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Episode 6 Guild Chat this Friday: We want your questions for the devs!

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1. Why didn't Kralkatorik eat Aurene or consume her power, so far he has done that with every powerful magical object/subject, he can certainly feel her presence?

2. Why is Kralkatorik running from us when he can just blast us with his insane power, if they answer is he didn't want to kill us what made him change his mind since end of episode 5?


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Tell ya what, I've got some questions of my own.

1. Are there any intentions to add depth to the Underworld, Fissure of Woe, and Melandru's domain areas of Dragonfall? (As in lore, references to GW1 events that took place in them, notable characters from these realms like The Four Horsemen)

2. Will there be efforts to improve depth of lore in the future?

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I have a question about Dragonfall.


I'm a Norn player and I very much enjoy Norn Lore as well as the Spirits of the Wild.


Within Melandru's Grove there are 'Spectral Bears' and 'Spectral Stalkers'.. are these in anyway related to the Spirits of the Wild? Like Bear Spirit and Snow Leopard Spirit?

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:


> I think you missed that Kralkatorik flew through those god realms, balthazar, grenth and melandru, before Aurene forced him out. Dragonfall is pretty much formed from god realm islands falling from the mists.


Thanks! That makes a lot of sense. I was too busy experiencing the fight to retain some details :)

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