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> @elvenswordsmen.3975 said:

> The unsecured/public computer thing isn't actually the only reason to have an auto-logout.


Except this auto logout script only activates after leaving the page open with no activity, which is currently set for 24 hours. If they actually wanted to limit the session duration, they would do so. The old forums had sessions expire after 24 hours, whereas for these ones, I haven't had to login for 3 days and counting.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> Except this auto logout script only activates after leaving the page open with no activity, which is currently set for 24 hours. If they actually wanted to limit the session duration, they would do so. The old forums had sessions expire after 24 hours, whereas for these ones, I haven't had to login for 3 days and counting.


You know, that's an excellent point. Having to have the tab open for the it to kick you for inactivity is a large hole in the auto-logout logic, regardless of which reason(s) they're limiting it. I wouldn't be surprised if that's on their bug tracker; probably should be if it isn't.


@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" It probably still works that way. What I meant was, you use the same credentials to log in to the forums as you do GW2, and you don't have to create a separate account. Thus, on some level, they must be related/linked.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Yep, yep -- that was a nuisance!


> We just made a change, and although we need to have a log-out system for security reasons, the time has been bumped considerably and it's not likely you'll find yourself out, looking in, nearly as much in the future.


> Thanks for your feedback on this!


Thank's Gaile, I look forward to seeing the change in action (personally)!

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Are forum accounts really connected to game accounts? Because, at least before, if you were logged into the forum, you still had to log into 'My Account' or your game account because they were different.


idk about you, but my forum login and account login are required to be the same...

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Yes, they use the same password and email address, but logging into one doesn't log you into the other.


It does. They're separate sessions however, so you can logout of your account while still remaining on the forums, whereas logging out of the forums also logs you out of your account, otherwise it'd simply log back in. The account management session seems to expire after about 30 minutes however, but during that time, you can bypass the login at buy.guildwars2.com and access your billing info.

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  • 3 years later...

It is annoying. Seems like I get logged out every day ... now. I had times where I could stay logged in for a few more days. Weird thing: I logged in yesterday earlier during the day. Then today morning ... I still had been logged in. I made a post ... and now ... less than an hour later ... I was logged out.


Why can I stay logged in for about a day at some times? And at other times shortly after I made a post (which should mean new activity = resetting the timer) I get logged out again? Weird isn't it?


Edit: Maye it really is because of the tabs? Had one where I didn't check regularly? But that is weird ... wouldn't that mean the system is client side? If the server checked he should have the activity regardless of the tabs. (And server-side checking would be more safe.)

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> Edit: Maye it really is because of the tabs? Had one where I didn't check regularly? But that is weird ... wouldn't that mean the system is client side? If the server checked he should have the activity regardless of the tabs. (And server-side checking would be more safe.)


There's a script in the background that will eventually cause you to logout. It's a simple countdown timer and will only reset if you refresh the page, so if you open 2 tabs and ignore one, that ignored tab will eventually cause you to log out.


You can prevent this by blocking:



Doing this allows you to stay logged in for 30 days at a time, at which point your login session expires on the server's side.

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