon growing up. (although it doesn't have to be at reset)

> > And as a fifth point that it boosts the charged crystal economy.


> So if they give the mount to people that complete the first part of the collection and make the rest towards something else, nothing really would change right ? There would be still timegated content for people that can't control themselves. This whole point about the mount having to be timegated makes no sense. They could just time gate content that already has a precedent , like ascended gear (the trinkets for example) . That way they can make the skygate just like the other mounts, a collection that can be quickly done. The whole issue here for those who haven't understood yet is that they decided to timegate something that has no precedent so far and did not announce it to the player base, so us that have to schedule our gameplay can do it properly. On top of that they tied to the daily resets, which blocks people from continue the collection even if they are 1 minute too late ( again happened to quite a lot of people) , which is just a frustrating experience.


> In short, we are not talking about whether content should be timegated or not, the game has plenty of timegated stuff already, we talking about a terrible system that can be improved so players don't have a terrible experience. Or would you actually enjoy being blocked for a whole day because of a couple of minutes, and on top of that, it was a day you took of work just to work on the content you got blocked ? Do you really think this is a enjoyable experience ?


I think some of the time gates are making it more enjoyable. And I know people who are profeting from the charged crystals.


I do think their are some improvements that can be made (like making the time gate in game days for example).


But to me most arguments against this time gate are not rational ones (the think about people who play very little makes no sense for example).

All arguments are mostly feelings arguments like I feel that I should rush.

These arguments are equally valid but I feel like it is important to also see the advantages

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> > Another thing I feel is necessary to mention is that PoF had rentable griffons in all PoF maps.

> >

> > Skyscale is only rentable in Dragonfall.


> Well, that makes sense lore wise. It's a new species.


It's also tied to the mists. Was created by the fall itself

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