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Gathering Information: Teal stuff

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There are three pages on the wiki dealing with teal items:


* [Teal Branded Mist](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Teal_Branded_Mist "Teal Branded Mist")

* [Teal Petal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Teal_Petal "Teal Petal")

* [Teal Bloom](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Teal_Bloom "Teal Bloom")


I'm trying to figure out how to improve the wiki's descriptions. Since they're so new, there's very little information on these. I'll summarize what we do know here:


1. Teal Branded Mists are obtained from Black Lion Chests. They give a chance to receive Teal Petals while adventuring.

2. Twelve Teal Petals can be combined together to become a Teal Bloom.


Here are some questions I came up with, but feel free to expand them:


* How do branded mists work?

* ^ Being a consumable, how long does the affect last? (Or, does it give you a bundle?)

* ^ Do you have to equip them as a bundle?

* ^ Or, do you have to have them in inventory?

* Can you get petals adventuring everywhere, or just certain maps.

* ^ Does that include WvW and PvP?

* Is the only purpose for petals and blooms to sell them?

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tl;dr it's not that complicated

**I recommend saving them for Halloween to goose your reward by an extra 6+ gold per hour (worth far less anywhere else I can think of).**


Open a chest, get a Branded Mist. Trigger it for a buff lasting 30 minutes that allows you to gain up to (and probably much fewer than) 60 petals worth 4s each (2.4g max) or combined into at most 5 blooms worth 1.08g each (5.2g max).


In e.g. the labyrinth farm, that probably will realistically work out to an extra 3-4 gold per BL chest; in other contexts, at most an extra 1.5-2 gold (probably). That translates to a bonus of 6-8g/hour (if you have enough) during Halloween and 3-5g (probably) anywhere else. (And less, if you use it indiscriminately.)




> Teal Branded Mists are obtained from Black Lion Chests. They give a chance to receive Teal Petals while adventuring.

> Twelve Teal Petals can be combined together to become a Teal Bloom.


I'd rephrase the summary as:

* Teal Branded Mists are a guaranteed drop from BL Chests.

* Use them to generate a buff that allows you to obtain Teal Petals from the same foes that drop other loot.

* Teal Petals have a vendor value of 4s and are trading on the TP for 13s each

* 12 Teal Petals can be combined into a Teal Bloom

* Blooms have a vendor value of 1.08g (9s/petal).


Your other questions are implied by the wiki already or have been answered on Reddit:

>! > How do branded mists work?

>! They are gizmos. Like any gizmo, you trigger, they create a temporary buff (duration unstated; on Reddit, it's confirmed for 30 minutes)


>! First or second kill will drop the first petal, then every 30 seconds or so.


>! > Do you have to equip them as a bundle?

>! Of course not; you wouldn't be able to engage in combat.

>! > Or, do you have to have them in inventory?

>! Of course not; the game can't know if you want to use them or not.

>! > Can you get petals adventuring everywhere, or just certain maps.

>! Of course. BL chests don't require owning an expansion.

>! > Does that include WvW and PvP?

>! WvW? of course

>! PvP? of course not, because (a) you can't use gizmos there and (b) there are no loot drops from foes..


>! > Is the only purpose for petals and blooms to sell them?

>! Yes, that's the stated purpose.



One question you didn't ask:

* Why can these be traded on the TP? Shouldn't the blooms be vendor junk?


##### Further Reading



* https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/botg6h/how_do_teal_branded_mists_work_heres_the_answer/


To reduce effort, here's the explanation from Reddit: >! >

> buy BL key, open BL chest

> use the teal branded mists. it lasts 30 min

> go kill [foes]. you will get Teal Petal

> kill lots of [foes], you will get lots of petal.

> double click to combine them into a flower and sell it to vendor for over a gold


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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76446/teal-branded-mists#latest

> >

> > Search function...amazing I know.


> Perhaps you could explain how that thread answers ANY of my questions. Or, either of the other two threads on this subject.


**Black Lion Chests** That right there told me enough about them. You buy keys to get this random drop boon to get drops to clutter your inventory, then compact them and sell for twice as much...

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76446/teal-branded-mists#latest

> > >

> > > Search function...amazing I know.

> >

> > Perhaps you could explain how that thread answers ANY of my questions. Or, either of the other two threads on this subject.


> **Black Lion Chests** That right there told me enough about them. You buy keys to get this random drop boon to get drops to clutter your inventory, then compact them and sell for twice as much...


It's not random, it's guaranteed. Replaces things like Minis, or Designated Map Material Bags, Lucky Envelopes, Wintersday Gifts, Trick-or-Treat Bags, etc.

Thank goodness we don't get Potions or Boosters for our guaranteed items, anymore.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I recommend saving them for Halloween to goose your reward by an extra 6+ gold per hour (worth far less anywhere else I can think of).

Thanks for the tip. I got some of these after opening chests for statuettes and I was wondering what's the best way to use them. Since I don't like farming normally but I always end up farming the Labyrinth at Halloween I'll save them to use then.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> One question you didn't ask:

> * Why can these be traded on the TP? Shouldn't the blooms be vendor junk?


Was there an answer to this? I've been wondering about that ever since I first saw these items, and wondering if anyone buys them.


I understand buying petals, if you buy them for less than 9s. Because then you could sell the blooms and make a profit. But I don't understand why anyone would buy blooms, and looking at the TP neither do most other people - there's no orders currently and in the entire time I've been looking the most I've seen at once was 6.


If it was simply a round-about way of getting more gold from black lion chests that would be fine, but making them tradable when they're effectively vendor trash seems very strange.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > * Why can these be traded on the TP? Shouldn't the blooms be vendor junk?


> Was there an answer to this? I've been wondering about that ever since I first saw these items, and wondering if anyone buys them.

I don't see that anyone has publicly reported it as a bug, so there has been no reason for ANet to take public notice.

(I confess: I haven't reported it either, mostly because I'm curious what the market might be for these. I suspect it was an oversight on someone's part; it wouldn't be the first time an item intended to be bound wound up being tradeable.)

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76446/teal-branded-mists#latest

> >

> > Search function...amazing I know.


> Perhaps you could explain how that thread answers ANY of my questions. Or, either of the other two threads on this subject.


It answered all the relevant questions actually, although not it the gory detail I provided above.

_30min, usable in any map. It gives you 4 silver trophy, which you can conbine 12 of them into a 1g X silver trophy. Aperently you can get only 1 drop every 30 sec though._


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Yeah I was thinking maybe speculating. If they serve some sort of purpose in the future I guess they will have to add an in game way to earn them. Otherwise people would complain about pay to win stuff. I'm going to hold on to mine until I see what the whole Skyscale collection is just in case. Especially since they added it during the Skycale (upcoming) release. Maybe it is part of it and includes some way to farm petals on the Skycale or something.

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